『💎 エピックゲームストアでのトゥームレイダー1〜3リマスタード:際立たせる要素』

Epic Game StoreでTomb Raider 1-3をプレイしていると、他のバージョンと比べていくつかの違いがあるかもしれません


ファンは、Tomb Raider 1-3のリマスター版がEpic Games Storeでより洗練されていると言っています。

If you’re venturing into the world of Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered on the Epic Games Store, get ready for a thrilling experience with a few surprises. As pointed out by the insightful Twitter user, Small Medipack, this version offers a range of improvements over other platforms. From enhanced textures to additional poses in the photo mode, this remastered edition is sure to impress. So, let’s dive into the details and explore what makes this version stand out!

🏞️ 磨き上げられた環境を発掘する

One of the standout features of the Epic Games Store version is the Nevada level in Tomb Raider 3, which has received a touch of polish. With better textures and animations, the level truly comes to life, immersing you in a more vibrant and engaging world. It’s like discovering ancient ruins that have magically been restored to their former glory. Imagine Lara Croft herself, armed with her trusty pickaxe, delicately chiseling away at the elements until the level became a masterpiece.

📸 ポーズをとる

Capturing the perfect moment has never been easier, thanks to the Epic Games Store version’s photo mode. With a total of 21 poses to choose from, you can now strike dynamic and awe-inspiring poses with Lara Croft. Whether she’s hanging perilously from a cliff or crouching stealthily in the shadows, the possibilities are endless. It’s like having your very own paparazzi moment with the iconic tomb raider. Say cheese and showcase your adventurous spirit!

❄️ リアルな雪片に包まれる

Picture yourself traversing through the breathtaking landscapes of Tomb Raider, from snow-covered peaks to icy caverns. With the Epic Games Store version, you can expect more realistic snowflakes cascading down, enhancing your immersive experience. It’s as if you’re actually feeling the cool breeze against your face and hearing the crunch of snow beneath your boots. You’ll be transported to a winter wonderland within the comfort of your gaming den. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

🏰 床から天井まで:ギリシャのレベルが進化する

The Epic Games Store version brings a fresh perspective to the Greece levels by adding ceilings with light holes. Explore ancient ruins, and peer through these intricately designed openings, allowing beams of light to illuminate your path. It’s like stepping into a time capsule where history unfolds before your very eyes. You’ll feel like an archaeologist unraveling the secrets of the past, and who wouldn’t want to experience that?

🔮 スカイボックスのシャッフル

Prepare to be mesmerized by a different skybox in the Colosseum level. Instead of the usual atmosphere, the Epic Games Store version transports you to a sky that’s just a tad more captivating. It’s like being granted a VIP pass to witness a celestial event, right in the heart of ancient Rome. As you battle your way through the Colosseum, you can gaze upon a sky that ignites your imagination, making you feel part of a grand adventure.

🎮 モダンなコントロール:ゲームをステップアップ

Who doesn’t appreciate a stable and responsive camera while maneuvering through intense gameplay? Well, according to Small Medipack, the Epic Games Store version offers “slightly better” modern controls compared to other platforms. The camera is more stable and responsive, giving you greater control over Lara’s movements. It’s like upgrading from a rusty old bike to a sleek, high-speed motorcycle. You’ll feel like a pro, effortlessly navigating through treacherous terrain and outsmarting your adversaries.

⚠️ 夜霧のトラブル:破れた実績

While the Epic Games Store version shines in many aspects, the achievement system seems to have hit a roadblock. Some players have reported that achievements are broken in this version. But fear not, fellow gamers! We trust that the developers are already on the case, working hard to fix this issue. Soon, you’ll be able to proudly display your accomplishments without any hiccups.


🤔 他に何かありますか?

Epic Games Store版と他のプラットフォームとの違いについて詳しく知りたいですか?以下の違いの完全なスレッドをチェックして、このリマスター版で待っている追加の調整や強化機能を発見してください。

Eurogamerは、Tomb Raider 1-3 Remasteredの開発元であるAspyrに、これらの違いに関する詳細を求めました。彼らの公式の認識を熱望しつつ、その返事を楽しみにしています。

🔗 違いのスレッド

🎬 近日公開:Tomb Raiderの番組と映画

スリリングなTomb Raiderの世界自体が十分にエキサイティングでないとしても、さらなる冒険に身を任せてください。これらのリマスターされたゲームに加えて、AmazonとNetflixそれぞれでTomb Raiderの番組が2つ進行中です。Lara Croftの新しい形式での冒険を見るため、期待が高まっています。さらに、Amazonが制作するTomb Raider映画の映画化が噂されています。今まで以上にTomb Raiderの世界に没頭する準備をしてください!

🔍 関連リンク: – EurogamerのTomb Raider 1-3 Remastered レビューAmazonでのTomb Raider番組NetflixでのTomb Raider番組

Epic Games StoreでのTomb Raider 1-3 Remasteredの世界に深く没頭していただけたら幸いです。お気に入りの瞬間、発見、および考えをソーシャルメディアで共有してください。一緒にLara Croftの不朽の遺産を祝いましょう!

🌐 画像の出典: YouTube – Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered レビューチャット(IanとAoifeと)
