スクウェア・エニックスの『オクトパストラベラー』が任天堂eショップから一時的に削除されました 😱

『Octopath Traveler』(スクウェア・エニックス製RPG)が任天堂のeShopから一時的に削除されましたこのゲームの消失により、ファンたちは失望を感じています


Octopath Traveler removed from Nintendo eShop

🎮Gamers, if you’re a fan of role-playing games, you might have noticed something strange over the past few days. Square Enix’s hit RPG, Octopath Traveler, suddenly vanished from the Nintendo eShop! 😱 But fear not, my friends, for I bring news of its mysterious disappearance and its potential resurrection! 🌟

According to some sharp-eyed fans, Octopath Traveler’s delisting could be due to a change in publisher. It seems that between February 11th and March 1st, the game’s publisher was shifted from our beloved Nintendo to Square Enix. It’s like telling Mario he can’t jump anymore and giving the power-up to Bowser! 🍄🔥

🕵️‍♂️But why would Square Enix delist a game that has been so well received? Was it a dastardly plot? Fortunately, the game is still available on Steam and the Microsoft Store, so this seems to be a temporary glitch in the Matrix. 🔄

💼Eurogamer has reached out to Square Enix for a comment, but we’re still waiting eagerly for their response. Can you imagine if they replied with a witty Farfetch’d pun? That would be legendary! 🦆

🔎Some players have raised concerns about not being able to purchase Octopath Traveler through the Nintendo eShop. Don’t fret, my fellow adventurers! 🛡️ Nintendo’s customer support is well aware of the issue and has even created a page titled “Why am I unable to purchase Octopath Traveler Through Nintendo eShop?” They assure us that the game’s unavailability is only temporary. Phew! 😅

You know what they say, “The game will be available to purchase again soon,” and with that, a collective sigh of relief can be heard throughout the gaming community. 🌬️

Now, here’s an interesting tidbit for all the globetrotters out there: Octopath Traveler was published by Square Enix in Japan but by Nintendo in all other regions. That explains why the game can still be found on the Japan eShop. It seems the change in publisher is what triggered this whole ordeal. 🌏

Oh, and did you know that Acquire, the development team behind Octopath Traveler, was recently acquired by the owner of FromSoftware, Kadokawa Corporation? That’s right, folks! The dragon has joined forces with the knight! 🏰🐉

Square Enix’s trademarked “HD2D” visual style, which Octopath Traveler introduced to the world, has become quite popular. In fact, the developer used it again in their upcoming RPGs, Triangle Strategy and the 2022 remake of Live A Live. It’s like a fashion trend in the gaming world, but instead of trendy clothes, it’s all about captivating visuals. Looking good, Square Enix! 👗💃

👋Now, my dear readers, it’s time for a little Q&A to address some additional topics you might be curious about:

Q: Will Octopath Traveler ever return to the Nintendo eShop?

A: Fear not! Nintendo’s customer support has assured us that the game will be available for purchase again soon on the Nintendo eShop. Keep those adventure boots ready!

Q: Why did Square Enix change the publisher for Octopath Traveler?

A: While we don’t have an official statement from Square Enix yet, it seems that the change in publisher could have triggered the delisting from the Nintendo eShop. Perhaps they wanted to take full control of their masterpiece? 🤷‍♂️

Q: What is this “HD2D” visual style that Octopath Traveler introduced?

A: Ah, the “HD2D” style, a true marvel! It’s a combination of modern high-definition graphics with classic pixel art. Think of it as having the visual appeal of Gal Gadot in a retro Game Boy cartridge! 😍

Q: Are there any other games coming out with Square Enix’s “HD2D” style?


ある日の出来事: Square Enixはこの魅惑的なスタイルに恋をし、彼らの今後のRPG、Triangle Strategyと2022年のリメイク版Live A Liveで使用することを決定しました。さらなる目の保養の冒険に備えてください!

皆さん、これでおしまいです!一時的に姿を消したゲームの物語、パブリッシャーの変更、そしてゲーマーの心を捉えた壮大なビジュアルスタイルの物語でした。早くOctopath Travelerが姿を現し、新しい冒険に私たちを連れて行ってくれることを願いましょう! 🌌

覚えておいてください、共有することは大切です!この記事を楽しんだら、遠慮しないで喜びをソーシャルメディアで広め、友達にも興奮を共有させてください。みなさん、ゲームを楽しんで! 🎮✨


  1. Wario64のツイート
  2. 任天堂カスタマーサポートページ
  3. Kadokawa CorporationによるAcquireの買収
  4. Octopath Travelerの“HD2D”スタイルの説明
  5. Octopath Travelerの日本のeショップページ