


Remedy reduces Alan Wake 2 PC minimum system requirements – GameTopic

Author: Taylor (Twitter: @TayNixster)

💥💻🔥 Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Remedy, the developer of the chilling thriller Alan Wake 2, has released an update that lowers the game’s hefty system requirements. No longer will PC gamers with older rigs be left in the dark while their gaming companions bask in the intense gameplay. Let’s dive in and see what this means for you!


🤯 When the original system requirements for Alan Wake 2 were announced, jaws dropped and brows furrowed. The game demanded at least an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 or an AMD Radeon RX 6600 GPU to run smoothly at 1080p / 30FPS. This news sent shockwaves through the gaming community, especially for those with trusty old GPUs like Nvidia’s GTX 10-series. It seemed like they would be left behind, their pixelated shadows fading into oblivion.

🔀 But wait! Remedy has come to the rescue with a new patch that redefines what it means to be compatible. The minimum requirements have been adjusted. Now, all you need is a GTX 1070 or an RX 5600 XT graphics card to revel in the chilling world of Alan Wake 2 at 1080p / 30FPS. It’s like being handed a ticket to a haunted house without having to wait in line or wear an itchy costume. 🎃

👩‍💻 Immortalized in an enlightening tweet by Remedy themselves, the new system requirements accompany the release of update, sealing the deal for gamers longing to dive into the terrifying depths of Alan Wake 2. The minimum specs, apart from the adjusted GPU requirements, remain unchanged. So, round up your GTX 1070 or RX 5600 XT and prepare for a heart-pounding experience!


🔍 In their insightful patch notes for update, Remedy explained how they optimized the rendering for GPUs that don’t support mesh shaders, a feature crucial for unleashing the full potential of GameTopic processing power. Unfortunately, the GTX 10-series missed out on mesh shader support, leaving them in the dust of detail-rich environments. It’s like bringing a slingshot to a flamethrower fight. 😱

🚀 But fear not, even if you’re rocking an RTX 1060, which still holds its ground as one of the top GPUs according to a recent Steam survey, you’re in luck! Digital Foundry’s Alex Battaglia recently retested Alan Wake 2 running on GTX 10-series cards. Although the GTX 1060 couldn’t quite reach 30FPS, Battaglia noticed a significant performance improvement. Some demanding areas now achieved a respectable 26FPS instead of a measly 18FPS. It’s like going from jogging in quicksand to sprinting through a field of honey. 🐝


💀 In our Alan Wake 2 review, we boldly claimed that this sequel surpasses the cult-classic original, making it seem like a mere rough draft in comparison. The immersive survival horror experience will keep you on the edge of your seat, your heart racing, and your pulse pounding like a tribal drumbeat. Get ready to walk the treacherous path of Alan Wake once again, but this time, with even more thrilling twists and turns!

🎮 So, dust off your trusty gaming rig, rally your fellow gamers, and prepare to lose yourself in the haunting world of Alan Wake 2. The lowered system requirements have opened the gates to a broader audience, ensuring that everyone can indulge in this spine-tingling adventure. The nightmares await, my friends!

✨💬 Share your excitement about the lowered system requirements and let us know your thoughts on Alan Wake 2. Is it the survival horror sequel of your dreams? Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #AlanWake2 and unleash your gaming voice!


📚 参考文献:

  1. Alan Wake 2 公式ウェブサイト
  2. The Games CN – Alan Wake 2 Update 記事
  3. Digital Foundry – Alex Battaglia’s Alan Wake 2 パフォーマンスに関するビデオ
  4. GameTopic – Alan Wake 2 レビュー
  5. Steam ハードウェア調査 – 2024年2月

著者について: Taylor は GameTopic の記者です。Twitter で彼女をフォローすることができます [@TayNixster](https://twitter.com/TayNixster)。
