


Terraria How to Get a Garden Gnome

You find yourself knee-deep in the mysterious world of Terraria, hacking and slashing your way through zombies and bats. But amidst all the chaos, you stumble upon a peculiar creature: a Gnome. Now, before you think about quickly dispatching this seemingly harmless enemy, hold your horses! Gnomes can actually be quite useful if you know how to capture and transform them into Garden Gnomes. So, grab your pickaxe and get ready for a gnome-hunting adventure!

🏞️ How To Find a Gnome

Gnomes are most commonly found in the natural environment of the Living Tree. As you explore the surface of Terraria, you’ll inevitably come across massive trees, which serve as the habitat for these elusive creatures. However, Gnomes can also spawn in front of natural dirt walls in the Underground layer. So, keep your eyes peeled and make sure to search in Living Tree areas for better odds of finding them.

To increase your chances of spotting a Gnome, equip yourself with a GPS, which serves as an excellent tool for navigating the surface layer. Craft a Gold Watch, Depth Meter, and Compass, and then combine them at the Tinkerer’s Workshop to create the GPS. If you don’t have the necessary materials, the Depth Meter alone will suffice.

Another handy item for your gnome-hunting escapades is the Lifeform Analyzer. This nifty device displays the names of rare creatures around you, making it easier to track down those elusive Gnomes. You can purchase the Lifeform Analyzer from the Traveling Merchant for a mere five gold coins.

Remember, Gnomes are fragile creatures and can die quickly, so dismiss any minions you may have summoned. Additionally, if you happen to come across Sunflowers, it’s advisable to remove them temporarily. Sunflowers reduce the spawn rate of monsters, and that won’t be helpful when you’re on the hunt for Gnomes.

To increase the spawn rate during your quest, get your hands on a Battle Potion or a Water Candle. Craft a Battle Potion on the Alchemy Table or obtain a Water Candle from the Dungeon. These items will boost the spawn rate of Gnomes, increasing your chances of finding them.

Lastly, lighting plays a crucial role in locating Gnomes. If you’re exploring the Jungle biome, using Jungle Torches as a light source instead of regular torches will increase your luck and make it easier to spot Gnomes.

☀️ How To Turn the Gnome Into Stone

After you’ve managed to find a Gnome, it’s time to capture it and transform it into a Garden Gnome. But beware, this is no easy task! Firstly, it’s advantageous to encounter the Gnome at night. This way, after capturing the Gnome, all you need to do is wait for the sun to rise.

To capture the Gnome, you need to lure it out into the sunlight. If the Gnome is far away, it’ll remain stationary until you approach it. Once it starts chasing you, lead it towards the surface. But be careful, Gnomes can jump up to six tiles, so create an upward escape route using wooden platforms.

There are two methods for capturing the Gnome. The first method involves luring the Gnome to follow you and then surrounding it with blocks when you surface, effectively trapping it. The Gnome will then be exposed to sunlight and turn into stone.

The second method requires you to enclose the Gnome with blocks where it stands. If you’re not too far from the surface, start destroying the background wall with a hammer, working your way from the surface until you reach the Gnome’s location. The sunlight will eventually turn the Gnome into stone.

Remember, to successfully turn the Gnome into stone, it needs to be daytime and not in front of any wall. While enclosing the Gnome, be careful not to harm it accidentally, as Gnomes are quite fragile creatures.

🪴 What Is the Garden Gnome Used For?

Now that you’ve successfully transformed a Gnome into a Garden Gnome, you might be wondering what purpose it serves besides being an adorable decoration. Well, the Garden Gnome actually has a more profound impact on the game.

🍀 Luck Buff

When placed nearby, Garden Gnomes increase your luck stat by 0.2 percent. While this might sound insignificant, when combined with other luck-boosting items, it can actually make a difference in the game. Luck affects various aspects, including the items sold by the Traveling Merchant, enemy drop rates, and the spawning of rare enemies and critters.




🔃 Gnomeの出現率を上げる


🎨 装飾




Q: 他のバイオームでノームを見つけることはできますか? A: ノームは主に生きている木環境や地下層の天然の土壁の前で生成されます。ただし、別のバイオームでも遭遇することができますが、出現率は低くなります。

Q: ノームは敗北時にユニークなアイテムをドロップしますか? A: ノームは敗北時に重要なアイテムをドロップしません。しかし、捕まえてガーデンノームに変えることが真の利点です。

Q: 複数のノームを捕まえることはできますか? A: もちろん!ノームを見つけて捕まえれば、好きなだけガーデンノームに変えることができます。

Q: 複数のガーデンノームはラッキーバフを増やしますか? A: いいえ、ラッキーバフを提供する複数のガーデンノームはスタックしません。同じ場所に複数のガーデンノームを配置しても追加の利点は得られません。

Q: ガーデンノームを使用して他の生物のスポーン率を上げることはできますか? A: いいえ、ガーデンノームはガーデンノーム自体のスポーン率を上げるだけです。Terrariaの他のクリーチャーのスポーン率には影響を与えません。

Terraria Wiki:ガーデンノームなどのTerrariaのさらなるヒントやガイドについては、以下のリンクをチェックしてください:
Terraria Guide:Terrariaで運を増やす方法
YouTube Video:Terraria – Gnome Statue Farm


カバー画像ソース:Mix Images
