ディズニー・ドリームライトバレー:空のビンの作り方 (Disney Dreamlight Valley Kara no bin no tsukurikata)




ディズニー ドリームライトバレー:大型スクラップメタルの入手方法


ディズニー ドリームライトバレー:ティンカリングパーツの入手方法 In this guide, we will show you the best ways to get Tinkering Parts in Disney Dreamlight Valley. These parts are essential for creating all sorts of magical gadgets and gizmos. So, let’s get tinkering! 1. Exploring the Enchanted Forest The Enchanted Forest is full of hidden treasures and secrets, including Tinkering Parts. Make sure to thoroughly explore every nook and cranny, as you never know where these precious parts might be hiding. Keep an eye out for sparkling bushes and glowing mushrooms – they often contain Tinkering Parts! 2. Completing Quests Helping out the various characters in Disney Dreamlight Valley can earn you Tinkering Parts as rewards. Talk to the villagers and see if they have any tasks for you. Whether it’s finding lost items or defeating mischievous creatures, completing quests is a fantastic way to stock up on those much-needed parts. 3. Participating in Events Disney Dreamlight Valley regularly hosts special events that offer unique rewards, including Tinkering Parts. Keep an eye out for event announcements and make sure to participate. These events often involve fun mini-games or challenges that will put your skills to the test. And the best part? You’ll be rewarded with Tinkering Parts for your efforts! 4. Trading with Friends If you have friends who also play Disney Dreamlight Valley, consider trading Tinkering Parts with them. Maybe they have extra parts they don’t need, and you can offer something in return. Trading not only helps you get the parts you need but also strengthens your friendship bonds. It’s a win-win situation! So, there you have it – the best ways to get Tinkering Parts in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Get ready to embark on a magical adventure and start collecting those essential parts. Happy tinkering!

「Tinkering Parts(ティンカリングパーツ)は、ディズニー・ドリームライトバレーでさまざまなアイテムを作るのに便利な素材...

ディズニー・ドリームライトバレー:リンゴの入手方法 In this game guide, we will show you how to get apples in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, these tips will help you collect those juicy fruits in no time. So put on your virtual gardening gloves and let’s get started! Step 1 Planting the Seed To get apples, you’ll need to plant apple tree seeds. You can purchase these seeds from the in-game store using your hard-earned coins. Once you have the seeds, head over to your garden and find a suitable spot to plant them. Make sure the soil is fertile and well-watered for optimal growth. Step 2 Nurture and Care Now that you’ve planted the seeds, it’s time to take care of your apple trees. Water them regularly and make sure they get enough sunlight. Don’t forget to remove any pesky weeds that might hinder their growth. Remember, a happy tree produces the tastiest apples! Step 3 Patience is a Virtue Growing apple trees takes time, so be patient. It might take a few in-game days for your trees to bear fruit. While you wait, make sure to check on them and provide the necessary care. Soon enough, you’ll see those beautiful apples hanging from the branches. Step 4 Harvest Time! Once your apple trees have matured and the fruits have ripened, it’s time to harvest them. Simply click on the tree and collect the apples. Make sure to gather them before they fall to the ground and get spoiled. The more apples you collect, the more rewards you’ll earn. Step 5 Repeat and Expand Now that you know how to get apples, don’t stop at just one tree. Expand your orchard and plant more apple trees. This will increase your chances of getting a bountiful harvest and earning even more rewards. Keep growing and enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor! So there you have it, a guide on how to get apples in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Follow these steps and soon you’ll have a thriving apple orchard in the game. Happy harvesting and enjoy the sweet taste of success!


ディズニー・ドリームライトバレー:トウモロコシの入手方法 (Disunī dorīmuraitobarē Tōmorokoshi no nyūshu hōhō)


「ディズニー・ドリームライトバレー:行方不明の王子 ウォークスルー」

この便利なガイドは、プレイヤーがディズニー・ドリームライト・バレーの「The Missing Prince」クエストを完了するのを助けます

