生き残り、建築:ナイチンゲールの基地構築システムのマスタリング 💪🏰



Nightingale Moving and Destroying Structures

No two survival games have the same base-building systems. Honestly, most of them are entirely different with only one or two passing similarities. Because of this, it can be difficult, or even tedious, to figure out how the actual building system works in a new survival game such as Nightingale. For example, how many of you playing this game are even aware that you can deconstruct already-built structures without having to actually break them using your own tools? That’s right, Nightingale has some tricks up its sleeve, and today I’m here to spill the beans on the Move, Copy, and Remove options available to players in this game. So buckle up and let’s dive into the intricacies of Nightingale’s base-building system! 🏰🔧💣

Move Function – Relocating Your Structures 🏡

Nightingale - Moving A Structure From One Spot To Another

First things first, let’s talk about the Move function. This option is the least ‘destructive’ way of getting an already-built structure from point A to point B. To use the Move function, simply walk up to any structure you’ve built and press ‘X.’ You’ll see three new options appear in the bottom left-hand side of the screen: Move, Copy, and Remove.

To relocate a structure, make sure your cursor is over the item you want to move, then press the associated key. Walk over to where you want to move the item to and place it down again, just as if you were placing it from the build menu for the first time. Voila! Your structure has been successfully moved without the need to gather materials all over again. It’s like having a relocation service for your in-game abode! 🚛💨

Copy Function – Doubling Your Blueprints 📜📐

Nightingale - Copying One Item To Another Location

Now, let’s talk about the Copy function. This feature allows you to make duplicates of your structures for various purposes. There are actually two ways to use this handy feature:

  1. On-the-go Blueprinting: While in the process of placing down objects to build, keep an eye out for the blue ‘hollow’ version of the object. While it’s still in its ghostly form, hold the ‘Interact’ input, and a radial menu will pop up. Select the ‘copy’ option, and you’ll obtain another copy of the structure or object. This is extremely useful when you want to quickly create blueprints without searching through the build menu each time you need a specific structure card. It’s like a magical photocopy machine, but for virtual structures! 🖨️✨

  2. After You’ve Built It: So your structure is already standing tall, but you’d like to have a duplicate somewhere else? No problem! Hit ‘X’ and walk up to the structure you want to copy, just as you would when moving it. Interact with it and select the copy input. You’ll see a hollow blue version of the structure following your cursor. Place it wherever you’d like the copy to be, and tada! The ghost structure will turn into the real deal once you provide the required materials. Just remember that you’ll need to gather the materials again for the copy, unlike the Move function where you don’t need to gather materials. It’s like being able to clone your buildings, without the ethical questions! 🧬🏢

Remove Function – Clearing the Way 💥❌

Nightingale - Destroying An Item

And finally, let’s go over how to use the ‘Remove’ function in Nightingale. This option allows you to remove structures and objects that you no longer want or need. Just like in the previous functions, press ‘X’ and put your cursor over the object or structure you intend to destroy. However, this time you need to hold the Remove input (V by default) to confirm your intent to destroy said object. Think of it as breaking things with authority! 🛠️💥


いったんこれを行うと、あなたが見ているオブジェクトと、破壊した構造に依存していたオブジェクトや構造は、消えます。それらを作るために使用された材料は地面に落ちます。間違った壁や屋根を1つずつ苦労して取り除く必要はもうありません!さらに、新しい場所のために材料が必要な場合、構造物をすばやく崩してその材料を他の場所で使うことができます。それはまるで解体の専門家でありながら、より多くのコントロールと少ない残骸があるかのようです! 💣♻️

これらの建築テクニックを身につけると、Nightingaleでは建築の天才になることができます。Move機能で構造物を移動したり、Copy機能で設計図を複製したり、Remove機能で通路を確保したりすることで、自分の理想の仮想の楽園を作るスキルが身につきます!楽しい建設を! 🏰🌟

FAQ – あなたの燃えている質問にお答えします! 🤔❓

Q: すでに建てられた構造物を移動できますか? A: 絶対にできます!NightingaleのMove機能を使えば、再び材料を集める必要なく、簡単に構造物を移動できます。まるで建物用の魔法の瞬間移動呪文を持っているかのようです! ✨🪄

Q: 構造物を複製することはできますか? A: はい、できます!NightingaleのCopy機能では、様々な目的のために構造物の複製を作ることができます。倫理的なジレンマなしで、自分だけのクローニング実験室を持っているかのようです! 🧬🔬

Q: 構造物を取り除くと何が起こりますか? A: NightingaleでRemove機能を使用すると、構造物とそれに依存するオブジェクトが消え、それらを作るために使用された材料は地面に落ちます。まるで制御された爆発後の片付けです! 💥🧹

追加リソース 📚


  1. Nightingale公式ウェブサイト
  2. サバイバルゲーム入門ガイド
  3. 建築スキルを試すための最高のベースビルディングゲーム
  4. Nightingaleで生き残るためのトップ10のヒント
  5. Nightingaleのレビュー:究極のサバイバル体験

あなたの建設冒険を共有! 📷💭

Nightingaleのベースビルディングシステムをマスターしましたか?コメントで、創造的な構造、ヒント、トリックを共有してください!そして、建築の熟練度を見せるために印象的なスクリーンショットを撮るのを忘れないでください! 📷🙌

建物を始め、仮想王国が興隆することを願います! 🏰✨
