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Unicorn Overlord Cornia Stone Quest Guide

Unicorn Overlord, the thrilling game that keeps you on your toes, has plenty of surprises up its sleeve. One of its most intriguing features is the hunt for hidden treasures scattered across the vast land of Fevrith. Among these treasures are the elusive Cornia Carvings, shrouded in mystery and guarded by mythical creatures. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the quest that will lead you to these intriguing carvings and the rewards that await you at the end of the road.

🗝️ Unlocking the Quest: Carved of Cornia Stone

To embark on this exciting quest, you first need to unlock the Carved of Cornia Stone storyline. Once you’ve met the prerequisites and unlocked the quest, the adventure truly begins. Are you ready to dive into the quest and uncover the hidden secrets of Cornia?

🌳 Exploring Cornia: The Land of Carvings

After obtaining the Faded Journal 3, you’ll be granted access to the quest that will take you on a journey across Cornia in search of the magical carvings. It’s important to note that these carvings must be visited in a specific order, so make sure you follow the sequence closely to avoid starting from scratch.

But before you set off on this grand adventure, you’ll need the assistance of a certain someone. Yahna, a skilled decipherer, holds the key to unraveling the significance of these ancient carvings. Make sure you’ve recruited her before embarking on this quest.

🗺️ Carving Locations: Unveiling the Enigma

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge and companionship needed, it’s time to venture to the four Cornia Carvings. Each carving holds its own allure and stands as a testament to the rich history of Fevrith. Here’s where you’ll find them:

1. Minotaur Carving

🌐 Location: To the southwest of Fort Epine Morceaux, nestled between the hills and the river. It’s a short distance from the capital city, requiring you to overcome the mountain range to the north. The carving awaits you in a serene forest, patiently guarding its secrets.

2. Mermaid Carving

🌐 Location: North of Fontille Harbor, perched on the coastal edge of Cornia. Take in the breathtaking views as you approach the carving and feel the mystique of the sea emanating from its delicate allure.

3. Gryphon Carving

🌐 Location: To the west of Lebouge Hamlet, right on the border between Cornia and Elheim. Traverse the southern region of Cornia and set foot near the beautiful hamlet. The carving, as majestic as the gryphon itself, stands as a beacon of adventure.

4. Unicorn Carving

🌐 Location: Just north of Lis de Prairie Village, nestled deep within the forest. Cross the eastern bridge and venture into the wonders of nature as you make your way towards the carving. The mystical presence of the unicorn lingers in the air, guiding you towards your ultimate reward.

🎁 The Grand Reward: Kingsblade Cornix

Completing the pilgrimage to all four carvings brings forth an extraordinary reward – the Kingsblade Cornix! This legendary sword may not possess any flashy special skills, but its sheer power lies in its ability to boost every stat by an unbelievable five points each. Sword-users will find this weapon to be an invaluable addition to their arsenal, especially Swordmasters who can take full advantage of its potential in their second weapon slots.

But that’s not all! Accompanying the Kingsblade Cornix are five Honors, 1,000G War Funds to fuel your conquests, and a generous amount of Renown to solidify your reputation as a formidable warrior.

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions


Q: カービングを任意の順番で訪れることはできますか?

A: カービングは指定された順序で訪れることが重要です – ミノタウロス、人魚、グリフォン、最後にユニコーンです。順番を間違えるとクエストの進行がリセットされ、新たに始める必要があります。

Q: Corniaに他に隠された宝物はありますか?

A: Corniaは探索を待ち望んでいる宝物の宝庫です。カービング以外にも、大陸中に散らばる神聖な破片や解放戦争に気をつけてください。これらの追加クエストやコレクタブルは、あなたのゲーム体験をさらに豊かにします。

Q: Kingsblade Cornixを他のキャラクタークラスでも使用できますか?

A: Kingsblade Cornixは剣士向けに設計されていますが、武器の要件を満たしている限り、どのキャラクタークラスでも装備可能です。さまざまなセットアップで実験し、その強力な力をユニークな方法で解放してください。

🌟 あなたの旅を共有しよう



🔗 参照リンク: – Unicorn Overlord – 公式ウェブサイト剣士を制する: 剣士のための必須のヒントFevrithの謎を解く: 神聖な破片とその重要性解放戦争: Fevrith大陸の結束Yahnaの秘密: ユニコーンオーバーロードにおける解読者の力を明らかにする
