Tomb Raider 1-3 リマスター版:2つのバージョンの物語

「トゥームレイダー1-3リマスター」の開発元であるAspyrは、SteamとEpic Games Storeの両方で誤って2つの異なるバージョンのゲームをリリースしたことを認め、その後希望のバージョンを元のものに戻したことを認めました


Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered had varying versions on Steam and Epic Games Store – GameTopic

Developer Aspyr recently found itself in a sticky situation after accidentally releasing two different versions of Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered across Steam and the Epic Games Store. 🎮 What’s worse, they then made the controversial decision to roll back the version that players considered superior. Talk about a rollercoaster ride in the gaming world!

Eurogamer reported that players of the remastered trilogy quickly noticed differences between the two versions, causing a wave of confusion and frustration among fans. X/Twitter user @small_medpack even went ahead and compiled a detailed list of discrepancies between the two releases. The Epic Games Store version, initially thought to be the better one, boasted additional poses in the photo mode, higher quality textures and animations on the Nevada level, and even more realistic snowflakes! However, this so-called “unfinished” version also came with broken achievements, putting a damper on the excitement.

In an unexpected turn of events, Aspyr declared that the version on the Epic Games Store was, in fact, the unfinished one and promptly updated it to match the version found on Steam. Sadly, this meant that all the enhancements that players enjoyed on the Epic Games Store version were taken away. Oops! Aspyr acknowledged its blunder in a post on Steam, stating, “A development build with incomplete assets has been available for download on the Epic Games Store… We have corrected the build to match the live Steam version.” 😅

As you can imagine, this unexpected twist left fans scratching their heads. Many had assumed that the Steam version would receive the additional features, while the Epic Games Store version would trail behind. However, some players also noticed that the Epic Games Store version had other issues and incomplete assets beyond just the broken achievements. The confusion among the fanbase was palpable, with Reddit user KeeperAdahn exclaiming, “A development build that is superior to what we’ve got on Steam, not sure what to make of this mess.” Meanwhile, BenSlashes added, “They make it sound as if the Epic Games Store version is worse than the version we got? But from what I have seen on YouTube, it looked much better!” It’s clear that the situation has left fans divided and eagerly awaiting clarity from Aspyr.

But fear not, fellow Tomb Raider enthusiasts, because there’s a light at the end of the tomb! Aspyr has assured fans that a bigger update is on the way, set to improve Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered across the board. In their post on Steam, they stated, “We currently are working on the first update, which we anticipate will launch in the next few weeks. We appreciate your patience as we want to ensure that the quality is meeting the needs and expectations of our community.” So, while this mishap might have left fans disappointed, there’s hope for a better and more polished gaming experience in the near future. 🤞

Now, let’s address a few burning questions that may be on your mind:

Q1: Can I still play the Epic Games Store version?

A1: Absolutely! Despite the removal of the additional features, the Epic Games Store version is still available and playable. Aspyr has made sure to align it with the Steam version, so you won’t miss out on any essential content.

Q2: When will the bigger update be released?

A2: Aspyr has stated that they expect the update to launch in the next few weeks. So, stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for news and announcements from the developers.

Q3: How does Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered differ from the original games?

A3: Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered is an upgraded version of the original trilogy, which includes Tomb Raider and The Unfinished Business expansion, Tomb Raider 2 and The Gold Mask expansion, and Tomb Raider 3 and The Lost Artifact Expansion. The remastered edition aims to enhance the graphics, improve gameplay mechanics, and provide an overall better gaming experience for fans of the classic Tomb Raider games.

Q4: Will Aspyr fix the broken achievements?


A4: While Aspyr hasn’t specifically mentioned fixing the broken achievements, it’s safe to assume that they will be addressing various issues in their upcoming update. The developers are keen on meeting the expectations of the community, so there’s a good chance that the broken achievements will be taken care of.

In conclusion, the release of Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has been an eventful journey, full of unexpected twists and turns. Aspyr’s accidental release of two different versions left fans scratching their heads, but fear not! A bigger and better update is on the horizon, promising a more polished gaming experience for all Tomb Raider enthusiasts. Stay patient, stay excited, and get ready to raid some tombs! 💪

References:Eurogamer: Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered accidentally released two different versions on Steam and Epic Games StoreSteam Community: Aspyr’s post regarding the accidental releaseReddit: Fan discussions about the Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered mishapTomb Raider Next: The upcoming mainline game in the Tomb Raider franchiseShadow of the Tomb Raider: The previous installment in the Tomb Raider series

Hey fellow gamers! Have you ever experienced a gaming mishap like this? Share your thoughts and join the conversation! And don’t forget to spread the word about this article by sharing it on your favorite social media platforms. Let’s make sure every Tomb Raider fan knows what’s going on! 🙌💬✨
