


Which is better to visit first Drakenhold or Elheim?

Welcome, brave adventurers, to the mythical land of Fevrith! 🌍 As you embark on your journey through the open world game known as Unicorn Overlord, you will soon reach a crossroads – the choice between two magnificent countries: Drakenhold and Elheim. But fear not, for I am here to guide you in making the best decision possible! 🗡️✨

🇩🇰 Drakenhold: A Fortress of Fire and Fury

Standing near a carving in Drakenhold in Unicorn Overlord

To enter the mighty walls of Drakenhold, you must first conquer The Battle for Mier – a Liberation Quest with an Enemy Level of nine. Consider this your natural choice for linear progression. 🏰🔥

Here in Drakenhold, you shall find a plethora of unique characters awaiting your command. The likes of Virginia and Leah will join your cause immediately after The Battle for Mier, followed by the formidable Berengaria and the crafty Aramis. These top-tier recruits will prove invaluable in the battles that lie ahead. 💪💥

🍃 Elheim: The Enchanted Forest of Trials

While Elheim may be intended as the third region you visit, it is not without its charms. However, tread carefully, fellow warriors, for the challenges here are not for the faint of heart! 🌲🏹

The Resistance Lives On is your gateway to this mythical realm, but be warned – its Enemy Level is a daunting fifteen. 😱 Fear not, for this particular battle will equip you with a treasure trove of siege weapons, allowing you to effortlessly decimate your foes and bridge the level gap with lightning speed. 🚀⚔️

The beauty of Elheim lies in its elven inhabitants who excel in providing support to your beefed-up units. However, to fully unlock their potential, you’ll need to reach Renown Rank B, which may take a while if you venture straight from The Princess, Abducted. For this reason, we recommend retreating from Elheim’s treacherous path and facing the challenges of Drakenhold first. 🧝‍♀️🌳

📜 Choose Your Path: Drakenhold or Elheim?

To summarize our recommendations, dear adventurers, it is best to briefly explore Elheim by completing The Resistance Lives On. This will grant you a significant level boost that will greatly aid you in your journey through Drakenhold. 📝💪

The units you recruit in Drakenhold are exceptionally powerful and will serve as the sturdy backbone of your army. Once you have conquered their quests, you will find yourself at level 18 or higher, ready to make Elheim a mere cakewalk upon your return. 🍰😎

🤔 Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered! 💬

Q: Can I switch between Drakenhold and Elheim? A: Absolutely! 🔄 You are not bound to complete all quests in one country before exploring the other. Feel free to journey back and forth as you please!

Q: Are there other countries in Fevrith? A: Indeed! Fevrith is a vast continent consisting of five countries: Cornia, Drakenhold, Elheim, Bastorias, and Albion. Each offers its own unique challenges and rewards.

Q: Which country has the most interesting storyline? A: The beauty of Unicorn Overlord lies in its rich storytelling. Each country has a captivating narrative, ensuring that no matter which path you choose, you’ll be entertained from start to finish.

Q: Can I continue playing in Drakenhold after completing Elheim? A: Of course! Once you have conquered Elheim, you can freely return to Drakenhold and explore its quests to your heart’s content. The adventure never truly ends! 🌟


📚 詳しい読書


  1. ユニコーンオーバーロード 公式ウェブサイト
  2. フェブリス入門ガイド
  3. ドレイクンホールドのマスタリング:戦略と戦術
  4. エルハイムの秘密:魔法の森の秘密
  5. ユニコーンオーバーロードでのトップティアユニットの獲得

📣 冒険を共有しよう!

さあ、仲間の冒険者よ、この貴重な知識を武器に、ドレイクンホールドとエルハイムの領域を征服せよ!あなたの勝利、発見、そして笑える災難を、SNSで友達と #ユニコーンオーバーロード のハッシュタグを使って共有しよう。あなたの剣が鋭く、戦利品が豊かでありますように! 🦄✨

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