


One Piece Ch. 1109 Preview Egghead Incident Unfolds

By [Your Name]

vegapunk announcment to the world one piece 1109

Get ready, One Piece fans! Brace yourselves for the explosive events that will unfold in chapter 1109 of this epic saga. While the Egghead Island arc has already delivered jaw-dropping moments, this chapter is set to be the icing on the cake. Vegapunk’s announcement to the entire world will rock the foundations of the story, revealing deep secrets about the Ancient Kingdom and Nika’s true identity, leaving readers in awe.

Vegapunk’s Big Announcement – The Egghead Incident

One Piece chapter 1109 revolves around Vegapunk’s monumental announcement. As you may recall, Vegapunk is being targeted by the World Government due to his knowledge of the Poneglyphs and deep history. However, he has a trump card up his sleeve. In a bid to thwart the government’s plans, Vegapunk plans to reveal the secrets he has uncovered to the entire world.

In the previous chapter, it seemed as though Vegapunk was on the path to doing just that, and chapter 1109 will see his grand revelation become a reality. Vegapunk possesses a wealth of knowledge about the world of One Piece and its history, and he won’t be silenced this time. The parallels to Ohara, where secrets were lost before they could be made public, make this moment all the more significant. Vegapunk’s message will shock the world to its core, uncovering hidden truths about the Ancient Kingdom and potentially revealing its long-lost name.

Luffy vs Kizaru And Saturn Continues

saturn full zoan spider form one piece 1109

The excitement doesn’t stop with Vegapunk’s announcement. Chapter 1109 will also delve into the ongoing battle between Luffy, Saturn, and Kizaru on the Fabriophase. As Luffy fights to hold off these formidable opponents, Sanji is set on fulfilling his mission to transport Vegapunk to safety on the edge of the island.

While Luffy’s strength and determination are commendable, he might just get a helping hand from an unexpected source. The Giants, Dorry and Brogy, are headed his way, ready to lend their strength if needed. Whether Luffy claims victory on his own or with backup, readers can rest assured that he will be in a winning position by the end of the chapter.

Vegapunk’s Fate Revealed

vegapunk announcement one piece 1109

The fate of Vegapunk hangs in the balance as chapter 1109 progresses. In the previous chapter, he suffered fatal blows from both Saturn and Kizaru. But will he die or survive to unveil the truth about the World Government? Oda has hinted at Vegapunk’s survival throughout this arc, so there’s hope for the brilliant scientist yet.

Regardless of the outcome, Vegapunk’s fate will propel the final phase of the arc, centering around the Straw Hat Crew’s escape from Egghead Island. Whether the crew succeeds in their primary mission or has to save Vegapunk through other means, the stage is set for a thrilling climax.


Q: What is the Ancient Kingdom, and why is its revelation significant?

A: The Ancient Kingdom is a mysterious civilization that was erased from history by the current World Government. Revealing its existence and name will expose the government’s oppressive regime and shed light on their deceitful practices. It holds the key to understanding the true history of the One Piece world.

Q: Who is Nika, and why is their identity important?

A: Nika is an enigmatic figure and their identity has recently been revealed. This revelation puts the spotlight on the World Government and its leader, Imu. Vegapunk’s message is expected to unveil the truth behind Nika and expose the government’s dark secrets.







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参考文献: 1. ワンピース – Qurz 2. 世界はニカのアイデンティティ 3. 残りの麦わらの一味 4. クマはエッグヘッドアイランドで生き延びることができるか? 5. Corsair K65 Plus ワイヤレス レビュー
