マリオ vs. ドンキーコング モダンなリメイクとイライラする欠点


Mario vs. Donkey Kong Remake Missed Big Opportunity

🎮 Highlights 🎮

  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong adds modern comforts like extra worlds, co-op, and Casual mode for accessibility.
  • Post-game escort missions in the remake could have used modern tweaks for player satisfaction.
  • Mini-Marios in the escort missions behave erratically and inconsistently, creating frustration for players.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong, the beloved 2004 game, has received a modern makeover in its remake. While many aspects of the game have been given new life, there is one area that could have used more attention – the post-game escort missions.

💥 Why Post-Game Escort Missions Should’ve Been Revamped 💥

After beating the initial eight worlds, players unlock an additional 48 puzzle levels in the form of the “+”’ worlds. These stages are concise and fit neatly into a single screen, unlike the typical two-screen levels found in the base game. The gameplay also shifts to Mini-guiding stages, where Mario must guide a Mini-Mario with a key to the exit. While these missions provide additional content, they would have greatly benefited from modern changes.

The Problem with Escort Missions

Escort missions have long been the enemy of gamers, thanks to games like Resident Evil 4 where they became infamous. These missions strip away player agency by introducing an AI companion that players can’t fully control. In solo missions, players feel responsible for their own failures. However, with an AI companion that doesn’t perceive threats like the player does, frustration ensues. These companions often make foolish decisions that lead to their own demise, leaving players seething with anger.

😓 Sensitive Mini-Marios 😓

Despite the issues with escort missions, the new levels in Mario vs. Donkey Kong are generally fun and challenging. The concept of remixing previous stages to create fresh experiences is commendable. However, the AI of the Mini-Marios could have shown some modernization as well. While undeniably cute, these clockwork plumbers are far too sensitive to Mario’s movements. Even the slightest miscalculation can send a Mini-Mario plummeting into a pit of spikes. Keeping track of both characters in the midst of complex puzzles becomes even more demanding with the Mini-Marios’ erratic behavior. It would have been wise for the remake to give them some self-preservation instincts, making them endearing rather than scream-inducing.

💥 Inconsistent Mini-Marios 💥

In addition to their sensitivity, Mini-Marios exhibit frustrating inconsistency. They may jump over small gaps in one level but fall right down in another, despite the player moving in the same way. This lack of reliability hampers the unique puzzles found in Mario vs. Donkey Kong. The game often rewards lateral thinking, but that approach only works when the player’s tools are consistent and dependable.

📦 Additional Concerns: Q&A 📦

Q: Are there any other changes or updates in the remake of Mario vs. Donkey Kong? A: Yes, aside from the post-game escort missions, the remake introduces extra worlds, a time attack mode, co-op play, and a Casual mode for increased accessibility.

Q: Can you play as any other characters besides Mario in co-op mode? A: In co-op mode, players can join as Toad, who can traverse through 1-block tall gaps and trigger the appearance of a silver key in certain levels.

Q: Are there any strategies or tips for successfully completing the escort missions? A: While the Mini-Marios’ behavior can be unpredictable, patience and careful observation will greatly help in guiding them through the levels. Take your time to analyze the puzzle’s mechanics before making any moves.

🔗 References 🔗

  1. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: A Classic Reimagined
  2. The Art of Escort Missions in Video Games
  3. The Challenges of Implementing AI Companions
  4. Mastering Puzzle Games: Tips and Tricks
  5. The Evolution of Mario vs. Donkey Kong


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