


Palworld Tower Of The Eternal Pyre – アクセルとオーセルクを倒すガイド

🔥 『Palworld』の兄弟たちの永遠の火の塔に挑む準備はできていますか? 準備を整えてください、なぜなら事態は熱くなる予定です! このガイドでは、塔の場所、恐るべきデュオであるアクセルとオーセルクを倒す方法、そして勝利を収めるための最良戦略を紹介します。さぁ、仲間たちをつかんで、爆発的な冒険に備えましょう! 💪🐉

クイックリンク: – 兄弟たちの永遠の火の塔の場所アクセルとオーセルクを倒す方法最良の仲間たち最良の戦略

🌋 ### 兄弟たちの永遠の火の塔の場所



AxelとOrserkの塔のボスの位置に最も迅速に到達するルートは、島の西側からです。猛烈な仲間であるジェタゴンを避け、北東に向かって進み始めます。登ると、中心に巨大な火山があり、反対側に兄弟たちの永遠の火の塔がある円形の地形に出会うでしょう。勇敢な冒険者よ、ここが本当の挑戦が待ち受ける場所です! ⚔️

💥 ### アクセルとオーセルクを倒す方法





究極の破壊力を発揮するために、ロケットランチャーの力を解放してください。この威力のある重火器は、AxelとOrserkに最も高いダメージを与える武器です。テクノロジーツリーでアンロックするか、もしあなたが伝説のバージョンを所有していれば、それらのボスのHP数が隕石のように下がるのを見守りましょう! 🚀💥





💯 ### Best Pals

Best pals to fight against Axel and Orserk in Palworld

Axel and Orserk, the fearsome duo, await with a combined HP pool of 130,700. To take them down, you’ll need pals that pack a punch. Given that Orserk is a Dragon/Electric-elemental pal, ice or ground-based pals hold the key to victory. The exceptional Frostallion, a legendary pal, deals devastating damage to Orserk, making it the ideal choice. However, if you don’t have Frostallion, fear not! Other mighty pals, such as Anubis, Digtoise, Mammorest Cryst, or Robinquill Terra, will serve you well. Just remember to bring pals at the highest level and leave low-level pals behind. They’ll only drag you down in the scorching battle. ❄️🛡️

🎯 ### Best Strategy

Player shooting Axel and Orserk with Shotgun in Palworld

Now that you’re armed to the teeth and have your trusty pals by your side, let’s devise a strategy to outsmart Axel and Orserk.

1. Nourish yourself with powerful food buffs before venturing into the Tower. A Mozzarina Cheeseburger grants you and your pals a 20% attack boost, giving you the edge you need to triumph over the bosses.

2. Inside the Tower, use the pillars wisely. Orserk relies on electric-based AoE attacks, but clever positioning behind the pillars will let you avoid these shocking assaults. Keep your distance from Axel and Orserk and make use of your ranged weapons to rain devastation upon them. The industrial guns like the Assault Rifle, Handgun, or Rocket Launcher will pierce through their defenses, leaving them in utter shock. A fire or poison crossbow can be an alternative, but nothing quite matches the power of those industrial guns.

3. As you unleash your firepower, Axel and Orserk will come charging at you or unleash electric bolts. To draw their attention away from you, summon your pals to engage the bosses. While the bosses are distracted, maneuver around the Tower room, allowing your pals to strike back. Keep an eye on your stamina, especially when you see them charging up for a lightning strike. Dodge and roll away to avoid getting fried.

4. Rinse and repeat this dance of destruction, and with a bit of finesse, you’ll emerge victorious against Axel and Orserk. In just a few minutes, you’ll have conquered the Tower of the Brothers of the Eternal Pyre!

🔗 ### Reference List

Here are some additional links to satiate your thirst for Palworld knowledge:

  1. Palworld Burning Questions Answered
  2. Palworld: Get & Use Pal Distillation Pod (Pal Essence Condenser)

📣 ### Let the World Know

Now that you’ve cracked the code to defeating Axel and Orserk, it’s time to spread the word! Share this guide with your fellow players, and let them bask in the glory of your triumph. Remember, no battle is insurmountable when you’re equipped with the right knowledge. Happy gaming, everyone! 🎮✨
