忍者の夢 未実現の可能性


7 Naruto Characters Who Couldn’t Make It as Jonin

Naruto Hinata Hyuga


7. Hinata Hyuga – 忍者を諦めた



6. Kiba Inuzuka – ランクの更新はされていない

NarutoのTsume Inuzuka

もう1人のTeam 8のメンバーであるキバは、高い希望を持った熟練した戦士でした。オリジナルのNarutoシリーズで中忍試験に参加しましたが、その時点では中忍に昇進しませんでした。しかし、Narutoのタイムスキップ中にキバは中忍の地位を獲得しました。


5. Shino Aburame – アカデミーのインストラクターになる




4. リン・ノハラ – 第3次忍界大戦で死亡




3. イルカ・ウミノ – アカデミーのインストラクターでした



Iruka, who held a special place in Naruto Uzumaki’s heart, was an early guide for the young ninja. Sadly, Iruka’s strength didn’t match his inspirational abilities. As a Chunin, his potential remained capped.

Though he never became a Jonin, Iruka’s support and mentorship played a crucial role in Naruto’s development. His kindness and compassion made him an irreplaceable figure in Naruto’s life, despite his limitations as a ninja.

2. Choji Akimichi – Current Rank Hasn’t Been Updated

Choji in Naruto

Choji, a member of Team 10, showcased his brilliance as a ninja, especially when food was on the line. Although he succumbed to defeat during the first Chunin exams against Dosu, he later became a successful Chunin after participating in a subsequent Chunin exam during the timeskip.

However, Choji’s progress stagnated after that. Despite gaining a powerful butterfly mode during the Fourth Great Ninja War, he didn’t see much combat. In the Boruto era, he proudly maintains his Chunin rank but stands as one of Konoha’s most dependable individuals.

1. Obito Uchiha – Could Have Been a Kage

Obito smirking as he attacks the Allied Shinobi forces

Obito Uchiha, once an aspiring Hokage, possessed incredible ninja abilities. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when he was presumed dead during the Third Great Ninja War. Rescued and manipulated by Madara, Obito’s dreams were twisted into a mission of darkness.

Rather than returning to the village after Rin’s death, Obito succumbed to the allure of the dark side. His path took him away from his potential as a Chunin, forever sealing his fate. It’s a tragic story of how someone with the potential to become a Kage got lost along the way.

Despite their unfulfilled potential in terms of ranking, these ninjas remain integral parts of the Naruto world. Each character’s journey reflects different aspects of human struggle and sacrifice, reminding us that the pursuit of greatness isn’t always straightforward. Whether as a Chunin, a teacher, or a fallen hero, their stories inspire us to appreciate the journey, rather than just the destination.

💡 Q&A: More Insights into the Ninja World

Q: Are there any other characters in Naruto who didn’t become Jonin?

A: Yes, there are several characters like Tenten, Shikamaru Nara, and Rock Lee, who didn’t reach the rank of Jonin. However, each of them has contributed significantly to their respective teams and the overall storyline.

Q: What is the significance of being a Jonin in the Naruto world?

A: Becoming a Jonin signifies not only extraordinary combat skills but also exceptional leadership abilities. Jonin rank allows ninjas to take on higher-level missions, mentor younger ninjas, and make important decisions for their village. It’s a position of great responsibility and honor.

Q: Are there any characters in Naruto who exceeded the rank of Jonin?

A: Yes, a few exceptional ninjas surpassed the rank of Jonin. Characters like Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, and Minato Namikaze held prestigious titles such as Hokage or served as upper-level commanders in the ninja world.

For more fascinating insights into the Naruto universe, check out these links:

  1. The Legendary Hokage: Examining Naruto’s Most Iconic Leaders
  2. The Art of Ninja Combat: Exploring the Fierce Battles in Naruto
  3. Power and Potential: Unveiling the True Strengths of Hidden Villages
  4. The Evolution of Naruto: From Misfit to Legendary Hero
  5. Embracing the Shinobi Way: Lessons in Ninja Philosophy


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