『Honkai Star Rail』プレイヤー、刃のアニメーションに不気味なディテールを発見

最近、Honkai Star RailにBladeという5つ星キャラクターが追加されましたが、ファンの一人が彼のアニメーションの中の気味悪...

「ホンカイ スターレール – 神器の鍛造方法」 In this game guide, we will show you the steps to forge the divine weapon in Honkai Star Rail. Let’s dive right in! Step 1 Gather the required materials First things first, you need to collect all the necessary materials to forge the divine weapon. This includes rare ores, mystical crystals, and the tears of your fallen enemies. Don’t worry, the tears won’t be too hard to come by once you start dominating the battlefield. Step 2 Find the legendary blacksmith Once you have all the materials, it’s time to find the legendary blacksmith who can turn them into a divine weapon. Legend has it that he resides deep within the forbidden forest, guarded by fearsome creatures. But hey, what’s an adventure without a little danger, right? Step 3 Convince the blacksmith with your skills When you finally meet the legendary blacksmith, he won’t simply hand over the divine weapon to you. Oh no, you’ll have to prove your worth first. Prepare yourself for a series of challenging tasks and battles. Show the blacksmith that you’re not just another wannabe hero, but a true warrior worthy of wielding the divine power. Step 4 Witness the forging process Assuming you pass the blacksmith’s tests, you’ll be treated to a spectacle like no other – the forging process. Watch in awe as the blacksmith hammers away at the materials, channeling ancient magic into every strike. The divine weapon will gradually take shape before your eyes, becoming a symbol of your perseverance and strength. Step 5 Claim your divine weapon After what feels like an eternity, your divine weapon will be complete. It will radiate with power and emit a faint glow, as if acknowledging your unwavering determination. Take a moment to savor this achievement, for you now possess a weapon that can turn the tide of any battle. And there you have it, a step-by-step guide on how to forge the divine weapon in Honkai Star Rail. Good luck on your journey, and may the gods of gaming be with you!


『ホンカイ:スターレール – アンボクシング評価アチーブメントガイド』



「Honkai Star Rail」の最新の1.3アップデートで「新しい」キャラクターが登場し、将来の5つ星引きに興味深い可能性を示して...

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「崩壊3rd スターレールリークにより、1.3バージョンで新たなエリアが明らかにされる!」
