


Welcome back, fellow adventurers! Today, we embark on yet another thrilling quest in the whimsical world of Unicorn Overlord. As you venture through the game, you’ll discover that Bastorias, the fourth region you explore, holds secrets and treasures waiting to be uncovered. So, grab your potions and ready your weapons, because we’re about to walk you through the famed Carved of Stone quest in all its glory!

📜 薄れゆく日記とトリッキーリドル

Alright, first things first, let’s track down the elusive Faded Journal 2. Before you can do this, you’ll need to complete the riveting “A Fleeting Dream” quest, which serves as the final main quest in Bastorias. Once you have triumphed over its challenges, make your way to Devolpis Harbor. From there, head south until you stumble upon a set of ruins – these ancient remnants hold the much sought-after journal.

Inside the journal, you’ll come across an intriguing riddle. And this time, hold on to your unicorn horns, because it’s a riddle within a riddle! 🧐🔍 Fear not, brave souls, for we are here to guide you through the enigma and unravel its mysteries.

🗺️ 獣を追え:ネズミ、ワシ、オオカミ、クマ



彫刻 位置
ネズミ ザガボナ港に向かい、「隠れた浜辺」まで船で行きます。この彫刻を取得する前に、「ザガボナの戦い」を終わらせ、港をデリバリータブを通じて修復して船を使えるようにしておいてください。
ワシ ゴラズマクタウンに向かい、南へ進んで砦を横切ります。海岸には壮大なワシの彫刻が待っています。
オオカミ オルニビッシュ港のちょうど北にオオカミの彫刻があります。見逃さないように! 🐺
クマ バストリーザの古代都市へ向かい、船に乗り込みます。これにより、別の隠れた浜辺に移動します。そこから南へ進み、クマの彫刻が待つ森林地帯に身を置いてください。この地域に到達できるのは、バストリーザを再建した後だけです。つまり、資源を集めて船出しましょう! 🚢

🏹 王家のご褒美:キングズボウ・バストリク

おめでとう、勇敢な冒険者たち! 🎉 正しい順番で4つの彫刻を成功裏にアクティブ化したことで、伝説のキングズボウ・バストリクが与えられます。この弓はあなたの通常の武器とは異なります。なんと、物理攻撃ステータスを次のレベルに引き上げます。それだけではありません、基本ステータスもすべて5ポイントアップさせるのです! 🏹💥


🙋‍♀️ 読者の質問と回答

Q: バストリアスにはその他にも探索する価値のあるクエストや隠れた宝物はありますか?


A: Certainly! Bastorias is a region brimming with adventure. Besides the Carved of Stone quest, you can delve into side quests like “Lost Relics: The Forgotten Amulet” or “The Mysterious Caverns of Bastorias.” These quests offer unique rewards and allow you to further immerse yourself in the captivating world of Unicorn Overlord. Keep exploring and discover the wonders that lie within!

Q: How can I rebuild Bastoritza to access the Bear Carving?

A: Rebuilding Bastoritza is crucial in your quest to reach the Bear Carving. You’ll need to complete various tasks like collecting resources, recruiting townspeople, and restoring key structures within the city. As you progress, you’ll notice the city regaining its former glory, and once it’s fully restored, you’ll be able to sail to the secluded shore and uncover the powerful Bear Carving. Don’t worry, it’ll be worth the effort!

Q: Is the Kingsbow Bastorik the strongest weapon in the game?

A: Ah, the Kingsbow Bastorik is indeed a remarkable weapon, boasting incredible stats and benefits. However, Unicorn Overlord still holds many secrets, and there might be even more extraordinary weapons awaiting your discovery. Keep exploring, honing your skills, and you might stumble upon an even mightier weapon that will make the Kingsbow pale in comparison! The thrill of the hunt is endless! 🔍🔥

🌟 References:

  • “Unicorn Overlord: Mastering the Art of Carved of Stone Quests” – Link
  • “Treasure-Hunting Tips for Bastorias Explorers” – Link
  • “Unicorn Overlord’s Legendary Weapons: A Guide to Power and Prestige” – Link
  • “Unlocking the Secrets of Bastoritza: Rebuilding Your Ticket to Adventure” – Link
  • “Unicorn Overlord’s Hidden Gems: Side Quests That Shouldn’t Be Missed” – Link

Remember, fellow adventurers, sharing is caring! If you found this guide helpful and entertaining, spread the joy on social media and tag your fellow Unicorn Overlord enthusiasts. Let’s unite as a community and bring the magic of gaming to all! ✨🎮

Disclaimer: All images used in this article are the property of Unicorn Overlord and are used for illustrative purposes only.
