🎮 レイナティス:魔法が宿る世界が待っています!🧙‍♂️



Upcoming RPG, Reynatis, blending elements from Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Legend of Mana, set for Western release.

Publisher NIS America has officially announced the western release of the action-RPG Reynatis. Get ready to dive into a magical adventure that will transport you to a contemporary Shibuya like never before. Summon your excitement because this game is a blend of Kingdom Hearts meets The World Ends With You, with a sprinkle of Final Fantasy Versus 13 and Kingdom Hearts 3’s game-within-a-game Verum Rex.

🌟 Developers and Influential Figures

When it comes to Reynatis, it’s no surprise that it’s packed with amazing talents. The game is being developed by none other than FuRyu Corporation, the studio behind various beloved titles. One of the standout names attached to the project is none other than the Kazushige Nojima, the renowned writer of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, who will be responsible for crafting the narrative of Reynatis. If that’s not enough, brace yourself for an extraordinary musical journey, as the legendary Yoko Shimomura has composed the soundtrack. Shimomura’s previous works include the iconic music from Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario RPG, and the Mana series. Contributing to the creative direction is Takumi Isobe, who successfully led the development of 2022’s Trinity Trigger, another FuRyu project.

🧙‍♀️ Two Protagonists, One Fascinating Tale

Reynatis will introduce players to two captivating protagonists. First up, we have Marin Kirizumi, a wizard who finds himself in a position where he must conceal his magical abilities. On the other hand, we have Sari Nishijima, an officer who aims to utilize her magic in order to maintain control over other magic users. Set in an alternate version of Shibuya in the year 2024, where a Criminal Magic Response Act has prohibited citizens from venturing out at night, Reynatis promises to “painstakingly” recreate real-life Shibuya, including its famous landmarks. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world filled with magic, mystery, and the struggle for acceptance.

📅 Release Date and Availability

According to the Reynatis official website, the game is expected to be released this autumn, so mark your calendars! The announcement of Reynatis follows a similar pattern to last year’s Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo, which was initially revealed during a Japan-exclusive Nintendo Direct before becoming available worldwide. And let me tell you, Paranormasight turned out to be an absolute gem, delighting players with its haunting ghost story. In our Paranormasight review, our very own Donlan described it as “a ghost story that’s genuinely haunted by the player on the other side of the screen.”

Reynatis - Announcement Trailer for PlayStation Image Source: Reynatis – Announcement Trailer for PlayStation

🎉 So, What’s Next? Q&A Time! 🤔

1. Will Reynatis be available on platforms other than Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5? As of now, the confirmed platforms for Reynatis are Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. There have been no official announcements regarding releases on other platforms. However, keep an eye out for updates from NIS America.


2. Reynatis にマルチプレイヤー機能が期待できるでしょうか? これまでの情報から、Reynatis は主にシングルプレイヤーのアクションRPG体験に焦点を当てています。魅力的な物語と没入感のある世界に重点を置いており、これによりソロ冒険がさらにスリリングになります。

3. Reynatis のDLCや拡張に関する情報はありますか? DLCや拡張について特に言及されていませんが、ゲームがローンチ後にコンテンツを追加することは珍しくありません。リリース日に近づくにつれて、将来のアップデートや追加コンテンツに関する情報がさらに明らかになるでしょう。最新情報をお楽しみに!

🌐 ゲーミングユニバースの深層にダイブ


  1. NIS America 公式ウェブサイト
  2. Nintendo Direct パートナーショーケース
  3. Reynatis 公式ウェブサイト
  4. キングダムハーツ 公式ウェブサイト
  5. ファイナルファンタジー 公式ウェブサイト
  6. FuRyu Corporation 公式ウェブサイト
  7. 樋口真嗣の作品とディスコグラフィ

🎮 世界と魔法を共有しよう! 🌍

Reynatis は魅力的な冒険になりつつあり、その魔法に満ちたリリースを心待ちにしています。友達や仲間のゲーマーとこの記事を共有してディスカッションに参加しましょう! キングダムハーツの雰囲気、舞台裏の才能、そして2024年の代替渋谷をのぞかせる魅力的な要素について彼らに知らせてください。ワクワク感を自分だけで楽しまずに、情報を広めてハイプを活性化させましょう!

