


Star Wars Captain Phasma’s Journey to Becoming a Stormtrooper.

Captain Phasma In Rise Of Skywalker Image source: The Games

With the “Star Wars” sequel trilogy introducing a myriad of new characters, it comes as no surprise that certain ones have captured the hearts of fans. Captain Phasma, the iconic and chrome-armed Stormtrooper, has emerged as a standout character, leaving fans hungry for more Phasma content. While much of Phasma’s backstory has been explored in the expanded “Star Wars” media, it’s worth diving deeper into her origins and understanding her motivations.

What Did Captain Phasma Do Before Joining The First Order?

Before her shiny armor and affiliation with the First Order, Captain Phasma’s life began on the treacherous planet Parnassos, located in the Unknown Regions of space. Inhabited by clans fighting for survival, Phasma quickly learned that only the strong could endure. To secure her place in the Scyre clan, she devised a scheme that resulted in the death of her original clan, including her own parents.

As Phasma aged, she faced numerous challenges similar to those experienced by Rey. Struggling for survival, she scavenged valuable tech from wrecked ships with her only ally, her brother Keldo. Together, they ascended to leadership positions within Clan Scyre, engaging in battles against rival clans. It was during this time that Phasma showcased her combat prowess, military expertise, and her ability to command others. Tragically, her brother became her enemy when she discovered the First Order.

Further cementing her dark nature, Phasma delivered a chilling line to her brother before ending his life: “I know what I am, Keldo. I always have. That’s the difference between us. I am willing to finish what I’ve begun.” With her brother gone, she set her sights on becoming part of the First Order.

Captain Phasma Image source: The Games

Why Did Captain Phasma Become A Stormtrooper?

There are multiple reasons why Phasma chose to embrace the role of a Stormtrooper within the ranks of the First Order. Firstly, she sought to escape the horrors of Parnassos. When General Brendol Hux crash-landed on her planet, he enlightened her about the First Order, its resources, and military structure. Intrigued by his descriptions, Phasma severed her remaining ties to her home planet and sought a better life within the First Order.

The nature of Phasma’s role within the organization also held a strong allure for her. Having her own “clan” of Stormtroopers at her command felt like a homecoming. Phasma, a warrior at heart, reveled in engaging in war as it mirrored the life she had always known. Her troops were her trusted allies, and she led them fearlessly. As she proclaimed in the novelization of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” “You can’t be so stupid as to think this will be easy. My troops will storm this block and kill you all. Whatever you’re planning, it won’t work.”

How Powerful Is Captain Phasma?

Captain Phasma Star Wars Image source: The Games

Equipped with her chromium-coated Stormtrooper armor, Sonn-Blas F-11D blaster rifle, SE-44C blaster pistol, First Order armorweave cape, and Command Staff, Captain Phasma stands out as a formidable force. Her chrome armor alone indicates her superiority over standard humans in the galaxy. After surviving in the harsh environment of Parnassos and rising to lead the Scyre clan, Phasma has honed her skills and acquired a reputation as one of the most ruthless and skilled individuals out there.





Q: キャプテン・ファズマと類似した経歴を持つ他の「スター・ウォーズ」キャラクターはいますか?

A: 続編三部作の中心的な主人公であるレイは、キャプテン・ファズマといくらか似た背景を持っています。両者とも過酷な環境での生存の課題に直面し、略奪と自己頼りによって貴重なスキルを身につけました。しかし、レイはフォースとジェダイを追い求める一方、ファズマは軍事征服の生活を受け入れました。

Q: ファーストオーダーとの関係がキャプテン・ファズマの他者と特に部下との関係にどのように影響しましたか?

A: キャプテン・ファズマはストームトルーパーの部下たちを信頼し、保証とともに指揮し、彼らを忠実なクランと見なしました。部下の立場にもかかわらず、ファズマは彼らの能力を信じていました。彼女は自信を持って部下が敵を打ち負かす決意を示したとき、この仲間意識が示されました:「私の部下はこのブロックを襲撃して皆さんを殺します。あなたが計画することは何であれ、それはうまくいきません。」

Q: ファーストオーダーへの所属がキャプテン・ファズマの他者と特に部下との関係にどのように影響しましたか?

A: より良い生活への魅力と戦いへの愛が主要な要因である一方、キャプテン・ファズマがファーストオーダーに参加する決定に貢献したのはボックス軍事学校長の一般ブレンドル・ハックスとの出会いでした。ハックスはファズマにファーストオーダーの資源と軍事構造を説明し、彼女を提供するものに魅了しました。


  1. Iconic and Chrome-Armed Stormtrooper Armor Explained
  2. LEGOのヘルメットラインの一部である10のマーベルキャラクター
  3. スター・ウォーズ・ストームトルーパーのトレーニングとスキル
  4. The Gamesに関するスター・ウォーズ記事の検索結果
  5. ディズニープラスで「スター・ウォーズ」が配信中。
