

**Guide for Fish Tank Bundles in Stardew Valley**

🎣 Ahoy, fellow Stardew Valley enthusiasts! So, you’ve conquered the initial bundle and now find yourself face-to-face with the infamous Fish Tank Bundle. Fear not, for I am here to provide the underwater intel you desperately seek! 🌊🐠

Unlocking the Fish Tank Bundle: A Splash of Adventure

Located in the upper right corner of the Community Center hall, the Fish Tank Bundle challenges you to collect and deliver a staggering array of sea creatures. To gain access to this aquatic treasure trove, you must first complete the initial bundle in Stardew Valley. Once accomplished, embark on your journey to find and deliver the 29 items required to complete the Fish Tank Bundle.💪

🐟 Dive Into the Fishing Bundles: River, Lake, Ocean, and More!

The Fish Tank Bundle is divided into six distinct fishing bundles: River Fish, Lake Fish, Ocean Fish, Night Fishing, Crab Pot, and Specialty Fish. Each bundle has its own collection of creatures that you must seek out and acquire. 🦞

To make your journey easier, here’s a breakdown of each bundle with details of the creatures you need to catch and their respective locations and catch times:

River Fish Bundle Guide

  • Sunfish: Found in rivers during Spring and Summer, from 6 AM to 7 PM on sunny days.
  • Catfish: Roams rivers and Secret Woods during Spring and Fall from 6 AM to midnight on rainy days.
  • Shad: Spotted in rivers during Spring, Summer, and Fall, from 9 AM to 2 AM on rainy days.
  • Tiger Trout: Lurks in rivers during Fall and Winter from 6 AM to 7 PM.

Lake Fish Bundle Guide

  • Largemouth Bass: Dwells in the Mountain Lake year-round, from 6 AM to 7 PM.
  • Carp: Can be found in Secret Woods or Sewer year-round, anytime.
  • Bullhead: Swims in the Mountain Lake year-round, anytime.
  • Sturgeon: Hangs out in the Mountain Lake during Summer and Winter, from 6 AM to 7 PM.

Ocean Fish Bundle Guide

  • Sardine: Thrives in the ocean during Spring, Fall, and Winter, from 6 AM to 7 PM.
  • Tuna: Dominates the ocean during Summer and Winter, from 6 AM to 7 PM.
  • Red Snapper: Fancies the ocean during Summer and Fall, from 6 AM to 7 PM on rainy days.
  • Tilapia: Enjoys the ocean during Summer and Fall, from 6 AM to 2 PM.

Night Fishing Bundle Guide

  • Walleye: Can be found in rivers, the Mountain Lake, and Cindersap Forest Pond during Fall, from 12 PM to 2 AM on rainy days.
  • Bream: Appears in rivers year-round, from 6 PM to 2 AM.
  • Eel: Frequents the ocean during Spring and Fall, from 4 PM to 2 AM on rainy days.

Crab Pot Bundle Guide

  • Lobster: Hides in Ocean Crab Pots year-round, anytime.
  • Crayfish: Lurks in Freshwater Crab Pots year-round, anytime.
  • Crab: Takes shelter in Ocean Crab Pots year-round, anytime.
  • Cockle: Found in Ocean Crab Pots and during Beach Foraging year-round, anytime.
  • Mussel: Also discovered in Ocean Crab Pots and during Beach Foraging year-round, anytime.
  • Shrimp: Resides within Ocean Crab Pots year-round, anytime.
  • Snail: Can be found in Freshwater Crab Pots year-round, anytime.
  • Periwinkle: Also found in Freshwater Crab Pots year-round, anytime.
  • Oyster: Hidden in Ocean Crab Pots and discovered during Beach Foraging year-round, anytime.
  • Clam: Also revealed in Ocean Crab Pots and during Beach Foraging year-round, anytime.



  • Pufferfish: 夏の間は海に棲み、晴れた日の午後12時から4時まで。
  • Ghostfish: 鉱山の池(20階から60階)に常に現れ、いつでも釣れます。
  • Sandfish: 砂漠の池に常に見られ、朝6時から夕方8時まで。
  • Woodskip: 秘密の森と森のファームにいつでも、年中見つかります。

魚タンクバンドルを完成した後は何が起こるのか? 🎉

魚タンクの6つのバンドルをすべて完成させると、鉱山付近の秘密の道が開かれます。🗺️ コミュニティセンターに必要なアイテムをすべて届けると、きらめく大岩が消えて、地図上に完全に新しいセクションが現れます!それだけではありません—寛大なウィリーが水辺の宝石を収集するのに最適な銅製の鍋をご褒美として差し上げます。💎

さあ、仲間の釣り師の皆さん、準備を整えて!魚タンクバンドルを完成させ、待ち受ける驚異を解き放ちましょう!幸運を祈り、海の恵みを楽しんでください! 🌊🎣

🔗 参考文献:Stardew Valley WikiCompleting Bundles – Stardew Valley Wiki

🔭 Q&A: 風変わりな質問が待っています!

Q: 魚タンクバンドルを完成したら何か報酬はありますか? A: もちろんです!鉱山付近の秘密の道が開かれるだけでなく、ウィリーがあなたに銅製の鍋を贈呈し、宝石を収集する楽しみを提供します。

Q: PufferfishやGhostfishのような難しい魚をどうやって釣り上げますか? A: Pufferfishは夏に海で、晴れた日の午後12時から4時に釣れます。難攻不落のGhostfishは鉱山内の池、具体的には20階から60階にいます。楽しい釣りを!

Q: マルチプレイヤーモードで魚タンクバンドルを完成できますか? A: はい、全プレイヤーが必要アイテムを捕獲して届ける限り、マルチプレイヤーモードで魚タンクバンドルを完成させることができます。

他に気になることがありますか?お気軽にお知らせください!そして、このガイドが役立つと感じたら、Stardew Valleyを愛する仲間と共有してください! ✨🌾

画像:Stardew Valleyのコミュニティセンターの魚タンクの前に立つキャラクターの画像地図の画像:鉱山の場所を示すStardew Valleyの地図の画像
