


Palworld developers apologize for accidentally fixing a bug that players enjoyed.

🎮 The latest update for Palworld, the popular monster-collecting survival game, brought a wave of fixes and updates to both the PC and Xbox versions. While many of these changes were intentional, one fix has caused quite a stir among players – the inability to capture Tower bosses.

🏰 According to Pocketpair, the developer of Palworld, this fix was unintentional and not initially intended. In a statement on X (formerly Twitter), they apologized for inadvertently fixing a bug.

🪲 But was it really a bug? 🤔 The ability to capture Tower bosses has become a popular feature in Palworld, giving players a thrilling challenge and rewarding them with powerful Pals. It seems that what started as a bug has now turned into a beloved gameplay mechanic.

🔥 Pocketpair has not clarified whether they will revert the bug fix to make Tower bosses capturable again. However, they have acknowledged other issues that have arisen with the new update. Pals created through breeding are currently retaining passives, which Pocketpair plans to address soon. Additionally, there are issues with auto-saves on the Xbox versions, but Pocketpair has assured players that a fix is on the way.

Palworld Patch What’s New?

🛠️ Alongside the unintentional bug fix, the new Palworld update, patch, brings a range of bug fixes and balance changes. Some of the notable changes include:

  1. Increased appearance of police officers when a player commits a crime. Crime doesn’t pay in Palworld!
  2. Improved Digitoise’s mining partner skill. Get those resources faster!
  3. Adjustments to the flight distance of the Sphere Launcher and Scatter Sphere Launcher. Aim for the skies!
  4. Addition of an electric shock effect to the Free Pal Alliance’s crossbow. Zap your enemies into submission!

🎮 Despite the mixed reception to the bug fix, Palworld continues to thrive in the gaming community. With more than 25 million players in its first month and 15 million copies sold on Steam alone, Palworld has secured a place among the top-played games on the platform. Even the decreasing concurrent player counts haven’t dampened the game’s success, with the community manager encouraging players to take a break and come back refreshed.

🔍 The success of Palworld hasn’t gone unnoticed, especially by The Pokemon Company. In January, they announced that they would be investigating Palworld to ensure that no intellectual property rights related to Pokemon were being infringed upon.

🎮 Palworld Tips And Tricks:

For aspiring Palworld trainers looking to dominate the game, here are some handy tips and tricks to get you started:

Palworld Tips Palworld Tips Palworld Tips Palworld Tips Palworld Tips Palworld Tips Palworld Tips

🎮 See More Palworld Tips and Tricks

Q&A: What Players Want to Know


Q: Pocketpairがバグ修正を元に戻し、再びTowerのボスを捕獲できるようにする予定はありますか? A: Pocketpairはバグ修正を元に戻すかどうかについて明確に示していません。Towerのボスを捕獲するという予期せぬ機能がプレイヤーの間で愛されているようなので、元に戻す可能性があります。

Q: Palworldアップデートに他の問題はありますか? A: はい、Towerボスの修正以外にも、Pocketpairが解決に取り組んでいる他の問題がいくつかあります。繁殖によって作成された相棒は現在、パッシブを保持し続けているため、今後のアップデートで対処されるかもしれません。さらに、Xbox版でオートセーブの問題がありますが、修正作業が進行中です。

Q: Palworldアップデートに他の面白い変更点はありますか? A: 絶対にあります!バグ修正と並行して、パッチ0.1.5.0では警察官の出現頻度が増加し、Digitoiseの採掘パートナースキルが改善され、ランチャーの飛行距離が調整され、Free Pal Allianceのクロスボウには電撃効果が追加されています。

Q: Palworldの成功がゲーム業界の他の企業の注目を集めていますか? A: はい!ポケモンカンパニーはPalworldの成功と引き起こす可能性のある知的財産問題に注目しています。彼らはポケモン関連の知的財産権に侵害する可能性のある行為を調査する意向を公表しました。


💬 Palworldのバグが特徴になったことについてどう思いますか?最新のアップデートで問題が発生しましたか?ご自身の経験を共有し、下記のディスカッションに参加してください!この記事を同僚のPalworldトレーナーと共有して、忘れずにいいねやシェアをお願いします! 🎮✨
