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Don’t Nod: A Developer with a Twist

French video game developer Don’t Nod burst onto the scene with their critically acclaimed game, Life is Strange, in 2015. Since then, they have proven to be a versatile developer, creating a range of games from episodic narratives to supernatural action-adventure RPGs. While they have experienced mixed reviews for some of their games, Don’t Nod has solidified their position in the gaming industry. One of their latest releases, the Early Access game Jusant, showcases their ability to take a different approach with vibrant visuals and a focus on climbing mechanics.

What Else Should You Know About Don’t Nod?

Don’t Nod’s journey in game development has had its ups and downs, but they have certainly left their mark. Their games are known for their immersive narratives and decision-making mechanics, allowing players to shape the story. While not every game has been a hit, their unique storytelling and attention to detail have earned them a loyal fanbase.

Now let’s dive into some of the most notable games created by Don’t Nod:

🌟 10. Twin Mirror

Metascore: 65

Protagonist Sam Higgs

In 2020, Don’t Nod released Twin Mirror, a detective game where players step into the shoes of investigative journalist Sam Higgs. Returning to his hometown, Sam must uncover the truth behind the death of a close friend. The game relies heavily on finding clues and engaging in conversations with NPCs, with Sam having the ability to enter his “mind palace” to examine evidence.

Although Twin Mirror had an interesting premise and pleasing visual design, it fell short upon release due to negative feedback about the protagonist’s personality and gameplay mechanics. Additionally, its short length, originally intended for episodic release, left players wanting more.

🌟 9. Remember Me

Metascore: 72

Nilin fights enemies

Don’t Nod’s debut game, Remember Me, took five years to develop. It is an action-adventure game where players control amnesiac protagonist Nilin, who fights against a totalitarian company that controls memories. Using a choose-your-own combo system and Nilin’s Memory Remix ability, players engage in combat and manipulate memories.

Remember Me was ambitious and intriguing, with praised aspects such as characterization, the soundtrack, and world-building. However, it received mixed responses overall, causing the game to fade into obscurity.

🌟 8. Vampyr

Metascore: 72

Johnathan Reid uses his vampire powers

Released in 2018, Vampyr presents players with a gothic 1918 London setting, where a doctor-turned-vampire struggles with his bloodlust while saving lives. The game combines supernatural action with RPG elements.

Vampyr received a mixed response, with its notable strength being the inclusion of player choices that have lasting impacts on the narrative. While it fell slightly short in terms of gameplay, it was praised for its captivating story and impactful decision-making.

🌟 7. Harmony: The Fall Of Reverie

Metascore: 77

Polly explores her mother’s disappearance

Released in June 2023, Harmony: The Fall of Reverie follows protagonist Polly as she returns to her hometown to investigate her mother’s mysterious disappearance. This narrative experience emphasizes decision-making mechanics, allowing players to peek into the future and make choices that influence the outcome.


Harmony: The Fall of Reverie offers a beautiful art style and an intuitive decision-making system, creating an immersive world and engaging gameplay experience.

🌟 6. Life Is Strange 2

Metascore: 79

Two brothers, Sean and Daniel

Sequels to the successful Life is Strange and prequel Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Life is Strange 2 was released episodically from 2018 to 2019. Set in the American Mid-West, the game follows brothers Sean and Daniel as they flee from authorities due to Daniel’s telekinetic abilities.

Life is Strange 2 received positive reviews, with critics and fans praising the narrative and the relationship between the two sibling protagonists. The game tells an intimate story of brotherhood and explores relevant political themes, solidifying its place in the Life is Strange franchise.

🌟 5. Tell Me Why

Metascore: 78

Telepathic twins Tyler and Alyson

Released in 2020, Tell Me Why features telepathic twins Tyler and Alyson as they investigate the death of their mother after being apart for ten years. This narrative-driven game highlights Don’t Nod’s expertise in decision-making mechanics and storytelling.

With its complex protagonists, engaging setting, and immersive gameplay, Tell Me Why provides a brilliant narrative experience.

🌟 4. The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit

Metascore: 79

Protagonist Chris as his alter ego, Captain Spirit

Originally created as a teaser for Life is Strange 2, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is a standalone game that revolves around young boy Chris and his creation of a superhero alter-ego. Through this intimate and heartfelt portrayal, players explore themes of grief and childhood.

Despite being a teaser, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit offers a delightful and emotional experience from start to finish.

🌟 3. Banishers: Ghosts Of New Eden

Metascore: 81

Protagonists Red and Antea embrace

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is an ambitious RPG set in a creepy town during the Puritan era. Players become ghost hunters tasked with solving supernatural-themed cases. The game features character-driven campaigns and explores the relationship between the protagonists, Red and Antea.

With its intriguing story and enjoyable combat, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden offers an immersive experience, although the player choice system is less robust compared to Life is Strange.

🌟 2. Jusant

Metascore: 85

Protagonist climbing a tower

In Jusant, Don’t Nod takes a vibrant approach to the “lone wanderer explores a ruined civilization” genre. The game focuses heavily on climbing mechanics, requiring players to ascend an impossibly large tower and discover the remains of a lost civilization.

Jusant, released in October 2023, is a visually stunning explorative platformer that offers a smooth and refreshing gameplay experience.

🌟 1. Life Is Strange


Metascore: 85

主人公 マックス・コールフィールド

2015年にリリースされた『Life is Strange』は、Don’t Nodを財政的に救い、彼らの将来のリリース基準を設定しました。プレイヤーたちは、主人公マックス・コールフィールドの旅から、有望な写真家から謎の失踪事件を解決し、故郷を救おうとする時間を操る捜査官への変化に魅了されました。

『Life is Strange』は、独自のプレイヤー主導型ナラティブと感情的なテーマの探求で広く称賛され、数々の賞を受賞しました。これは、Don’t Nodのカタログおよびナラティブ志向のゲーミング景観における画期的なゲームであり続けます。


Don’t Nodからの今後のゲームは何ですか?

2024年2月現在、Don’t Nodは『Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden』をリリースしました。しかし、彼らは特定の今後のゲームを発表していません。ファンは次のプロジェクトのニュースを待ち望んでいます。

Don’t Nodのゲームはすべてエピソード形式ですか?

Don’t Nodのすべてのゲームがエピソード形式ではありません。『Life is Strange』や『Life is Strange 2』など、いくつかのエピソード形式のゲームをリリースしてはいますが、『Vampyr』や『Remember Me』などのスタンドアロンゲームも開発しています。

Don’t Nodは意思決定メカニクスを用いたゲームの開発を続けるのでしょうか?

Don’t Nodは『Life is Strange』や『Tell Me Why』などで見られるように、意思決定メカニクスを用いたゲームに強い傾斜を示しています。彼らは将来のゲームでもインタラクティブなストーリーテリングとプレイヤーの選択肢を探求し続ける可能性が高いです。




これでDon’t Nodの多彩でカラフルなゲームを巡る旅は終わりです。エピソードごとの冒険から超常現象の謎まで、Don’t Nodは魅力的なナラティブを構築し、忘れられないゲーム体験を提供する能力を証明しました。では、次にどのDon’t Nodのゲームに飛び込みますか?ご意見やお気に入りをコメントで共有し、お気に入りのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームでDon’t Nodへの愛を広めるのを忘れないでください! 🎮❤️

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