






Shanks observation killing haki one piece

シャンクスは覇王覇気の驚異的なコントロール力を持ち、それを何度も実証してきました。実際、彼はワンピースでこの能力を披露した最初のキャラクターであり、それを使ってRomance Dawn編で沿岸王をぞっとさせました。その後も、彼はホワイトひひげ海賊団のメンバーを無力化し、伝説の皇帝であるホワイトひひげと一緒に空を割るなど、ファンを驚かせ続けています。



Q: 他の四皇と比較して、シャンクスは覇気以外でどうですか? A: 他の四皇は力を高める悪魔の実の能力を持っていますが、シャンクスは純粋に覇気のスキルに頼っています。それにも関わらず、彼は彼らに対抗することができ、その覇気の力と熟練を際立たせています。

Q: シャンクスは他の四皇を戦いで倒すことができますか? A: ワンピースでは力は単に覇気だけで決まるわけではないので、確実なことは言えません。しかし、シャンクスは何度も証明してきたように、悪魔の実の力を持たずとも強力な相手であり、そのため戦いで他の四皇を倒す可能性は十分にあります。

シャンクスの特別な覇王覇気 – オブザベーションキリング





Q: ワンピースの他のキャラクターはオブザベーションキリングを学ぶことができますか? A: 他のキャラクターがオブザベーションキリングを行う能力を持っているという証拠は現時点ではありません。シャンクスが持つユニークなスキルであるようで、彼の覇気の達人としての地位を一層確立しています。

Q: オブザベーションキリングは戦いにどのように影響しますか? A: 相手のオブザベーション覇気を妨げることで、攻撃を予測し対応する能力を著しく低下させ、戦闘でシャンクスに大きな優位性をもたらします。これは実質的に戦場を均衡させ、敵を脆弱化させ、より敗北しやすくします。



Shanks remote haki against green bull one piece

Shanks continues to push the boundaries of Haki in One Piece, showcasing another incredible skill – the ability to deal devastating attacks at long range using Conqueror’s Haki. While other powerful characters possess this ability, Shanks takes it a step further. During the Wano country arc, Shanks demonstrated his prowess by paralyzing and damaging Admiral Green Bull from a considerable distance away.

Communicating through his Conqueror’s Haki also sets Shanks apart from the rest, as it shows his exceptional mastery of this skill. These remarkable abilities not only highlight Shanks’s control over Long-Distance Haki attacks but also make him a truly extraordinary character.

Q&A Content:

Q: Can Shanks inflict long-distance attacks on multiple opponents simultaneously? A: Although it hasn’t been explicitly shown, based on Shanks’s immense skill and previous feats, it’s highly likely that he can unleash long-distance attacks on multiple opponents simultaneously. This further emphasizes his unparalleled mastery of Conqueror’s Haki.

Q: Is there a limit to how far Shanks can use his Haki attacks? A: While it hasn’t been clearly defined, Shanks has demonstrated the ability to channel his Conqueror’s Haki from great distances. This implies that his reach is extensive, allowing him to engage in battles across vast areas.

Shanks’s Ability To See The Future


As if Shanks’s Haki skills weren’t impressive enough, he has also displayed incredible control over Observation Haki. During his battle against Kid, he showcased the ability to see into the future, a skill previously associated with characters like Katakuri. However, Shanks takes it to a whole new level.

In the Egghead Island arc, Shanks demonstrated the ability to see events unfold ten seconds into the future. This extraordinary advantage allows him to predict an opponent’s moves and plan his counterattacks accordingly. Shanks’s mastery of Observation Haki solidifies his status as the strongest Haki user in the One Piece world.

Q&A Content:

Q: Is Shanks the only character capable of seeing into the future? A: While other characters like Luffy and Kaido have showcased glimpses of this ability, Shanks remains the only character to consistently use Observation Haki to see into the future over an extended period of time. His mastery of this skill sets him apart from his peers.

Q: How does Shanks’s future sight enhance his combat skills? A: By foreseeing his opponent’s moves, Shanks gains a significant advantage. This allows him to avoid attacks, counter with precision, and ultimately overpower his opponents, making him virtually unbeatable in battle.

In conclusion, Shanks is not only one of the most impressive characters in One Piece but also a Haki master like no other. His unmatched Conqueror’s Haki, unique abilities, long-distance attacks, and the power to see the future make him a true force to be reckoned with. As the final saga of One Piece approaches, fans eagerly await witnessing more of Shanks’s extraordinary Haki-based abilities.

Reference Links:Shanks possesses incredible control over Conqueror’s HakiShanks’s Unique Conqueror’s Haki – Observation KillingShanks’s Ability To Use Haki Across Long DistancesShanks’s Ability To See The FutureHaki-based fighting styles


ワンピースは、少年ジャンプとマンガプラスアプリで読むことができます。2024年3月17日にワンピース1110話のリリースをお楽しみに!この記事を仲間のワンピースファンと共有するのをお見逃しなく。一緒に、シャンクスの驚異的なハキの使い手を祝いましょう! 🏴‍☠️🔥💪📖