
アルゼンチン拠点の開発会社Robi Studiosが、セカンドゲーム『ソーラー・レイダーズ』をリリーススペース・パイレーツをテーマにした3Dバレットヘル・ローグライト


Upcoming game Solar Raiders aims to make waves in 2025.

If you’re looking for a game that combines the best elements of 3D bullet hells, roguelites, party games, and frenetic shooters, then look no further than Solar Raiders. This indie space piracy game is set to launch in 2025 and promises to be a smash-and-grab hit with players.

A Social-FIRST Gameplay Experience

After the success of their first game, Blue Fire, Robi Studios has learned valuable lessons that they’re applying to Solar Raiders. One of the studio’s crucial takeaways was the importance of studying player interactions. With a more social-first gameplay experience in mind, Solar Raiders puts a strong emphasis on player interactions.

To give players a taste of what’s to come, Robi Studios released a demo on Steam that allows gamers to embark on raids towards the Solar Core, a year ahead of the game’s official release. This demo offers a glimpse into the unique gameplay loop of this social shooter.

How to Steal a Solar Core

In Solar Raiders, raids take approximately an hour to complete and are divided into five stages. Each stage is filled with bullet hell-style fights that will remind players of the intense boss battles seen in Nier: Automata. Between stages, raiders are presented with a mission map that offers choices. Players can opt for the direct route that rewards them with currency or take on a mini arena battle for greater rewards, but at the risk of wiping out the party and ending the raid.

Currency earned from raids, successful or not, can be spent on a variety of items back on the ship of the notorious space pirate, Big Boss. From weapons and cosmetics to emotes and perks, there’s no shortage of options to customize your raider. But don’t be fooled, the arsenal you bring into a raid is just the tip of the iceberg.

“When you start a raid, you’ll begin with your trusty base gun, which has unlimited ammo. But fear not! You’ll quickly stumble upon new equipment in the next two or three rooms. There’s a staggering variety of weapons, ranging from melee weapons to the downright bizarre and funny ones. We wanted players to have unique and unconventional tools at their disposal.” – Gabriel Rosa, CEO of Robi Studios.

These weapons can be paired with perks and skills to create unique builds for each raid. Perks provide passive bonuses to various gameplay functions, while skills are situational abilities that have distinct effects on a cooldown. The possibilities are endless, allowing for some unexpectedly deadly combinations. One developer from Robi Studios even managed to turn a joke weapon, a clap dealing negligible damage at point-blank range, into a deadly applause with defensive skills and damage-boosting perks.

An Up Close and Personal Smash and Grab

Solar Raiders actively encourages an aggressive playstyle, urging players to engage in close-quarter combat. Boss key challenges force raiders into intense close-quarters fights, teaching them the art of survival and demonstrating the associated rewarding gameplay. Plus, enemies drop currency when defeated, incentivizing players to focus on close combat in its exhilarating 3D bullet hell environment.

“In Solar Raiders, we want players to dive headfirst into the bullets swarming them rather than engaging from a safe distance. We’ve noticed that newcomers to the game may start off slow, but once they grasp the need to be aggressive, the experience becomes far more entertaining. Closing the distance on enemies is thrilling, even with the added difficulty.” – Gabriel Rosa, CEO of Robi Studios.

Both gunplay and melee combat take center stage in Solar Raiders. Skills that provide area-of-effect boons can overlap when multiple players coordinate their actions, boosting damage output and defenses. Robi Studios has also ensured that this highly engaging gameplay experience can be enjoyed solo, making necessary balance adjustments to adapt the game for single-player challenges.

Q&A: Burning Questions Answered

Q: Can Solar Raiders be played solo or is it strictly a multiplayer game?

A: Solar Raiders is primarily designed as a social multiplayer co-op experience. However, Robi Studios has made sure that solo players can also embark on exciting raids, albeit with some adjustments. The game is still highly enjoyable as a single-player adventure.


Q: ソーラーレイダーズのデモを試すことができる場所はどこですか?

A: 現在、ソーラーレイダーズのデモはSteamで利用可能です。2025年のリリース前に、このスリリングなゲームを手に入れて体験するチャンスを逃さないでください。

Q: ソーラーレイダーズはどのようにプレイヤーに近接戦闘を促すのですか?

A: ソーラーレイダーズはボスキーの挑戦を使用して、プレイヤーを近距離戦闘に引き込みます。レイダーたちにカバーや反応時間が少ない距離で戦うことを強制することで、ゲームは彼らに近接戦闘の強度と報酬を理解するよう訓練します。

Q: ソーラーレイダーズには幅広い種類の武器がありますか?

A: 絶対に!ソーラーレイダーズには、近接武器、非伝統的なオプション、そして面白おかしい武器を含む多様な武器が用意されています。ゲームは、プレイヤーにとって刺激的で予期せぬ冒険のためのエキサイティングで予期せぬツールを提供することを目指しています。





さらにエキサイティングなゲームの発表をお知らせするために、ソーシャルメディアで当社をフォローして、ソーラーレイダーズコミュニティに参加してください! 😄🚀
