海賊女王:忘れられた伝説の暴露 🏴‍☠️

『ゲームレイントのインタビューで、The Pirate Queenのクリエイティブディレクターが、鄭石の物語が女性海賊のさらなる物語につながることについて語ります』


Pirate Queen Dev Shares Cheng Shih’s Role in Female Pirate Stories

The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend

Ahoy, gamers! Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure as we dive deep into the world of “The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend.” This narrative-driven VR game, developed by Singer Studios, sets sail to tell the untold story of Cheng Shih, one of history’s most formidable pirates, whose legacy has been shrouded in obscurity. Join us as we uncover the why, the how, and the excitement behind this remarkable game.

The Pirate Queen’s Rise to Glory 🌟

Ah, Cheng Shih, the Pirate Queen herself. It’s a shame that her story has faded into the murky depths of history, especially when we can name famous pirates like Blackbeard at the drop of a tricorn hat. But fear not, for Singer Studios is here to bring her tale back to life in all its swashbuckling glory!

This female-led studio is all about championing gender equality and female empowerment. And what better way to do that than by shedding light on one of the most badass women to ever wield a cutlass? In an industry dominated by stories about male pirates, Cheng Shih’s rise to power is a refreshing and important addition.

But wait, there’s more! “The Pirate Queen” isn’t just a game. It’s set to become a sprawling franchise with a graphic novel, a TV series, a podcast, and even a movie in the works. Brace yourselves for an immersive experience that will leave you craving more tales from the high seas. It’s a treasure trove of female-led narratives waiting to be discovered.

Unlocking the Secrets of Cheng Shih’s Story 📜

“Why tell Cheng Shih’s story?” you might ask. According to Eloise Singer, the creative director and CEO of Singer Studios, it’s all about revealing the hidden gems of history. Singing praises to forgotten female narratives, Singer explains, “everyone needs to know that the most powerful pirate in history was a woman.” It’s time to rewrite his-story with her-story and uncover the often overlooked tales of remarkable women.

Cheng Shih’s story breaks the mold and challenges the perception of pirates as solely male figures. While many pirate enthusiasts can rattle off the names of notorious male pirates, few can name a female pirate – real or fictional. That’s precisely why “The Pirate Queen” is a game-changer, shining a light on an incredible historical figure who has been unjustly forgotten.

🔍 Q&A: Who were other influential female pirates?

Ahoy, mateys! If you’re curious about other fierce and memorable female pirate leaders, you’re in for a treat. Singer Studios plans to extend the franchise and share the stories of approximately 17 remarkable women who made their mark on history as pirates. These tales will make history come alive and add a much-needed female perspective to our understanding of the buccaneering era.

The Night of Cheng Shih’s Ascension 🌙

Set during the fateful night of Cheng Shih’s rise to power, “The Pirate Queen” places players right in the heart of the action. Writer Maja Bodenstein spearheaded this decision to ensure an immersive and high-stakes experience. By focusing on this pivotal moment in Cheng Shih’s life, Singer Studios keeps players on the edge of their seats, eagerly navigating the treacherous waters of power and ambition.

This choice not only enhances the narrative impact but also sets the stage for an epic expansion of the franchise. It’s just the beginning of an extraordinary journey, and we can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

🔍 Q&A: When does “The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend” release?

Mark your calendars, me hearties! “The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend” is scheduled to release on March 7, 2024, for Steam and Meta Quest. Prepare to set sail on an unforgettable adventure that will immerse you in the thrilling world of Cheng Shih and her quest for dominance on the high seas.

A Sea of Possibilities for Female Pirate Stories 🌊


“海賊女王”は女性海賊の物語の見事なタペストリーの礎を築いています。 Singer Studiosは程施に止まらず、この大規模なフランチャイズを通じてより多くの女性の声を増幅することを決意しています。 Eloise Singerは喜んで述べています。「私たちは本当にエキサイティングな話をしています。」 自分たちの海賊と彼らの不屈の精神に対する我々の認識を再構築する魅力的な物語の波に備えてください。

しかし、興奮はそこで終わりません。スタジオは、有名な女優Lucy Liuの才能を起用し、ゲームの恐れ知らずな程施として声を提供しています。そのような才能が船を操るのなら、「海賊女王」が偉大なものになることは間違いありません。

☠️ アバスト、ゲーマー諸君! 冒険を共有しよう! ☠️

アハー! 私たちは航海の終わりに来ましたが、心配しないで、陸地育ちの方々! “海賊女王”の世界があなたの探検を待っています。 この壮大な旅を自分だけで楽しむのではなく、ソーシャルメディアの七つの海に情報を広めましょう。 興奮を共有し、仲間のゲーマーにタグ付けして、程施の忘れ去られた伝説について知らせましょう。 一緒に、魅力的な物語の力と不屈の女性の力を称えましょう。


  1. ブラックベアードのような人気のある海賊
  2. 忘れられた海賊
  3. キャプテン・ジャック・スパロウ
  4. 女性の声
  5. 受賞歴のある女優ルーシー・リュー
  6. 主要な成功物語になったインディーゲーム

注: この記事はEloise SingerとSinger Studiosとの共同執筆によるものです。