


Sifu Easy Mode: The Path to Progress Made Painless 🎮

Are you tired of repeatedly banging your head against the wall in Sifu, struggling to reach the later levels or besting those pesky boss fights? Fear not! The latest update has introduced Sifu Easy Mode, offering a much-needed reprieve for players in need of a breather. Now, you can adjust the combat difficulty to match your own fighting abilities. Whether you’re looking to tone down the challenge or crank it up to the max, here’s everything you need to know about Sifu Easy Mode and its various difficulty levels.

But wait, before you dive into the article, make sure to check out our 12 essential Sifu tips 📜 and Sifu skills pointers 💪 for some helpful advice on mastering your kung fu.

How to Activate Sifu Easy Mode 👈

Sifu difficulty options (Image credit: Sloclap)

Activating Sifu Easy Mode is a breeze. You can adjust the difficulty when starting a new game or through the Options menu. However, there is a catch—lowering the difficulty during a game in progress is only possible when you’re back at the Wuguan between levels. If you want to increase the challenge, though, you’ll need to start a brand-new game. Simple, right?

In Sifu Easy Mode, also known as the “Student” difficulty, you’ll face less aggressive enemies with lower health. They’ll come at you with basic combos, while you, my friend, will have greater health and age slower when you meet your demise. For those seeking a classic Sifu experience, the “Disciple” difficulty awaits you. And for the brave and bold, ready to take on an even tougher challenge, “Master” difficulty is the way to go. Here, enemies will exhibit a higher level of aggression, and bosses will possess new attack patterns to keep you on your toes. Good luck, warrior!

Can You Make Sifu Even Easier? 💡

Sifu (Image credit: Sloclap)

Still itching for more ways to make Sifu easier? Well, lucky for you, we’ve got a couple of tricks up our sleeves! While these won’t make combat a walk in the park, they’ll certainly give you an edge.

Let’s talk about the Sifu age system and autosaves. After finishing an encounter, keep an eye out for the three swirling dots in the bottom right corner of your screen. Those little rascals indicate that the game is autosaving. So, if you decide to quit the game, you’ll return to that exact location when you resume—until you reach the next checkpoint marked by the same indicator. Here’s the kicker: the game also keeps track of any deaths and age advancements that occur after the autosave point. This means that if you die a few too many times and then quit, you’ll still return to that location, except you’ll be older than Gandalf the Grey.

But worry not, my friend, for I present to you two methods to exploit this age conundrum and keep your youthful vigor intact. The first method involves performing a swift pause and quitting the game when defeat is imminent. By doing so, you’ll be able to restart the encounter at your original age—just make sure to pause and quit before you actually bite the dust, or else it’s game over for your save.

Now, onto the second method. This one requires you to exit the game entirely at a strategic point, such as midway through a level or right before a boss fight. Once you’ve done that, make a manual backup of your save file. Return to the game and venture forth into the dangerous realm once more. If your enemies best you time and time again in the subsequent section, don’t fret! Simply quit the game, copy your previous save file back in, and give it another go from the original resume point with your youthful energy replenished. On PlayStation 4, feel free to use a USB drive or the PS+ cloud for this trick. However, remember that on PlayStation 5, the PS+ cloud is your only option, so an active subscription is a must.

And that’s a wrap! Now you’re armed with the knowledge to excel in Sifu Easy Mode and make your way through the game with relative ease. May your kung fu skills reach new heights and your enemies cower in fear!



🌟 追加Q&Aコンテンツ:

Q: Sifu Easy Modeをクリアすると報酬はありますか? A: Sifu Easy Modeでは特別な報酬はありませんが、プレイヤーがゲームの物語や世界を体験するためのよりアクセスしやすい経路を提供します。真の報酬は、課題に打ち勝ちカンフーの達人になるという満足感にあります!

Q: Sifu Easy Modeで難易度を切り替えることはできますか? A: 残念ながら、Sifu Easy Mode内で難易度を切り替えることはできません。最初の難易度を選択すると、それを変更するには新しいゲームを始める必要があります。だから賢く選んでください、草hopper。

Q: Sifu Easy Modeでプレイすると進行状況や実績に影響しますか? A: Sifu Easy Modeでプレイしても進行状況に影響を与えたり、実績の解除を妨げたりはしません。これは、全体的な進行に罰則を与えることなく、異なるゲームプレイ体験を提供するために設計された別のモードです。

Q: 難易度レベル間に物語やコンテンツの違いはありますか? A: 難易度レベルを選択した場合でも、Sifuのメインストーリーと全体的なコンテンツは同じです。違いは、戦闘メカニクス、敵の振る舞い、ボス戦のパターンにあり、好みに合わせてさまざまな挑戦度を提供します。

Q: Sifuにはマスター以上の難易度レベルがありますか? A: 現時点では、マスター難易度レベルがSifuで利用可能な最高のチャレンジです。あなたのスキルをテストし、本当に要求の厳しい経験を提供するように特別に設計されています。激しい戦いに備えてください!

🔗 関連リンク:1. Sifuのヒント 2. Sifuスキルの最初の解除 3. Sifu年齢システム

💬 ねえ、 fellow gamers!Sifu Easy Modeを試したことはありますか?それがどのようにゲーム体験を変えたかを共有してください! 以下のコメントであなたの考えを共有してください!そして、この記事について口コミを広めるのを忘れないでください。 ハッシュタグ#SifuEasyModeを付けて、ソーシャルメディアで仲間のゲーマーと関わりましょう。ゲームをより楽しくするためにみんなで参加しましょう! 🎮✨