


Selecting the Best Location for Your First Base in Nightingale

🎮 Like many survival games, Nightingale also incorporates a base-building mechanism. If you aim for a smoother journey, the most crucial decision during your initial hours is selecting the location for your first base. But fear not, fellow adventurers! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to make the right choice 🏠.

🔍 Selecting The Best Biome in Nightingale

Your first task is to choose the ideal biome, as it will have the most sGameTopicificant impact on your journey. The game presents three biomes: Forest, Desert, and Swamp, each offering a very different experience. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Forest Biome 🌳

nightingale player in forest biome

The Forest Biome is precisely as it sounds – a wooded area with abundant essential resources such as wood, stone, and more. Though it includes mountainous terrain, it’s not unconquerable. Equipping yourself with climbing picks will render even mountains navigable, and switching to third-person mode can simplify traversal in this region. The creatures in this biome are fairly easy to defeat, and the weather is not extreme, making it more manageable. Additionally, Sites of Power, sGameTopicificant points of interest, can be easily found in this area.

Desert Biome 🌵

nightingale player in desert biome

The Desert Biome presents a bit more difficulty due to its harsh environment – it is a desert, after all. Moreover, there is a scarcity of wood, which can complicate your initial journey. Nevertheless, the Desert Biome can prove advantageous if you know what you are doing. Constructing your base near water and trees can alleviate many challenges. Additionally, the biome provides many caves filled with priceless resources. Thanks to these, clever players can hasten their progression and obtain advanced gear more quickly.

Swamp Biome 🐊

nightingale player in swamp biome

The Swamp Biome stands out as the most challenging biome in Nightingale, teeming with creatures that can gut you in seconds. Navigating its terrain proves difficult, due to the presence of poisonous water. Despite offering the highest quality resources, the negatives of this biome far outweigh the positives. It is strongly advised that new players steer clear of this realm until they gain experience.

💡 Which Biome is the Best for a Base?

The Forest Biome stands out as the best choice for the majority of Nightingale players, due to its less hostile environment. Though the initial stages of your journey will involve some grinding, it is a preferable alternative to facing repeated deaths. While opting for the Desert Biome remains a viable choice, it’s advisable only if you consider yourself an expert in survival games and want faster access to superior gear. Once again, it’s recommended to steer clear of the Swamp Biome as your starting realm.

🌍 Selecting the Best Spot for the First Base

Once you’ve chosen your first biome, assuming it is the Forest Biome, your next task is to find a spot that meets a couple of conditions:

  1. The primary consideration in selecting your base location should be proximity to an Essence Trader. These merchants sell crucial resources, including must-have beginner’s items. Since you’ll need to visit this trader multiple times, building your base nearby is a practical choice. So, go ahead and build an Estate Cairn here.

  2. To ensure a steady supply of resources for building further structures, it is a smart move to build your base near areas containing items such as wood, stone, water, and fiber.

  3. Your base should also be close to Sites of Power. These are mini-dungeons that reward their explorers with Major Realm cards. The first one you will encounter should be the Antiquarian Site of Power.



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