Monster Hunter Stories RemasterがNintendo Switchに登場 – GameTopic

『モンスターハンター ストーリーズ』の3DS専用ファンにとっては、うれしいニュースがあります!2024年夏にニンテンドースイッチにも登場します!お気に入りのモンスターたちと新しい冒険に出かけ、スイッチバージョンの魅力ある世界に没頭しましょうまだ発売をお見逃しなく!この非常に期待されるリリースを体験し、ゲーム体験をさらに楽しんでください』


Save Time and Conquer Monsters! Monster Hunter Stories Arrives on Nintendo Switch! 🎮

Are you ready to embark on an epic adventure through a colorful world filled with majestic monsters? Well, get your hunting gear ready because Monster Hunter Stories is making its way to the Nintendo Switch in the summer of 2024! 🌟

✨ A New Era of Monster Hunting Begins ✨

Announced during the electrifying Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase on February 21, Monster Hunter Stories will make a grand entrance with full voice acting and stunning high-definition visuals. It’s like stepping into a fantasy realm where every detail comes to life!

But that’s not all, folks. The remaster will also introduce an in-game museum where players can marvel at breathtaking artwork and immerse themselves in the game’s sensational soundtrack. It’s a treat for the eyes and ears!

🛡️ Expanded Content for Western Players 🛡️

If you’re a fan of the Monster Hunter series, you know that Japan often gets special treatment when it comes to content. But this time, the tables have turned! Western players will finally be able to enjoy new content previously exclusive to the Japanese version of the 3DS game. It’s like getting an extra slice of cake at a birthday party!

🌍 A World of Adventure Awaits 🌍

Get ready to explore a vast and exhilarating realm where humans and monsters coexist. In this hidden village, known for its unique customs, Monster Riders form unbreakable bonds with their Monsties. Instead of hunting them, they team up and use the power of kinship stones to journey together. It’s like having your own fearsome fighting companion by your side!

Together, you’ll engage in thrilling battles, hatch Monstie eggs, and customize your loyal companion to suit your style. It’s not just a game; it’s a chance to forge everlasting friendships with legendary creatures. 🤝

🎮 Critics Rave About Monster Hunter Stories 🎮

Don’t just take our word for it! GameTopic, in their 8/10 review, declared, “Monster Hunter Stories is so much more than just a spin-off, deserving the attention of both RPG and Monster Hunter fans alike.” So, if you’re skeptical, let the experts convince you to jump into this magnificent world of monsters and heroes!

👀 What Else Was Announced? 👀

The Nintendo Direct had plenty of exciting announcements to leave us in awe. Alongside the revelation of Monster Hunter Stories, gamers were treated to news about a new Super Monkey Ball, a sensational remake of Epic Mickey, and even the mind-blowing revelation that the first Xbox games are coming to the Switch! It was a virtual smorgasbord of gaming goodness!

🔗 Check out everything announced during the Nintendo Direct:

Now that you’re hyped for the arrival of Monster Hunter Stories on the Switch, make sure to stay updated with the latest gaming news. The world of gaming is constantly evolving, and you don’t want to miss a single exciting detail. So grab your controller and dive into the action!

🌐 Additional Information 🌐

Q: Is Monster Hunter Stories a standalone game or connected to the main Monster Hunter series?

A: While Monster Hunter Stories is set in the same universe as the main series, it offers a unique gameplay experience. Instead of the traditional hunting-focused gameplay, it focuses on turn-based battles and a deeper narrative. It’s like a fresh spin-off tale that will captivate both longtime fans and newcomers!

Q: Can I transfer my progress from the 3DS version to the Nintendo Switch version?

A: Unfortunately, progress cannot be directly transferred between the 3DS and Nintendo Switch versions of Monster Hunter Stories. However, fear not! This gives you the perfect opportunity to start your journey afresh and experience all the enhanced features and new content the Switch version has to offer.

Q: Will Monster Hunter Stories on Nintendo Switch have online multiplayer features?

A: Monster Hunter Stories on Nintendo Switch will not have traditional online multiplayer features. However, you can still connect and share Monstie eggs with friends locally through the game’s co-op mode. So gather your companions around a table, crack open those eggs, and let the adventures begin!

Q: Are there any plans for downloadable content (DLC) for Monster Hunter Stories on Switch?

A: As of now, no specific plans for downloadable content have been announced. But with the success and popularity of the game, it wouldn’t be surprising if Capcom decides to expand the Monster Hunter Stories universe with exciting DLC in the future. Keep your fingers crossed!


Q: モンスターハンターストーリーズ Nintendo Switch 版 用のコレクターズエディションや特別な商品はありますか?

A: 現時点で、モンスターハンターストーリーズ Nintendo Switch版 用のコレクターズエディションや特別商品に関する情報はありません。ただし、ゲームのリリースを祝う限定版の商品や独占アイテムを紹介する可能性があるため、発表と公式のカプコン商品に注目してください。

💬 会話に参加 💬

モンスターハンターストーリーズ Nintendo Switch版 の登場にわくわくしていますか?どんな機能が一番楽しみですか?ぜひご意見を共有し、仲間のゲーマーにもお知らせしてください。最高のモンスターハンティング体験にしましょう!


  1. Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase
  2. GameTopic’s 8/10 review of Monster Hunter Stories
  3. Everything announced during the Nintendo Direct
  4. New Super Monkey Ball
  5. Epic Mickey remake
  6. The first Xbox games coming to Switch
  7. Image Source – Nintendo [image description]
  8. Video Source – YouTube

📢 モンスターを狩る準備の時間です! 🐉

モンスターハンターストーリーズ Nintendo Switch版 の興奮を友達に伝えましょう!モンスターライダーとして一致団結し、ソーシャルメディアで興奮を共有しましょう。仲間のゲーマーでありモンスター愛好家の友人をタグ付けするのを忘れずに。ハッピー・ハンティング! 🎉🎮✨

[Twitter]: “戦いに乗り出し、獰猛なモンスターを手懐ける準備を!モンスターハンターストーリーズ Nintendo Switch版への導入に乗じて、私たちはもっと興奮していません!🐉🎮 他に類を見ない冒険に乗り出し、モンスターと絆を結びます。一緒に乗り込むのは誰ですか? #MonsterHunterStories #NintendoSwitch”

[Facebook]: “狩人と冒険家の皆さん! Nintendo Switchのモンスターハンターストーリーズの世界を巡る壮大な旅に備えてください!🌍🎮 モンスティエッグを孵化させ、忠実な同僚をカスタマイズし、スリリングな戦いに立ち向かいましょう。友人とニュースを共有し、一緒にこの壮大な冒険に飛び込みましょう! #MonsterHunterStories #NintendoSwitch”

[Instagram]: “すべてのモンスターリーダーに呼びかけます!📢 モンスターハンターストーリーズがNintendo Switchに駆け込み、魅力的な戦いと忘れられない友情をもたらします。🐉🎮 あなたのゲームセットアップの写真を撮って、この新しいリリースに対する興奮を披露してください。私たちをタグ付けして、公式ハッシュタグ #MonsterHunterStories を使用して会話に参加してください!連帯の力を解き放ちましょう! ✨💪”

🌐 接続を保ち、ゲームを続けましょう! 🌐
