🚗 GTA 5 でのシェイクスピアンな冒険:グランド・セフト・ハムレット 🎭



Hamlet play in GTA 5 to be featured in documentary! 🎮🎬 #GameTopic

Film company Altitude Media Group has picked up a documentary that takes place entirely inside the world of Grand Theft Auto 5, and it’s called Grand Theft Hamlet, per Deadline.

🎬 A Theatrical Journey within a Digital World

The in-game production will cover the story of Sam Crane and Mark Oosterveen, two players with theater backgrounds who took COVID-19 lockdowns in the UK as an opportunity to recreate Shakespeare’s Hamlet within Rockstar Games’ fifth Grand Theft Auto title. With the future looking grim and lots of time on their hands, they embark on an adventure that sees them facing griefers and learning about the truths of life.

📜 Synopsis:
“January 2021. The UK is in its third lockdown and all entertainment venues remain closed. For theater actors Sam and Mark, the future looks bleak. As the pandemic drags on, Mark — single and childless — is increasingly socially isolated, while Sam panics about how he is going to support his young family. They spend their days in the online digital world of Grand Theft Auto and when they stumble across a theater, they suddenly have an idea to stage a full production of Hamlet within the game. This film charts their ridiculous, hilarious and moving adventure as they battle violent griefers and discover surprising truths about life, friendship and the enduring power of Shakespeare.”

Written and directed by Crane along with Peter and Ben director Pinny Grylls, the film will see its worldwide debut at the SXSW Film Festival on March 10. It’s a pandemic-era story more than three years in the making that Altitude will bring to UK and Irish theaters later in 2024.

🌟 Unveiling a Masterpiece of Machinima Filmmaking

“We are extremely proud and excited to be partnering with Pinny, Sam, and the whole team on Grand Theft Hamlet and cannot wait for audiences to experience this singular and masterful piece of machinima filmmaking,” exclaimed Altitude Film Sales Managing Director Mike Runagall. “Grand Theft Hamlet is like nothing you have seen before.”

👥 From Theatrical Pioneers to Sandbox Playground

The COVID-19 lockdown inspired all sorts of creativity across gaming, and the GTA 5 community wasn’t even the first to put on an in-game theatrical production. Fallout 76 players, for example, formed a group called The Wasteland Theatre Company, which saw them pulling together to recreate classic plays like A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

GTA 5 first launched in 2013, and now, more than a decade later, Rockstar is prepping to launch its follow-up, Grand Theft Auto 6. Details about how the project might tackle online multiplayer are a mystery, but you can bet fans will be quick to turn it into a sandbox playground with theatre and so much more.

🎮 About the Author

Michael Cripe is a freelance contributor with GameTopic. He started writing in the industry in 2017 and is best known for his work at outlets such as The Pitch, The Escapist, OnlySP, and Gameranx.

Be sure to give him a follow on Twitter [@MikeCripe](https://twitter.com/MikeCripe) for more insightful and entertaining gaming content.


🙋‍♂️ 質問にお答えします

A: はい!Fallout 76 コミュニティは The Wasteland Theatre Company を結成し、『夏の夜の夢』などのクラシックな演劇を再現しました。これはゲームコミュニティに起こり得る創造性の可能性を示しています。

質問:Rockstar Gamesはいつ Grand Theft Auto 6 を発売しますか?
A: 詳細はまだ乏しいですが、Rockstar Gamesは現在、GTA 5 の待望の続編である Grand Theft Auto 6 に取り組んでいます。ファンはその発売日や新機能についてのニュースを熱望しています。

A: マシニマ映画製作とは、ビデオゲームのエンジン、キャラクター、環境を使用して映画を制作する芸術です。これにより、映画製作者はお気に入りのゲームの仮想世界内で独自のストーリーや視覚を創造することができます。

質問:COVID-19 ロックダウン中に他にどんな創造的な取り組みが出現しましたか?
A: COVID-19 ロックダウンは、さまざまな分野で創造性の波を引き起こしました。仮想コンサートや美術展、オンライン劇場公演、さらにバーチャルウェディングなど、人々は家にいながらつながりを保ち、楽しむための革新的な方法を見つけました。

A: オンラインゲームコミュニティに参加し、フォーラムに参加し、志を同じくするゲーマーとつながることは、参加する素晴らしい方法です。多くのゲームは、プレイヤーが体験をカスタマイズし、独自のコンテンツを作成できるようにする modding ツールやリソースを提供しています。ゲームの豊かな世界に没頭し、創造性を発揮することをためらわないでください!

💬 会話に参加しよう!

Grand Theft Hamlet とゲーム内劇の概念についてどう思いますか?下記でお考えを共有し、ゲーム世界の中で目を見張るほどの創造的な取り組みを経験したかどうかも教えてください。

💡 記事を仲間のゲーマーやシェイクスピア愛好家と共有するのをお忘れなく。このバードと仮想冒険の魅力的な融合についてみんなに知らせ、口コミで広めましょう!

Pixabay 提供の画像
