🛡️ Minecraft の鎧装飾を使いこなそう!🎨



Minecraft Smithing Templates

Smithing Template Minecraft

Attention all Minecraft players! Brace yourselves for a whole new level of armor customization. In a recent update, a fantastic new feature has been introduced: armor trims. These trims allow you to add unique patterns to your armor, making each set truly one-of-a-kind. It’s time to unleash your creativity and show off your style in the pixelated world of Minecraft!

But before you dive into the realm of armor trims, let’s break down everything you need to know. From locating rare armor templates to the materials required for duplication, this guide has got you covered. So grab your pickaxe, put on your diamond helmet, and let’s explore the exciting world of Minecraft armor trims!

Getting to Know the Trims: Variety at Your Fingertips 🌈

The first step in the realm of armor customization is understanding the different trims available. Each trim adds a unique pattern to your armor, making it visually striking. The following are the trims you can find in Minecraft:

  • Silence: Found in Ancient Cities, Silence allows you to make Quartz and Emerald armor truly shine.
  • Host: Also found in Trail Ruins, Host adds straight bands around the helmet, chest, and legs.
  • Shaper: Located in Trail Ruins, Shaper gives your armor a military uniform-like appearance, with shoulder pads and buttons.
  • Raiser: Found in Trail Ruins as well, Raiser is inspired by the Ancient Pot shards and adds a unique desGameTopic.
  • Wayfinder: Get ready to explore the new Trail Ruins to find Wayfinder, a trim with vivid colors and a lot of character.
  • Spire: Discovered in End City structures, Spire perfectly captures the essence of these towering buildings.
  • Eye: Retrieve Eye from End Strongholds to add a mystical touch to your armor, perfect for aspiring wizards and warlocks.
  • Snout: Found only in Bastion Remnants, Snout pays homage to the snouts of the Piglins, adding a touch of mod desGameTopic.
  • Rib: Journey to Nether Fortresses to find Rib. Inspired by Wither Skeletons, it adds a skeletal touch without going overboard.
  • Vex: Prepare for a challenging adventure to locate Woodland Mansions, where Vex awaits. This trim mimics the appearance of the Vex mobs.
  • Ward: Discover Warden-inspired Ward in Ancient Cities, completing your armor with a pattern reminiscent of the boss’s chest.
  • Tide: Dive deep into the ocean to find Ocean Monuments, where Tide adds an Atlantean touch to your armor.
  • Wild: Head into the jungles to locate Jungle Temples and find Wild, a trim that adds a stylish band around your armor sets.
  • Coast: Wrecked ships are your destination for Coast. These structures add thick bands around the armor, perfect for ocean-themed builds.
  • Dune: Adventuring through Desert Pyramids will lead you to Dune. This trim adds vibrant colors, especially on the chest plate.
  • Sentry: Pillager Outposts are where you’ll find Sentry. It’s a tamer desGameTopic but still adds a stylish touch with a band around the arms, helmet, and boots.
  • Netherite Upgrade Template (17): Upgrade your Diamond armor to Netherite using templates found in Bastion Remnants.

These armor trims open up endless possibilities for expressing your style and individuality in the blocky world of Minecraft. Find the trims that resonate with you, embark on thrilling adventures to secure them, and let your creativity run wild!

Unearthing the Templates: Hidden Gems in the World of Minecraft 🗺️

Sentry Armor Trim

Before you start customizing your armor, you need to locate the templates that unlock the trims. Here are the various locations where you can discover these precious templates:


  1. Netherite Upgrade Template – Location: Bastion Remnants

The Netherite Upgrade Template is an essential template if you want to upgrade your Diamond armor to Netherite, unlocking its full potential. You can find this template in the treacherous Bastion Remnants of the Nether realm. Traverse the dangerous landscape, defeat powerful foes, and claim the Netherite Upgrade Template as your own.

  1. Sentry – Location: Pillager Outpost

For the tamer yet stylish Sentry trim, head to the Pillager Outposts. These structures, though not too hard to find, are guarded by crossbow-wielding pillagers. Defend yourself against their onslaught, locate just one Sentry template, and replicate it to your heart’s content using cobblestone and diamonds.

  1. Dune – Location: Desert Pyramids

Embrace the sandy desGameTopic of Minecraft by searching through Desert Pyramids. Be cautious of TNT traps hidden within these structures. Once you find the Dune Armor Trim template, combine it with diamonds and sandstone to replicate its striking pattern.

  1. Coast – Location: Shipwrecks

Explore the depths of Minecraft’s oceans and hunt for Shipwrecks. Within these watery graves of sailors lies the Coast Armor Trim template. Watch out for the drowned lurking around these structures, armed with their tridents. Combine the template with cobblestone to unlock the oceanic essence of Coast.

  1. Wild – Location: Jungle Temples

Wild Armor Trim

Embark on an expedition deep into the heart of the jungles to locate Jungle Temples. Inside, you’ll discover the Wild Armor Trim template. Beware of any traps set to protect the temple’s treasures. Gather mossy cobblestone, diamonds, and the template to recreate this stunning trim and unleash your wild side.

  1. Tide – Location: Ocean Monuments

If you’re ready for a rare encounter, set your sights on Ocean Monuments. These majestic structures can be found in the vast oceans of Minecraft. Dive into the depths and navigate through the labyrinth of chambers. Overcome the Elder Guardian’s challenges and secure the Tide Armor Trim template. Combine it with prismarine and diamonds to create armor that resonates with the ancient tales of the sea.

  1. Ward – Location: Ancient Cities

Prepare for a deep descent into the underworld of Minecraft as you hunt for Ancient Cities. Beware of the lurking skulk while exploring this ancient architecture. Inside an Ancient City, you’ll find the Ward Armor Trim template hiding within a chest. To replicate its unique pattern, gather cobbles deepslate, diamonds, and the template itself.

  1. Vex – Location: Woodland Mansions

Calling all brave adventurers! Seek out the elusive Woodland Mansions, structures that are incredibly hard to find. By locating one, you’ll be rewarded with the Vex Armor Trim template. This trim mimics the appearance of the vex mobs, adding a touch of mystery to your armor. Combine the template with cobblestone to replicate this fascinating desGameTopic.

  1. Rib – Location: Nether Fortresses

Rib Armor Trim

Venture into the Nether and explore the treacherous Nether Fortresses. Hidden within these dark and dangerous structures, you’ll find the Rib Armor Trim template. This trim is a nod to the Wither Skeletons that roam the Nether. Use netherrack to duplicate the template and reinforce your armor with a skeletal touch.

  1. Snout – Location: Bastion Remnants

Piglins and their snouts are the inspiration for the Snout Armor Trim. Journey into the Bastion Remnants within the Nether and search for this unique template. Remember, Piglins are friendly to players wearing gold armor, but they’ll be angry if you loot their chests. Use blackstone and the template to embrace the snout desGameTopic and stand out from the crowd.


  1. Eye – Location: End Stronghold

Eye Armor Trim


  1. Spire – Location: End City


  1. Wayfinder – Location: Trail Ruins

Wayfinder Armor Trim


  1. Raiser – Location: Trail Ruins


  1. Shaper – Location: Trail Ruins

Shaper Armor Trim


  1. Host – Location: Trail Ruins


  1. Silence – Location: Ancient Cities

Silence Armor Trim

最後になりますが、サイレンスは古代都市で待っています。これらの神秘的な構造物を静かに航行する必要から命名されたこのトリムは、際立った色を主要な特徴とします。セレクト ディープスレート、ダイヤモンド、そしてシレンスアーマートリムテンプレートを集め、そのポテンシャルを十分に引き出してください。サイレンスを身につければ、あなたの鎧はMinecraftの騒々しい世界で静寂のオーラを放ちます。

Duplication: Let Your Creativity Thrive 🎨


  • テンプレート
  • ダイヤモンド(7個)
  • テンプレートに特有のブロック:
    • ウェイファインダー、ライザー、シェイパー、ホストのためのテラコッタ
    • セントリーおよびヴェクスのためのコブルストーン
    • デューンのための砂岩
    • タイドのためのプリズマリン
    • ウォードおよびサイレンスのためのブラックコブルーストーン
    • スナウトのためのネザーラック
    • リブのためのエンドストーン


これらの素材を手に入れたら、アーマートリムを複製する準備が整いました。 テンプレート、ダイヤモンド、および対応するブロックを鍛冶台で組み合わせ、装備セットのフルポテンシャルを引き出すことができます。 トリムを自由に組み合わせて、個性やスタイルを反映した組み合わせを作成してください。

Minecraftには無限の可能性があり、アーマーはあなたの想像力のキャンバスとなることができます。 カスタマイズの芸術を受け入れ、異なるトリムを試して、アーマーが独自の傑作になる様子を見てください。

追加の懸念:あなたの熱い質問に答えます 🔥

Minecraftのアーマートリムの世界に飛び込む際に、追加の質問や懸念を抱えるかもしれません。 ここではいくつかの一般的な疑問に対する回答があります:

Q: すべてのトリムを入手できますか?

A: はい!忍耐と探検を兼ね備えれば、すべての17種類のアーマートリムを集めることができます。 一部はウッドランドマンションを見つけたり、トレイルルインを探索したりすると追加の努力が必要かもしれませんが、その旅こそが楽しみの一部です!

Q: 複製に必要なブロックに他の用途はありますか?

A: 複製に必要なブロックは主にテンプレートの複製に使用されますが、テーマを追加するために建物に組み込むこともできます。 たとえば、テラコッタは鮮やかで砂漠のテーマを持つ構造を強化し、深層のコブルズは地下の創作物に深みと神秘を加えます。

Q: アーマートリムを異なるアーマーに転送できますか?

A: 確かに!アーマーアイテムにトリムを適用した後は、常にアンビルを使用して他のアイテムに転送できます。 この柔軟性により、さまざまな組み合わせを試して、常にアーマーセットを進化させることができます。

今や知識と道具が揃ったので、Minecraftの世界で創造力を解放する時がきました。 アーマーセットをカスタマイズし、息をのむようなアンサンブルを作成し、ユニークなスタイルを反映した冒険を始めましょう。

Minecraftの最良の部分は、他の人とあなたの創造物を共有することです。 あなたの見事なアーマーのスクリーンショットを撮影し、ソーシャルメディアでハッシュタグ#MinecraftArmorTrimsと共に共有してください。 世界があなたの創造力に驚嘆するのを見ましょう!

記事の最終更新:2024年2月21日、Ben Painter執筆


Minecraftで創造力を解放する準備はできていますか? 以下のコメントであなたの考え、お気に入りのアーマートリム、そして壮大なアーマーの組み合わせを共有してください! 🎮✨



⭐️ もし記事が楽しかったら、ソーシャルメディアで友達と共有するのを忘れないでください! ⭐️