「Overwatch 2:英雄の熟練度がストーリーミッションより優先されているの?」



Overwatch 2 menu update may disappoint PvE enthusiasts

🎮 Attention, Overwatch 2 fans! 🎮 Some recent changes in the game’s Play menu might indicate a shift in priority for the highly anticipated PvE missions. Brace yourselves, because we’re about to dive into the latest updates and what they mean for the future of the game.

Recently, Overwatch 2 released a massive patch for Season 9, injecting new life into the game and shaking up its gameplay. The update not only buffed almost half of the playable characters but also introduced a thrilling new game mode called Hero Mastery: Gauntlet. 🚀 This cooperative PvE challenge pits players against waves of AI NPCs in an exhilarating battle for victory.

However, this exciting addition to the game brought along an unexpected change that has raised some concerns among fans. In the Play menu, the beloved Story Missions have been moved from the larger cards to smaller buttons on the right side of the screen. In their place, the Hero Mastery mode has taken center stage. 😮 This subtle alteration suggests that Overwatch 2’s Hero Mastery mode might now be receiving higher priority than the highly anticipated Story Missions.

A Twist in the Menu: Goodbye, Story Missions?

When Overwatch 2 was first announced, its co-op story mode became one of its biggest selling points. Fans were eager to dive into the thrilling narrative-driven missions that were promised. However, over the past year, PvE missions have faced a series of setbacks. In May 2023, Overwatch 2 announced the cancellation of many planned PvE features, resulting in disappointment among the community. Finally, in August 2023, the first Story Missions saw the light of day as part of Season 6. Unfortunately, there have been no further updates about these missions since then. 😔

To add fuel to the fire, the recent menu change in Overwatch 2 has fans worried that the Story Missions may never see the light of day. The impact of Microsoft’s layoffs on Blizzard, which included several developers working on Overwatch 2’s PvE content, has only added to the anxiety. With the smaller placement of the Missions card in the Play menu being replaced by Hero Mastery: Gauntlet, PvE enthusiasts are left wondering what the future holds for Overwatch 2’s storytelling adventures.

The Troubled History of PvE in Overwatch 2

To get a better understanding of the ups and downs surrounding Overwatch 2’s PvE content, let’s take a glimpse into its history:

  • 2019: Overwatch 2 unveils grand plans for Story Missions, Hero Missions, and PvE talents, generating massive excitement among fans.

  • 2023: Unfortunately, most co-op PvE content, including Hero Missions, gets the axe. However, amidst the disappointment, the first Story Missions finally make their appearance in Season 6.

  • 2024: Overwatch 2 releases the first PvE Hero Mastery challenges, bringing a new wave of excitement. But then, the tumultuous event of Microsoft’s layoffs strikes Blizzard, impacting the developers working on Overwatch 2’s Story Missions. As a result, the Play menu rearranges, with the Hero Mastery mode taking the spotlight while the Missions card diminishes in size.

It’s important to note that all hope is not lost for PvE enthusiasts in Overwatch 2. 🌟 Blizzard has not officially made any statements about the future of Story Missions, leaving room for potential surprises in store. Furthermore, Hero Mastery, despite lacking a narrative element, has garnered immense popularity. The new Gauntlet mode in Hero Mastery could be the unsung hero of Overwatch 2, providing endless fun and challenges for players. So, while we wait with bated breath for Blizzard to illuminate the path of PvE in Overwatch 2, let’s keep our fingers crossed for exciting developments on the horizon. 🤞

Q&A: Addressing Your Overwatch 2 Concerns

Q: Will Overwatch 2’s Story Missions ever be released? A: While there have been no recent updates on the Story Missions, Blizzard has not officially confirmed their cancellation. There is still hope for their eventual release, so keep your hopes up!

Q: Are Hero Mastery missions replacing Story Missions entirely? A: Hero Mastery missions offer a different gameplay experience compared to Story Missions. While they lack the narrative element, they provide a challenging cooperative mode that has become quite popular. Think of them as a separate addition instead of a replacement.


Q: What is Hero Mastery: Gauntlet? A: Hero Mastery: Gauntletは、Overwatch 2のスリリングな新しいゲームモードであり、プレイヤーをAI NPCの波と対戦させます。プレイヤーに協力して敵の大群を倒すことを求め、新鮮でエキサイティングな体験を提供します。

Q: MicrosoftのリストラがOverwatch 2のPvEコンテンツにどのような影響を与えたか? A: 残念ながら、リストラはOverwatch 2のストーリーミッションに取り組んでいたいくつかの開発者に影響を与えました。しかし、この影響の全体像とPvEコンテンツの将来への影響は現時点では不確定です。

Q: Overwatch 2のPvEコンテンツについてのさらなるアップデートはありますか? A: 現時点では、BlizzardはOverwatch 2のPvEコンテンツへの将来のアップデートに関する公式発表を行っていません。しかし、彼らはコミュニティのフィードバックに熱心に耳を傾けており、エキサイティングな発表に期待してください!


📢 Overwatch 2のPvEコンテンツの将来についてどう思いますか?Hero Masteryモードに興奮していますか、それともストーリーミッションを待ち望んでいますか?ディスカッションに参加して、意見をコメントで教えてください! 🎉 そして、Overwatch 2の最新情報を仲間のゲーマーと共有するために、この記事をシェアするのを忘れないでください。

🌟 より多くのゲームニュースやアップデートにご期待ください! 🌟
