
「ここには、『The Sims 4』で楽しく競争力のある、そして高収入を得るためのビデオゲームスキルの習得ガイドがあります」

「ザ・シムズ4:誕生日ケーキの入手方法」 ザ・シムズ4で誕生日ケーキを手に入れる方法についてのご紹介です





このガイドでは、プレイヤーがThe Sims 4で自分の家をアップグレードするための簡単な方法を紹介していますそれは、住宅のス...




「特定のシムがストーリーに関係なくなった感じがしますか? 古いキャラクターを完全に排除して新しいキャラクターのスペース...


「The Sims 4の写真撮影スキルガイドは、この素晴らしい分野で優れた技術を身につけたいプレイヤーにとって便利なものになる...

『ザ・シムズ4 コメディスキルガイド』


『ザ・シムズ4:一人称でのプレイ方法』 In this guide, we will show you how to experience The Sims 4 in a whole new way – in first person! Get ready to see the world through the eyes of your Sims and immerse yourself in their daily lives like never before. Step 1 Enable First Person Mode To start playing in first person, you’ll need to enable the mode in the game settings. Go to Options > Game Options > Camera > First Person, and click on the checkbox to turn it on. Easy, right? Step 2 Switch to First Person View Once you’ve enabled first person mode, it’s time to switch to the perspective of your Sim. Simply click on the camera icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, or press the V key on your keyboard. Voila! You’re now seeing the world through your Sim’s eyes. Step 3 Explore and Interact Now that you’re in first person view, it’s time to explore and interact with the world around you. You can move around using the WASD keys or the arrow keys, and look around by moving your mouse. Want to interact with objects or other Sims? Just click on them, and a menu of available actions will pop up. Step 4 Get Up Close and Personal With first person mode, you can get up close and personal with your Sims like never before. Want to give them a hug? Move right up to them and click on the interaction. Want to see what they’re cooking for dinner? Stand behind them and take a peek. The possibilities are endless! Step 5 Enjoy the Experience Playing The Sims 4 in first person can be a whole new experience, bringing you closer to your Sims and their world. Whether you’re exploring their homes, going on dates, or simply enjoying a lazy day at the park, the first person mode adds a new layer of immersion to the game. So go ahead, give it a try, and have fun! Note First person mode is only available in live mode and cannot be used in build mode or Create-a-Sim. Also, keep in mind that some interactions and animations may look a little wonky in first person, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right?

「The Sims 4」では、ファーストパーソンモードが導入されましたプレイヤーはこのモードをアクティベートする方法を以下にご...