🕷 マーベルのスパイダーマン2:ウェブスリングウガードローブのアップデート! 🕸



Spider-Man fans rejoice! Exciting news for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 new suits and New Game Plus mode are on the way! 🕷️🎮 #SpiderMan2 #GamingNews

Are you ready to swing back into action with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2? Well, get ready for some exciting news, because a beefy update is on its way to give you even more reasons to don the spidey suit and take to the streets of New York City!

🎆 New Suits and Game Mode Unlocked 🎮

In this catchily-titled Update 1.002, launching on March 7th, you’ll be able to unlock a whole wardrobe of new suits and experience a fresh New Game Plus mode. This means that you can carry over your favorite suits and unlocked abilities to a brand new save file, allowing you to replay the game with a higher level of difficulty.

The update will introduce Ultimate Levels and Golden Gadget styles, giving you even more options to customize your spidey experience. And for those following Peter’s symbiote story suit, new suit styles and custom colors for your symbiote abilities will be available as well. It’s like having a whole new set of web-shooting tools at your disposal!

🎭 Marvel’s Hellfire Gala Looks and More! 🎉

But that’s not all, dear web-slingers! The update will also bring the much-awaited Marvel’s Hellfire Gala looks for both Peter and Miles. Talk about bringing the heat to the streets of NYC! The night skies will be ablaze with fashion-forward crime-fighting action.

And let’s not forget about Photo Mode! Once you’ve completed the game’s story, you’ll have the power to change the time of day in your snapshots. Want a sunrise-filled skyline behind your spidey-selfie? No problem! The improved accessibility options, such as audio descriptions and a screen reader, will also make the game more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone.

💰 Support a Cause, Get Suits Early 💪🏽

Now, here’s a chance to be a true hero both in and out of the game. If you choose to donate $5 (UK price to be announced), you’ll have early access to another pair of suits for Peter and Miles, known as the Fly N’ Fresh Suit Pack. 100% of the donations made in the US before April 5th will go to Gameheads, a charity that supports low-income and underrepresented students in pursuing careers in video games. So, not only will you look cool in those new suits, but you’ll also be helping aspiring game developers achieve their dreams.

And don’t worry if you can’t donate, because these suits will become available for free to all Spider-Man 2 owners at a later date. So, everyone will get their chance to be fly and fresh in the world of Marvel’s Spider-Man!

📢 Critics Raving About Spider-Man 2 🤩

But wait, there’s more! Critics have been singing praises for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 as well. According to Eurogamer’s own Chris Tapsell, the game is “a little simple and a little over-stuffed, but above all, a game of immense charm and fluid, free-form style”. So, if you haven’t swung into action yet, now’s the perfect time to join the web-slinging party.

Watch the Spider-Man 2 gameplay reveal trailer here: 🎥 Watch on YouTube

🗂️ Additional Information and Q&A 🤔

🕸️ Q: Will the new suits have unique abilities or powers?

A: While the specific details of the new suits’ powers have not been revealed, we can expect some exciting surprises. Insomniac Games has a history of crafting suits with unique abilities, so keep an eye out for any web-slinging tricks up their digital sleeves!

🎮 Q: Can I use the new suits in the main story or just in New Game Plus?


A: ゲーム全体で新しいスーツを使用できます。つまり、悪党を追いかけるか、街を探検するかにかかわらず、NYCの通りをスタイリッシュに駆け巡ることができます!

🌃 Q: アップデート1.002には他にどんなアップデートや機能が含まれていますか?

A: はい! スーツとNew Game Plusモードに加えて、このアップデートでは写真モードの改善が行われます。スナップショットで時間帯を変更できるようになります。さらに、オーディオの説明やスクリーンリーダーなど、アクセシビリティのオプションが強化され、すべてのプレイヤーにとってより包括的なゲームになります。

🧡 Q: Gameheadsに寄付して彼らの使命を支援する方法は?

A: Gameheadsをサポートしたい方は、Fly N’ Fresh Suit Packを通じて寄付できます。5ドルを寄付することで(イギリス価格未定)、限定のスーツに早期アクセスできます。また、4月5日までの期間中、米国内で寄付された全額がGameheadsに寄付されます。ゲーミングへの愛情を示し、コミュニティに還元するチャンスです!

  1. Eurogamer’s Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 レビュー
  2. Marvel’s Spider-Man 公式ウェブサイト
  3. Insomniac Games 公式ウェブサイト
  4. Gameheads 公式ウェブサイト
  5. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Miles Morales レビューとゲームプレイ

🌟 スパイディーの愛を共有しよう! 🌟

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2に関するエキサイティングなニュースをすべて把握したら、情報を広める時間です!この記事を友達と共有し、お気に入りのゲームグループに送り、スパイディーが再び街に登場することをみんなに知らせましょう。みんなで楽しんで楽しい一日を過ごしましょう!


あ、そうそう、こちらでSpider-Man 2のゲームプレイのリベールトレーラーも見てみてください:🎥 YouTube で視聴 🎥

元の記事の出典: Eurogamer
