


Kraftonは、Subnautica 2がダイナミックなライブサービスゲームとして発表され、マルチプレイヤーを重視した強力なゲームプレ...





「海の底にダイブ:潜水艦ゲームの世界を探検する 🌊🚢」




オープンワールドゲームにおける素晴らしい水中探検の世界 🌊🕹️




「サブノーティカ:マグネタイトの見つけ方」 In this game guide, we will explore the mysterious depths of Subnautica and uncover the secrets of finding Magnetite. Get ready to dive into the ocean and embark on an adventure like no other! So grab your wetsuit and let’s get started! Step 1 The Grand Reef One of the best places to find Magnetite is in the Grand Reef biome. This biome is located in the northern part of the map and can be accessed by diving deep into the ocean. Keep an eye out for large rock formations with greenish-blue crystals on them. These crystals contain Magnetite, so make sure to gather as much as you can! Step 2 The Lost River Another great location to find Magnetite is in the Lost River biome. This biome is a deep underground river system that can be accessed through various entrances scattered around the map. Once inside, look for large deposits of Magnetite embedded in the walls. You can use your trusty Prawn Suit or Cyclops to mine these deposits and collect the precious resource. Step 3 Jellyshroom Caves The Jellyshroom Caves are another fantastic spot to find Magnetite. This biome is located in the western part of the map and can be accessed by diving into a cave system. Once inside, keep an eye out for glowing mushrooms and rock formations. Magnetite can be found in the rocks, so be sure to bring your scanner and collect as much as you can carry! Step 4 Thermal Vents If you’re feeling adventurous, head to the Thermal Vents. These geothermal areas are scattered throughout the map and can be a bit dangerous, so make sure to bring some heat-resistant gear. Look for black, chimney-like structures emitting steam. Magnetite can be found near these vents, so be careful not to get too close to the scorching hot water! And that’s it! With these tips, you’ll be able to find Magnetite and use it to craft powerful equipment and upgrades in Subnautica. So dive in, explore the depths, and let the Magnetite guide your way! Happy hunting, fellow adventurers!
