


New Ghost Recon Game Details Leak Online

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Leaked details have recently emerged, giving us a tantalizing glimpse into the future of the beloved Ghost Recon franchise. Fans of the tactical shooter series have been eagerly awaiting news of the next installment, and if the rumors are to be believed, they won’t be disappointed!

A Tactical Shooter Rebirth

The last release in the series, Ghost Recon Breakpoint, was developed by Ubisoft Paris and hit the shelves in 2019. While it focused heavily on online play and live service aspects, the game failed to make a significant impact. In fact, the introduction of NFTs to the game in December 2021 only generated a measly $400, and by April 2022, Ubisoft had shut down live service support for the game. But fear not, Ghost Recon fans, for the future looks bright!

Codename: Project Over

According to the folks at Insider Gaming, the upcoming Ghost Recon installment is currently known as Project Over internally. This mysterious project is said to be targeting a release window of 2025-2026, and it promises to bring some exciting changes to the franchise.

Welcome to the First-Person Perspective

One of the most significant departures from the Ghost Recon formula is the switch to a first-person perspective. Since the release of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 back in 2007, the franchise has primarily focused on a third-person view. While the 2017 and 2019 releases, Wildlands and Breakpoint, offered optional first-person modes, the upcoming game plans to fully embrace the first-person experience.

Gritty Realism Meets Modern Warfare

The rumors suggest that the next Ghost Recon game will draw heavy inspiration from the gritty and realistic aesthetic of the Modern Warfare series. In terms of graphics, the game is anticipated to resemble VOID Interactive’s Ready or Not. This graphical fidelity, combined with the immersive first-person perspective, will undoubtedly transport players into a world where every bullet and decision counts.

Controversial Missions and Ethical Dilemmas

Prepare yourselves for some heart-wrenching moments. Project Over is said to take place during the fictional Naiman War and will introduce controversial missions that delve into the complexities of war. For example, players may find themselves on the precipice of making a dreadful decision—whether to shoot a man carrying a baby, as they believe the infant to be a bomb. This harrowing situation is reminiscent of the Clean House mission from the 2019 Modern Warfare game, which sparked intense debates within the gaming community.

Q&A: Ghost Recon and Beyond

Q: Will the new Ghost Recon game feature multiplayer modes?

A: While specific details about multiplayer modes have not been revealed, it’s safe to assume that the game will include a variety of multiplayer options. The Ghost Recon franchise has always been known for its cooperative gameplay, allowing players to team up and tackle missions together.

Q: Is Ghost Recon known for delivering strong narratives?

A: Yes! The previous installments in the Ghost Recon series have featured engaging storylines that unfold across expansive open worlds. While gameplay and tactical strategy take center stage, the games also boast compelling narratives that keep players immersed in the action.

Q: Can we expect a rich arsenal of weapons in the upcoming game?

A: Absolutely! The Ghost Recon franchise is renowned for its extensive collection of real-world weapons. From assault rifles to sniper rifles and everything in between, players can expect a vast array of weaponry options to cater to their preferred playstyle.

Q: Will the game include character customization features?

A: Character customization has been a staple of the Ghost Recon series, allowing players to create unique operators that suit their personal preferences. While specific details about customization options have not yet been revealed, it’s highly likely that players will have ample opportunities to personalize their characters.


The upcoming Ghost Recon installment, codenamed Project Over, is gearing up to deliver a fresh and thrilling experience to fans of the franchise. With its shift to a first-person perspective, gritty realism, and controversial missions, the game aims to immerse players in a world that challenges their ethics and tactical prowess. Keep an eye out for more news in the coming years as the release date approaches!


📚 参考文献リスト: – シリーズの最後のリリースはゴーストリコンブレイクポイントでしたモダンウォーフェアシリーズからのインスピレーションインサイダーゲームの詳細VOID Interactiveの『Ready or Not』モダンウォーフェアのクリーンハウスミッション

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