🌳 パワーを解放しよう Sons of the Forest アイテムID! 💪



Explanation of All Sons of the Forest item IDs and Spawning Items

So, you’ve found yourself in the dense and dangerous world of Sons of the Forest, but you’re in desperate need of some items. Fear not, fellow survivor! We’ve got just the thing for you – Sons of the Forest item IDs. These magical codes will grant you access to all the items you desire, instantly! 🎮🔥

Before we dive into the treasure trove of item IDs, let’s get a few things straight. First, a word of caution: tinkering with item IDs can be risky business. If you enter the codes incorrectly, you might kiss your precious save file goodbye. So, before you embark on this adventure, make sure to create a backup save. Better safe than sorry, right? 🙏

Now, let’s get to the good stuff! Here’s a comprehensive list of Sons of the Forest item IDs, arranged alphabetically for your convenience:

  • Air Tank: 469
  • Alcohol: 414
  • Aloe Vera: 451
  • Backpack: 402
  • Bacon bite: 571
  • Battery: 527
  • Binoculars: 341
  • Blazer: 491
  • Blueprint Book: 552
  • Bone: 405
  • Bone Armor: 494
  • Buckshot Shotgun ammo: 364
  • Brain bite: 569
  • C4 brick: 420
  • Can opener: 432
  • Camouflage Suit: 558
  • Canned Food: 434
  • Cash: 496
  • Cat food: 464
  • Cereal: 425
  • Chainsaw: 394
  • Circuit board: 416
  • Climbing Axe: 478
  • Cloth: 415
  • Compound bow: 360
  • Coins: 502
  • Cooking Pot: 517
  • Crafted Bow: 443
  • Crafted Club: 477
  • Crafted Spear: 474
  • Creepy Armor: 593
  • Cross: 468
  • Crossbow: 365
  • Crossbow Bolt: 368
  • Duct Tape: 419
  • Emergency Pack: 483
  • Energy Drink: 439
  • Energy Bar: 441
  • Energy Mix: 461
  • Energy Mix +: 462
  • Feather: 479
  • Fish: 436
  • Flare: 440
  • Flashlight: 471
  • Flask: 426
  • Fire axe: 431
  • Food Tray: 512
  • Frag Grenade: 381
  • Golden Armour: 572
  • GPS Locator: 529
  • GPS Tracker: 412
  • Grab Bag: 351
  • Grappling Hook: 560
  • Guest Keycard: 526
  • Guide Book: 589
  • Guitar: 340
  • Hang glider: 626
  • Health Mix: 455
  • Health Mix +: 456
  • Hoodie: 490
  • Hide Armor: 519
  • Katana: 367
  • Knife: 380
  • Knight V: 630
  • Leaf: 484
  • Leaf Armor: 473
  • Leather jacket: 493
  • Lightbulb: 635
  • Loot Pouch: 508
  • Log: 78
  • Log plank: 395
  • Log plank quarter: 576
  • Log plank quarter x2: 577
  • Log plank quarter x3: 578
  • Log quarter: 406
  • Log quarter x2: 408
  • Log quarter x3: 409
  • Machete: 359
  • Medium Rock: 506
  • Meds: 437
  • Modern Arrow: 373
  • Modern Axe: 356
  • Molotovs: 388
  • MRE snack Rations: 438
  • Night vision goggles: 354
  • Noodles: 421
  • Oyster: 466
  • Pickaxe: 663
  • Pistol: 355
  • Pistol ammo: 362
  • Pistol Rail: 376
  • Pistol Silencer: 374
  • Plasma Lighter: 413
  • Priest outfit: 703
  • Printer Arrow: 618
  • Printer Resin: 390
  • Putter: 525
  • Pyjamas: 487
  • Radio: 590
  • Raw Meat: 433
  • Rebreather: 444
  • Repair tool: 422
  • Revolver: 386
  • Rifle: 361
  • Rock: 393
  • Rope: 403
  • Rope Gun: 522
  • Severed Arm: 480
  • Severed Leg: 481
  • Shotgun: 358
  • Shotgun Rail: 346
  • Shovel: 485
  • Skin Pouch: 508
  • Skull: 430
  • Sled: 428
  • Slingshot: 459
  • Slug (Shotgun ammo): 363
  • Small Rock: 476
  • Solafite ore: 664
  • Solar panel: 634
  • Space suit: 639
  • Steak bite: 570
  • Stick: 392
  • Stone: 640
  • Stone Arrow: 507
  • Stun baton: 396
  • Stun Gun: 353
  • Stun Gun Ammo: 369
  • Swimsuit: 619
  • Tactical Axe: 379
  • Tarp: 504
  • Tech Armor: 554
  • Tech Mesh: 553
  • Time bomb: 417
  • Torch: 503
  • Tracksuit (Virgina): 555
  • Turtle egg: 401
  • Turtle Shell: 506
  • Tuxedo: 492
  • Walkie Talkie: 486
  • Weapon flashlight: 378
  • Wetsuit: 499
  • Winter jacket: 499
  • Wire: 418
  • Wristwatch: 410
  • Yarrow: 452
  • Yarrow Seed: 606
  • Zipline Rope: 523


Whoa, that’s a massive collection, isn’t it? With these item IDs, you can equip yourself with anything your heart desires. From weapons to armor, food to tools, you’ll never be caught off guard again! 💥

🎒 How to Add Sons of the Forest Items to Your Inventory

Now that you have the coveted item IDs, let us guide you through the process of adding these wonders to your inventory. 🎁

  1. Open Sons of the Forest and load the saved game you wish to add items to (don’t forget to save again prior to this step for added protection).
  2. Exit Sons of the Forest completely! Remember, no cheating while the game is open.
  3. Open your File Explorer and navigate to: (C:) > Users > (Your Name) > AppData > LocalLow > Endnight > SonsOfTheForest > Saves.
  4. You should find a folder with a unique name, which represents your player ID.
  5. Within this folder, choose either SinglePlayer or Multiplayer based on the type of save file you want to modify.
  6. Here, you’ll discover different-numbered folders for each save file you have. To identify the one you want to edit, sort them by “Date Modified” and select the most recent one.
  7. Open the PlayerInventorySaveData and edit it using a plain text file editor like NotePad.
  8. This file contains a string of text code that represents your inventory – every item and its quantity.
  9. Scroll to the end and look for a code snippet that reads ":[]}]}}".
  10. In the space highlighted in the image above, enter the code we’ll show you below (or simply copy and paste it into the file):




  1. Replace ItemIDHere with the desired item ID and NumberOfItemsHere with the quantity you wish to add. Make sure there are no spaces before or after the numbers.
  2. If you already possess the item and want to add more, refrain from adding new code. Instead, locate its item ID in the file and adjust the number of items accordingly.
  3. Once you’ve finished editing the file, save it and close PlayerInventorySaveData (remember to close the game and file editor simultaneously).
  4. Reopen Sons of the Forest and load your modified save file. Voilà! Your inventory should now be stocked with your newfound treasures! 💼

🤔 もっと質問がある?当社で対応しています!

Q: What can I do if I accidentally enter the item IDs incorrectly? A: If you’ve made a blunder and your save file is at stake, fear not! By creating a backup save beforehand, you’ll always have a safety net to fall back on. Phew!

Q: Are there any restrictions on the number of items I can add to my inventory? A: Absolutely! Be cautious not to overload your inventory beyond the game’s capacity. Some items have limitations, so exercise moderation. Keep your inventory under 20 for most items to play it safe. And remember, you can always return to your save file to add more items if you run out.

Q: How can I find the item IDs for new items in Sons of the Forest? A: If you stumble upon a shiny new item that’s not covered in our list, fear not! There’s still hope. Drop all other items from your inventory, quit the game, and check the PlayerInventorySaveData file. It should contain only the recently found item, providing you with its sought-after ID. Pretty nifty, right?

If you want to further enhance your Sons of the Forest experience, be sure to check out our other guides:

Remember, we don’t want you to miss out on any of the fantastic content Sons of the Forest has to offer! 🌲🌟

© GameTopic+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

🔥🎮 皆さん、ゲーマーの皆さん!Sons of the ForestのアイテムIDを使用してみましたか?コメント欄でエピックな冒険を共有してください!そして、ゲーム仲間とアイテムIDの魔法の喜びを広めるためにシェアボタンをクリックを忘れないでください。🚀🎉
