Supermarket Simulatorで避けるべき初心者の失敗



スーパーマーケットシミュレーター 初心者の失敗を避ける方法

Welcome to the world of Supermarket Simulator! In this chilled and laid-back game, you take on the role of a high and mighty owner of a superstore. Your goal is to make your establishment as attractive as possible to visitors. But beware, the game can quickly become stressful if you don’t know what you’re doing, especially in the first few hours when mistakes can have long-term consequences.


📊 販売データを注意深くチェックし、棚に何をストックするかを決定する

It may be tempting to stack the shelves full of whatever looks good on the day, but a more efficient approach is to prioritize items based on sales data. Analyzing sales data not only helps your store run smoothly but also ensures that popular items are always available to satisfy your customers.

Think of supply and demand as the backbone of running a successful supermarket. As more and more customers visit your store, it’s important to pay attention to what products they prefer. Start with a mixture of different items, but once the sales data highlights the most popular ones, tailor your selection to ensure maximum profit.


🛒 複数の小注文ではなく、一度に大量発注をする

As your store grows, you’ll have the opportunity to incorporate other popular items into your selection. However, keep in mind that ordering items comes with a shopping fee. To save money, it’s best to wait until you absolutely need to restock and then make one big order instead of several smaller ones.

Resist the temptation to buy a quick box of products as soon as you can. By spacing out your orders and buying in bulk, you’ll save a significant amount of cash in the long run.


💰 品物を安く販売しないでください

While setting prices as low as possible might seem enticing, it’s a quick way to go bankrupt. Supermarket Simulator provides the market price for each item, so pay attention and set your prices slightly below market value, but not too low. Selling items for barely any money can lead to financial disaster when it’s time to cover bills and other expenses.

Keep a close eye on the market price and adjust your overall cost accordingly. It’s all about finding the sweet spot to entice customers without sacrificing your profits.


📦 高価なストレージスペースを早めに購入しないでください

As your inventory of goods fills up, you might be tempted to buy the expensive storage space upgrade right away. However, these upgrades can be pretty costly and might drain your funds that could be used for stocking items. It’s essential to balance the customers’ needs with the financial aspects of running a store.

Wait until you have a stable and steady profit before purchasing the storage space upgrade. Priority should be given to restocking items that customers are looking for or buying popular trending products. Only invest in the storage upgrade when you have enough cash to spare.


🏪 顧客が待ちくたびれないようにしてください

A quick and timely checkout experience makes a big impression on customers. The longer they wait, the less satisfied they’ll be when they leave. To ensure returning customers and increased sales, make sure their items are scanned and paid for as quickly as possible.

Master the art of switching between cash and card payments efficiently to minimize wait times. A speedy checkout process can make a huge difference in the long run.


🛒 最初の段階では派手な商品をあまり買わないようにしてください

While it may be tempting to stock your store with a wide range of flashy products, it’s wise to start with a few essential items and gradually incorporate more expensive ones. Essential goods like bread, eggs, and water may not seem exciting, but they guarantee a steady profit and provide a solid foundation for your store.

When you have limited funds at the beginning, focus on smaller, essential items. Buying too many expensive products prematurely can lead to increased costs when restocking and potentially turn your initial weeks into a nightmare. A cautious approach can ensure a successful and profitable start.




Q: How can I attract more customers to my store? A: Aside from providing a well-stocked store, consider running advertisements, offering promotions, and ensuring a quick and pleasant checkout experience. Engaging with customers and meeting their needs will encourage them to return.

Q: Can I sell items above market value? A: It’s not recommended. Selling items above market value may deter customers and hinder your profit. Stick to setting prices slightly below the market value to attract customers without sacrificing your revenue.

Q: Should I invest in expanding my storage space early on? A: While storage space is essential, it’s best to wait until you have a stable profit before investing in this upgrade. Prioritize restocking popular items and meeting customer demands to ensure a steady cash flow.



  1. The First Few Hours: A Guide to Starting Supermarket Simulator
  2. Analyzing Sales Data to Optimize Supermarket Performance
  3. Best Games on the Epic Store
  4. Understanding Market Prices in Supermarket Simulator
  5. Effective Strategies for Supermarket Storage Space

Remember, running a successful supermarket is a balancing act. By avoiding these beginner mistakes, you’ll be on the path to becoming a master of Supermarket Simulator. Happy gaming and may your store thrive!

Hey gamers, have you ever made any of these mistakes before? Share your stories in the comments below! And if you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to hit that share button. Let’s spread the knowledge and help other supermarket owners succeed in the game too! 💪🛒

Images:Player stacking oranges on a shelfThree boxes stacked on top of one anotherCost of pasta in Supermarket SimulatorStorage space on a computerWoman being served at a checkoutLarge list of items on a market
