🎮 ポケモンレジェンド:Z-A – SwitchまたはSwitch 2に登場する? 🤔

「ポケモンレジェンド Z-A」が火曜日のポケモンプレゼント中に発表され、ファンたちは既に2025年に「スイッチ2」コンソールでの発売が可能性として噂されています


Pokémon fans believe Pokémon Legends Z-A is coming to Switch 2.

Pokémon fans around the world rejoiced as Pokémon Legends: Z-A was announced during Tuesday morning’s Pokémon Presents stream. However, one burning question quickly emerged: “Is Pokémon Legends: Z-A coming to Switch 2?” 🤔

The answer, my friends, remains shrouded in mystery – which, let’s be honest, only adds to the excitement and speculation surrounding the game. While the announcement did mention “Nintendo Switch systems” (notice the emphasis on the plural), fans pointed out that the Switch already has Lite and OLED versions. So, does this mean Pokémon Legends: Z-A will grace the yet-to-be-released Switch 2?

As of now, we simply don’t know. But hey, let’s dive into the rumors and theories, shall we? 😉 There’s a lot of buzz that suggests Pokémon Legends: Z-A could be a potential launch game for the highly anticipated Switch 2.

One noteworthy individual, Stealth, a Twitter user known for dropping Nintendo news, cleverly floated the idea: “What if Switch 2 has 3D Mario and Pokémon Legends Year 1? It was rumored that Nintendo moved Switch 2 to 2025 to further strengthen the 1st Party lineup. If Pokémon Legends Z-A was one of the reasons, I get it.” 🕶️

Even a popular Twitch streamer confidently chimed in, stating, “100% gonna launch on Switch/Switch 2 in March.” 💯

These sentiments were echoed by countless Pokémon fans across various social platforms. Their enthusiasm was fueled by the well-documented technical glitches encountered in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, another highly anticipated Pokémon game. Some also pointed out that skipping a holiday release, coupled with the vague nature of the announcement, signals a potential Switch 2 launch game.

“2025, huh? Skipping the holidays is a big move, and that speaks volumes about the rumored Switch 2 2025 leak. Launching with a Pokémon game would be reminiscent of the Switch’s launch, where a must-have game made a grand entrance,” a fan wrote on Reddit, expressing their thoughts. 💭

Indeed, the timing does seem to align perfectly. However, it’s important to remember that Game Freak, the developers behind Pokémon, has a knack for subverting expectations and continuing support for older Nintendo hardware. Back when the Switch was released in 2017, rampant speculation circulated about a game called “Pokémon Stars” launching on the system. But alas, The Pokémon Company surprised everyone and continued supporting the Nintendo 3DS with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon instead. 🌟

Interestingly, if the rumors hold true, this will be one of the longest breaks between major Pokémon releases in history. With no mainline entries slated for this year and no news of a remake, it seems that the newly-announced Pokémon Trading Card Game on mobile will take center stage as the biggest Pokémon series release in 2024. 📅

In the meantime, all we have are rumors, speculation, and the tantalizing knowledge that Nintendo is quietly working on its next-generation Switch. When will the Switch 2 be unveiled? What game will grace the holiday season? Only time will tell. So, fellow Pokémon fans, hold onto your Poké Balls and wait in eager anticipation alongside everyone else. ⏳

Q&A for Inquisitive Pokémon Fans!

📚 参考文献:

  1. StealthがTwitterでの憶測: Stealth40k

  2. 人気のTwitchストリーマーがTwitterで予測: GamesCage

  3. 以前の「Pokémon Stars」に関する憶測: GameTopic

  4. ポテンシャルSwitch 2のローンチを議論するRedditスレッド: Reddit

  5. モバイル版ポケモンカードゲームの公式発表: GameTopic

みんなのポケモンファンの皆さん、どう思いますか?Switchで『ポケモン レジェンド: Z-A』を楽しみにしていますか?それともスイッチ2のローンチゲームを期待していますか?あなたの推測をシェアして、ポケモン好きな友達をタグ付けしましょう!ポケモンの期待に胸を膨らませましょう! 🚂💨✨

Kat BaileyはGameTopicのニュースディレクターであり、Nintendo Voice Chatの共同ホストです。おもしろい情報があれば、彼女のDMにスライドしてください @the_katbot
