
「ワンピース最終サーガでは、このキャラクターたちはルフィに overshadow されてしまいました」


One Piece 8 Characters Luffy Has Surpassed in Final Saga


Luffy, the protagonist of the hit anime and manga series One Piece, has reached new heights in the final saga. After becoming an Emperor of the Sea, he awakened the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi and achieved Gear 5, which he believes to be his peak. This incredible growth has allowed him to surpass numerous powerful individuals who were once above him in terms of strength, influence, and everything else in the One Piece world.

Surpassing Former Enemies

Luffy’s ascent to power can be seen in his victories over some notable opponents who were once stronger than him. Here are just a few examples:

8. Kuzan – The 10th Ship Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates

📷 Formerly an Admiral of the Marines, Kuzan clashed with Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates on Long Ring Long Island. He emerged victorious in their battle. However, Kuzan is no longer capable of defeating Luffy or even matching him in combat.

7. Borsalino – One of the Three Marine Admirals

📷 Borsalino, also known as Kizaru, was responsible for the destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates on the island of Sabaody. Previously, he was much stronger than the entire group combined. However, Luffy has surpassed him with the awakening of Gear 5.

6. Dracule Mihawk – The World’s Strongest Swordsman

📷 Dracule Mihawk, renowned as the World’s Strongest Swordsman, was once overwhelmingly more powerful than Luffy. In the Paramount War, he attempted to kill Luffy but failed. Currently, Luffy has surpassed Mihawk in every aspect of battle, infamy, and authority.

5. Sakazuki – The Fleet Admiral of the Marines

📷 Fleet Admiral Sakazuki possesses the power of the Magu Magu no Mi, which allows him to transform into magma and manipulate it. While Sakazuki is a formidable opponent, Luffy has already surpassed him, thanks to Gear 5 and his strong Haki abilities.

4. Rayleigh – The Right Hand Man of Roger

📷 Rayleigh, the former right-hand man of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was once stronger than Luffy. However, since the climax of the Wano Country arc, Rayleigh can no longer match Luffy’s power. Luffy has surpassed him in combat, and the gap between them will only widen.

3. Big Mom – One of the Yonko of the Sea

📷 As one of the most powerful individuals in the One Piece world, Big Mom was initially much stronger than Luffy. However, after awakening his Devil Fruit and unlocking Gear 5, Luffy not only matched Big Mom but also surpassed her. He overthrew her and Kaido, becoming an Emperor himself.

2. Kaido – The Strongest Creature in the World

📷 Luffy fought against Kaido multiple times in the Wano Country arc and ultimately emerged victorious. With the awakening of the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, and his mastery of Haki, Luffy proved too powerful for Kaido to handle. Luffy surpassed Kaido and continues to grow stronger.

1. Kozuki Oden – The Legendary Samurai of Wano

📷 Kozuki Oden, the legendary Samurai of Wano, was believed to possess the strength to defeat Kaido. Only Luffy, with his awakened Devil Fruit powers, managed to defeat Kaido and surpass Oden in power.

Luffy’s rise to power has been nothing short of extraordinary. With each victory, he grows stronger, leaving his former enemies in the dust. As the Final saga of One Piece unfolds, fans eagerly await the next chapter in Luffy’s journey to becoming the Pirate King.


Q&A: ルフィの力と未来についてのさらなる情報

Q: ルフィのギア5はこれまで見てきた以上に強力になる可能性がありますか?

A: 絶対に! ルフィが進化を続け、真の可能性を見出すと、ギア5はさらに進化する可能性があります。ワンピースの世界には驚きがいっぱいで、ルフィの力も例外ではありません。

Q: 最終サーガでルフィは他の強敵と対峙する予定ですか?

A: 間違いなく! ルフィの名声が高まるにつれ、彼は挑戦してくる強力な敵に遭遇する運命にあります。ワンピースの世界は広大で、ルフィの力を試すために待ち構えている数えきれない敵がいます。

Q: ルフィは皇帝全員を倒して海賊王になることができるでしょうか?

A: 野心的な目標ではありますが、ルフィは既に乗り越えることが不可能と思われるチャレンジに打ち勝った能力を証明しています。彼の不屈の決意と忠実な仲間たちの支援により、海賊王になるという夢を達成する可能性は高いです。

Q: ゴムゴムの実の覚醒はルフィの能力にどのような影響を与えましたか?

A: ルフィの覚醒は彼のゴムの能力を増幅し、彼の体をより効果的に伸ばしたり操作したりすることを可能にしました。この新たな制御力は彼の戦闘スキルを高め、彼をより恐るべき相手にしました。


  1. ワンピースウィキでのルフィの皇帝としての成り上がり
  2. ワンピースでのルフィの戦いと勝利
  3. ワンピースの悪魔の実の力
  4. ワンピースでの高度な覇気のテクニック
  5. ワンピースのパラマウントウォーでの壮大な戦い

ルフィの実力の台頭についてお楽しみいただけましたか? この記事をソーシャルメディアでシェアして、友達も興奮に加われるようにしましょう! 🏴‍☠️✨
