


Where to Find Electronics?

When you embark on your thrilling adventure through the world of Pacific Drive, you’ll quickly realize that crafting materials are key to your success. But as you set foot in the Auto Shop for the first time, you may find yourself missing one crucial ingredient – Electronics.

Electronics are the lifeblood of crafting in the game, allowing you to create Circuit Boards and push your car and garage into a technological future. In this guide, we’ll show you where to find Electronics and how to make the most of them once you have them.

Scavenge, Scrape, and Salvage

Reliably finding Electronics can be quite a challenge, especially if you haven’t ventured into the Mid Zone or beyond. Unlike other materials, Electronics are not scattered about the world waiting to be picked up. You won’t find them just lying around in Junctions and Interstates.

To get your hands on these precious components, you’ll need to harvest them from consumer electronic devices like televisions and radios. 📺📻 These devices are most commonly found in ARDA Facilities such as ARDA Trailers and ARDA Towers.

Simply equip your trusty Scrapper or Impact Hammer and disassemble these devices to obtain Electronics. 💥

It’s worth noting that these devices tend to yield a single stack of Electronics. So, make every disassembly count!

Thinking Outside the Junction

While ARDA Facilities are the primary source of Electronics, there are alternative methods to harvest them. Several anomalies found in the Junctions, like the Broken Bunny, Dust Bunny, Hopped-Up Hare, and Happy Hare, can also be scrapped using your Scrapper or Impact Hammer. These peculiar anomalies are hiding Electronics within them, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to collect them. 🐰

What Requires Electronics?

Electronics are essential ingredients for a myriad of crafting recipes in Pacific Drive. They form the foundation for almost everything powered by batteries in the game, including some of your survival tools. Need to charge that flashlight, or power up your resource scanner? You’ll need Electronics.

Even the Fabristation, your go-to hub for garage upgrades, relies on Electronics to create various enhancements. So put those Electronics to good use and level up your tech game!

Lastly, if you want to venture into mid-game territory and craft advanced items, you’ll need to unlock Circuit Boards. And guess what? 👀 You’ll need Electronics to make them.

How to Get Circuit Boards?

Now that you’ve got a handle on finding Electronics, it’s time to delve into the realm of Circuit Boards. Circuit Boards are like the cool, upgraded version of Electronics in the mid-game progression.

To unlock the blueprint for Circuit Boards in the Fabristation, you need to unlock Steel Sheet, Bulb, and Gear in the Refining section. Once you have that covered, it’s time to gather your materials and get crafting!

Circuit Board Recipe:

  • Plastic x 6
  • Copper Wire x 2
  • Electronics x 4

To make Circuit Boards, you’ll need a Basic Workbench and a pinch of Stable Energy, measured at 0.4 kLIM. Once you have these requisites, you’re well on your way to creating beautiful Circuit Boards that will power your most advanced creations. 💡🔋

Some of the game’s most significant items, like the High-capacity Battery, Resource Radar, and the AMP Engine, rely on Circuit Boards. So be ready to invest your Electronics wisely and watch your modifications soar!

🌐 Useful links for further exploration:

  1. Pacific Drive website
  2. Guide to Crafting in Pacific Drive
  3. Mastering the Scrapper: A Guide for Cashing in on Scrap
  4. ARDA Facilities: Unraveling the Secrets
  5. The Fabristation: Your Gateway to Garage Greatness


🗣️ 今度はあなたの番です! Pacific Driveを探検しましたか?どんな貴重なクラフト素材を見つけましたか? 以下であなたの経験を共有し、一緒に冒険しましょう! シェアボタンを押して、ソーシャルメディアで興奮を広めるのを忘れないでください! 📲
