


One Piece Ranking All the Key Factions in the Egghead Conflict

Egghead Island, a cauldron filled with powerful individuals and notorious groups from the world of One Piece, is set to witness an epic showdown. Dr. Vegapunk, the genius scientist known for his groundbreaking inventions, has drawn the attention of the World Government, who have dispatched their top assassination group, CP0, to deal with him. But that’s not all – the Blackbeard Pirates and the Giant Warrior Pirates have also made their way to Egghead Island, turning it into a battlefront where the fate of these factions will be determined. So, who among them is the strongest?

🏴‍☠️ 6 Blackbeard Pirates: One Of The Strongest Pirate Crews In The World

When the Blackbeard Pirates arrived on Egghead Island, their presence was nothing short of shocking. Although they weren’t at full strength, this didn’t deter them from executing their plans. Led by Catarina Devon and Van Augur, they had a mission to complete – Devon was to touch Saturn, a powerful figure on the island, and copy his appearance. With the help of Van Augur’s Devil Fruit power, they successfully achieved their objective. This clever deception allows Blackbeard to manipulate the World Government and potentially extract concessions in his favor.

👹 5 Giant Warrior Pirates: Filled With Strong Fighters

The Giant Warrior Pirates, known for their absurd physical strength, consist of giants – the strongest race in the One Piece series. These towering beings possess a level of power that surpasses most other races. Just the sight of two giants can easily decimate a ship, and with an entire crew present on Egghead Island, it’s highly likely that they will eliminate a significant number of Marine ships hovering near the island. Their immense physical prowess makes them a formidable force to be reckoned with.

🔪 4 CP0: Best Assassins

CP0, the World Government’s top assassination group, is entrusted with the most sensitive and dangerous missions. Led by Lucci and other powerful members, CP0 was initially dispatched to eliminate Dr. Vegapunk. However, their plans were thwarted by the intervention of the Straw Hat Pirates. With their unquestionable strength and exceptional skills, CP0 remains a formidable adversary in the conflict on Egghead Island.

⚓ 3 The Marines: Largest Organization In One Piece

The Marines, accompanied by St. Jaygarcia and the powerful Kizaru, have a significant presence on Egghead Island. Although the Marines are often seen as upholders of justice, their true nature is far from virtuous. Kizaru, armed with the Pika Pika no Mi Logia-type Devil Fruit, possesses the ability to control light at will. His devastating laser shots can inflict massive damage, and his mastery of both types of Haki further enhances his combat abilities. However, despite having Kizaru and eight Vice Admirals in their ranks, it is doubtful whether the Marines will emerge victorious against the combined forces massed on the island.

🌐 2 World Government: Control The Entire World

Saturn, known as the Godhead of Science and Defense, represents the World Government’s interest on Egghead Island. As the mission revolves around Dr. Vegapunk, Saturn has personally involved himself in the conflict. His actions have revealed the true nature of the Five Elders and their disregard for human life. Possessing a devil fruit power that combines spider-like qualities with an oni’s features, Saturn showcases incredible regenerative abilities, making him virtually indestructible. Given his influence within the World Government, the ultimate outcome of the battle rests heavily on Saturn’s involvement.

☠️ 1 Straw Hat Pirates: The Main Heroes

The Straw Hat Pirates, led by the legendary Monkey D. Luffy, are widely recognized as one of the most powerful pirate crews in the world. Accomplishing remarkable feats in a short span of time, they have earned their reputation and the respect of the entire world. With a lineup of formidable fighters, the Straw Hat Pirates’ primary objective on Egghead Island is to safely escort Dr. Vegapunk and protect him from harm. Their encounters with powerful opponents throughout the war have showcased their resilience and strength, making them serious contenders for victory.



Q: ドクター ベガパンクと悪魔の実の開発の間につながりはありますか?

A: ドクター ベガパンクの悪魔の実の創造と理解における正確な関与の本質は謎のままですが、彼がこれらの不可解な力に関する重要な知識と洞察を持っていると広く信じられています。彼のパンクハザードでの研究と実験はその一端を明らかにしましたが、彼の貢献の全体像はまだ未知のままです。

Q: ワンピースストーリーにおけるエッグヘッドアイランドの意義は何ですか?

A: エッグヘッドアイランドはワンピースの継続的な物語の中で重要な役割を果たしています。強力な派閥が衝突し、秘密が明らかにされ、決定的な出来事が展開する戦場として機能しています。エッグヘッドアイランドでの争いはシリーズの未来を形作り、ワンピースの世界内の力のバランスに重大な影響を与える可能性があります。

Q: エッグヘッドアイランドでの戦争に関与するその他の悪名高い海賊団や影響力のあるキャラクターはいますか?

A: 記事の焦点は主にブラックビアード海賊団、ジャイアント ワーリアー海賊団、CP0、海軍、世界政府、麦わらの一味に焦点を当てていますが、紛争に参加する他の注目すべき人物がいるかもしれないことに注意することが重要です。ワンピースは多様で豊富なキャラクターキャストで知られており、予想外のプレイヤーが状況をさらに複雑にするために現れる可能性があるとしても驚くことではありません。


  1. One Piece: ブラックビアードのエッグヘッドアイランドでの目標の解説
  2. ワンピースで最強の種族
  3. CP0: 最高の暗殺集団
  4. エッグヘッドアイランド事件: ベガパンクは生き残るか?
  5. 覇気: 四皇指揮官のランキング

📣 エッグヘッドアイランドでの壮大な対決についてどう思いますか?勝利するのは誰だと思いますか?ご意見を以下のコメントで共有し、ディスカッションに参加してください!興奮を他の人と共有するために、お気に入りのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームでこの記事をシェアすることを忘れないでください!
