




  1. Overtuned Hyper Rapid Pop Growth

stellaris-Overtuned Limitless Rapid Pop Growth

人口が急速に増加することは、特にゲーム序盤においてステラリスで重要なアドバンテージです。Overtuned Hyper Rapid Pop Growthの組み合わせにより、他の種族を銀河でリードすることができます。Pre-Planned GrowthやRapid Breeders、Enduringといったトレイトを備えることで、あなたの人口は繁栄し、征服することができます。

  1. Rapidly Growing, Yet Solitary Physics Researchers

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Rapid Psychists

技術革新に重点を置きながら急速に成長する人口を維持したいのであれば、この組み合わせが最適です。Rapid BreedersやNatural Physicistsトレイトの組み合わせにより、急速に成長しつつ他の文明と技術的に競争できます。ただし、追加の住居用地を確保するために一部の不動産を犠牲にしなければなりません!

  1. Deviant, But Industrious And Strong

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Strong Deviant


  1. Charismatic And Traditional, Yet Sedentary

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Charismatic Sedentary


  1. Overtuned Hyper Technology Rush

stellaris-Overtuned Hyper Technology Rush

技術ツリーを支配することが目標である場合は、この組み合わせをお勧めします。OvertunedオリジンやElevated Synapses、Augmented Intelligenceといったトレイトを組み合わせることで、ジョブからの+30%の研究成果を達成できます。ただし、この組み合わせではリーダーの寿命を向上させることを優先しないと、彼らの寿命が短くなるかもしれないことを忘れないでください。

  1. Intelligent & Conservationist Engineers, But Nonadaptive

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Intelligent Nonadaptive

最小限のリソース使用で技術を急いで進めたいのであれば、この組み合わせは科学者に最適です。IntelligentやConservationistsトレイトは研究スピードを促進し、消費財の維持を低く抑えます。Natural Engineersを備えることで、工学研究で先行することができます。


  1. Filthy Rich, Yet Wasteful

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Filthy Rich But Wasteful

If building a strong economy is your priority, this combination is a no-brainer. Thrifty and Ingenious traits will boost your trade value and energy credits, allowing you to amass a fortune. The Wasteful trait’s consumer goods upkeep can easily be managed with your abundance of energy credits.

  1. Rapid Expansion, But Nonadaptive

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Rapid Expansion

If your goal is to rapidly colonize new territories without worrying about the consequences, look no further than this combination. The Rapid Breeders and Docile traits will ensure your population grows quickly while maintaining efficiency. Just be aware that the Nonadaptive trait might restrict your choice of planets.

  1. Warmonger Club

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Warmonger Club

Are you a fan of relentless conquest? This combination is tailor-made for warmongers. With Rapid Breeders, Very Strong, and Natural Engineers, you’ll have a powerful army and the technological edge for domination. Just be prepared to manage the negative effects of Deviants and Nonadaptive traits.

  1. Aquatic Rush With Leader Focus

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Aquatic Rush

Ready to dive into aquatic territories? The Aquatic trait allows you to focus on acquiring leaders while benefiting from ocean habitats. With Rapid Breeders and Quick Learners, you’ll have a growing population and experienced leaders. Just be mindful of the negative effects of Sedentary and Nonadaptive traits.

  1. Ultimate Void Dwellers Combo

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Ultimate Void Dwellers

If habitats are your preferred method of expansion, this combination is perfect. With the Void Dwellers trait, your habitat’s population output will soar. Combine it with Charismatic and Natural Engineers traits to boost amenities and research. The negative effects of Sedentary and Nonadaptive traits are easily managed with your habitat-driven empire.

  1. Psionics Rush

Screenshot for Stellaris Traits Tier List: Psionics Rush

If harnessing the power of psionics is your ambition, this combination will help you achieve it. The Latent Psionics trait, combined with Ingenious and Traditional traits, will boost your research and unity. Additionally, you have the chance to gain Psychic traits for your leaders. Embrace the power of the Shroud!


These trait combinations can help you create powerful and unique species in Stellaris. Whether you focus on rapid growth, technological advancement, economic prosperity, or warmongering, there’s a combination that suits your playstyle. Experiment with different traits and find the perfect balance for your empire!

Additional Questions and Answers

Q: ある特定のプレイスタイルに組み合わせることができる他の特性はありますか?


A: Absolutely! Stellaris offers a vast array of traits to fit various playstyles. Here are a few additional trait combinations you might find intriguing:

  • Spiritual Seekers: Combining the Deviant and Traditional traits with the Talented trait will allow you to focus on spiritual development while embracing diversity.
  • Mechanical Masters: Combine the Natural Engineers and Erudite traits to excel in machine intelligence and technological advancement.
  • Subspace Specialists: Use the Intelligent trait alongside the Slow Breeders and Nonadaptive traits for a species that focuses on astrophysical research.

Q: How can I optimize my empire’s traits for different victory conditions?

A: Victory conditions in Stellaris vary, but the following traits can be beneficial for specific victory types:

  • Domination: Traits that focus on rapid population growth, strong armies, and resource production, such as Rapid Breeders, Very Strong, and Strong, are great for a domination victory.
  • Federation: Diplomatic traits like Charismatic, Natural Sociologists, and Resilient can help you establish and maintain strong federations.
  • Technology: Traits that boost research output and leader effectiveness, such as Erudite, Intelligent, and Talented, are essential for achieving victory through technological superiority.
  • Ascension: Traits like Psionic, Conformist, and Adaptive can aid in your journey towards ascension and transcendence.


  1. Official Stellaris Website
  2. Stellaris subreddit
  3. PC Gamer – Stellaris Traits Guide
  4. Stellaris Wiki – Traits

Have you found your perfect combination of traits in Stellaris? Share your experiences with us and let us know which trait combinations have worked best for your space empire! 🚀💫

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