NYT Connections 回答とヒント – 2024年3月3日 ソリューション #266



Today’s Hints and Answers: Crack the Puzzle Wall in NY Times’ Connections Game!

Connections banner - category hints

It’s a brand new day, and with it comes a fresh puzzle wall in the addictive Connections game by the New York Times. If you’re determined to maintain your winning streak and are struggling with that one elusive category, fear not! We’ve got all the hints and answers you need right here.

But before we dive into today’s puzzles, let’s take a moment to appreciate the quirky categories that await you. Be prepared to tap into your reservoir of specialized knowledge, as today’s puzzle throws at you some pretty random categories.

Category Hints: Unveiling the Clues

We’ll be doling out the hints in a progressive order, from the easiest to the most challenging as defined by the puzzle itself. So, let’s get started, shall we?

💛 Yellow Category: Words for Massive Amounts

Today’s yellow category revolves around words that describe an overwhelming quantity of things. Think large, really large! 🐘🥦🏋️‍♂️

💚 Green Category: What Not to Use for Support

Our green category features words that you definitely don’t want to use when talking about supporting beams, mineshafts, or even relationships. Can you guess what kind of words we’re talking about? You got it! They’re the exact opposite of what you’d want in these situations. 🚫💔😱

💙 Blue Category: Rude Ways to Settle the Bill

Looking for unconventional (and impolite) methods to grab the attention of your server when it’s time to pay? The blue category has you covered! These words highlight the less courteous ways to get the bill and make a swift exit. 💸💣😈

💜 Purple Category: After What? Human Anatomy, of Course!

Our final category is deeply connected to the human body. Each word in this collection can follow a particular part of our anatomy. It’s time to brush up on your anatomical knowledge and let the pieces fall into place. 💪👃👣

🐟Herring Watch: Pay attention! Amidst all the mouth noises, fasteners, and slang terms, make sure to focus on identifying the core categories. Don’t let yourself be distracted by the tricks and red herrings along the way.

Connections banner - Spoilers in green

Intrigued? Hungry for more hints? Click below to reveal today’s mystery categories, and let the mental gears start turning!

Today’s Answers: Conquer the Challenge!

Connections banner - answers

Today’s puzzle is definitely on the harder side, but there’s no mountain too high for you! Ready to unveil the answers that lie behind the mysterious walls? Brace yourself!

💛 Yellow Category: Large Amount

  • Mass
  • Sea
  • Slew
  • Ton

💚 Green Category: Fall In Under Pressure

  • Buckle
  • Cave
  • Collapse
  • Give

💙 Blue Category: Ways to Get Attention


  • Shout
  • Snap
  • Wave
  • Whistle

💜 パープルカテゴリ:ベリー_____

  • Button
  • Dance
  • Flop
  • Laugh

おめでとう! あなたは今日のコネクションパズルウォールを成功裏に制覇しました。 これらの脳をもつれさせる謎を解くというあなたの驚異的な脳の能力を感謝する瞬間を取ってください。

さらなる挑戦をしたいですか? 下記の興味深いゲーム関連記事をチェックして、モメンタムを維持しましょう:

  1. パズルゲームの進化:ルービックキューブからバーチャル領域まで
  2. コネクションベースのゲームのマスタリング:成功へのヒントと戦略
  3. 脳トレの力:認知スキルを向上させる方法
  4. ゲーム中毒の心理学:トリガーの理解
  5. 友達とプレイする最高のオンラインマルチプレイヤーゲーム

ゲームの世界は広大で、楽しさと知的な刺激の機会で満ちています。 だから探求して自分自身に挑戦することをためらわないでください!

今日のヒントと回答を楽しんでいただけたら幸いです。 あなたの成功や課題を以下のコメントでシェアしてください! そして、この記事が役立つと感じたら、恥ずかしがらずに喜びを共有し、社交媒体で仲間のゲーム愛好家と一緒になりましょう。 パズルを解く者や才人のコミュニティを築きましょう!

さあ、勇敢なコネクションの征服者よ、ゲームの神々がいつまでもあなたの味方でありますように! 🎮🔥😄
