『サバイバルを向上させる方法 Sons of the Forest』



Sons Of The Forest Stone Fireplace Building Guide

Surviving on a mysterious island in Sons of the Forest can be a challenging endeavor. But once you’ve mastered the basics and established your base, it’s time to take your survival skills to the next level and add a touch of style to your humble abode. And what better way to do that than with a lavish stone fireplace?

Imagine this: you’re huddled around the crackling fire, surrounded by the comfort of the flickering flames, while the cold winds howl outside. It’s not just a practical addition to your home; it’s a statement piece that elevates the aesthetics and coziness of your base.

How to Build a Stone Fireplace

Building a stone fireplace requires a little more effort than a regular fire, but trust me, it’s worth it. To get started, you’ll need to locate the recipe for the Stone Fireplace in your guidebook. Flip to the second page in the utility section, and there it is, waiting for you.

The construction process will test your stamina. You’ll need a whopping 42 stones to complete the fireplace, which means many back-and-forth trips to gather the necessary materials. Now, you could ask your friend Kelvin to give you a hand while you each carry four stones at a time, but believe me, it’ll still feel like an endless journey.

A word of caution: once you’ve built the fireplace and there’s either a fire or sticks inside, it becomes a permanent fixture. No disassembling, my friend. So think twice before lighting it up.

After gathering all 42 stones, it’s time to place the base of the fire. Equip a stick and hold it near the Stone Fireplace, and voila, your fire is lit! But why stop there? For added strength, grab up to two half-quarter logs and place them on either side of the small fire. It’ll not only make the fire burn brighter but also serve as a nice decorative touch.

But we can’t forget the most crucial part—the chimney! The opening in the back of the fireplace allows you to create that iconic smoke effect. Gather more stones and stack them around the fireplace, forming a chimney that gracefully protrudes from the larger structure. You’ll have a warm, cozy home with some serious style points.

How to Find Stone Quickly

If you’re struggling to find enough stones for your masterpiece, fear not! I’ve got a couple of expert tips for you. First, steer clear of the beaches and head towards rivers and streams. Stones seem to be more abundant in these areas. And remember, it’s always a good idea to bring Kelvin along to lighten your load. Teamwork makes the dream work, after all.

How to Use the Stone Fireplace

A screenshot from Sons of the Forest showing a fire with a cooking pot on top in a Stone fireplace resting on a beach.

Now that your stunning stone fireplace is complete, it’s time to enjoy its full range of features. Just like any other fire, you can use it to cook food and create clean water with a pot. If you’re in a hurry, you can even place your food directly on the fire for a quick meal.

But here’s a heads-up: due to the angle of your point of view while looking at the pot in the fireplace, it can be a bit tricky to see the crafting gear or other prompts from certain angles. So, don’t be surprised if you find yourself doing a little dance to get the perfect view. It’s all part of the fun!

Q&A Section

Q: Can I dismantle the stone fireplace once it’s built?

A: Unfortunately, once there’s a fire or sticks inside the fireplace, it becomes permanent. No disassembling allowed! So think carefully before you commit to its construction.

Q: Are there any alternative materials I can use instead of stones?

A: As of now, stones are the only material you can use to create a stone fireplace. So gather your strength and start collecting those rocks!

Q: Can I roast marshmallows on the stone fireplace?

A: Absolutely! Roasting marshmallows (or any other food item) on your stone fireplace is a delightful way to enjoy the warmth and ambiance it provides. Just be careful not to burn them to a crisp!


Q: 石の暖炉は美的な面以外に何か追加の利点を提供しますか?

A: 石の暖炉は主に装飾的な要素ですが、食事の調理や清浄な水の提供という実用的な利点もあります。一石二鳥です!

Q: Sons of the Forest の拠点に他の建築的アップグレードはありますか?

A: もちろん! Sons of the Forest では、壁や床から家具や装飾まで、拠点のカスタマイズオプションが豊富に用意されています。創造力を発揮して、地味な住居を傑作に変えましょう!


  1. 石の暖炉の建設方法 – Sons of the Forest ゲームガイド
  2. 素早く石を見つける方法 – Sons of the Forest のヒントとトリック

さあ、Sons of the Forest で最も居心地の良い、最もスタイリッシュな拠点を作りましょう!あなたの素晴らしい作品をSNSで共有して、仲間の生存者たちを刺激しましょう。皆さん、楽しいゲームを!🔥🏠✨
