


Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 Weapon Bunker Locations

Are you ready to gear up and dominate the battlefield in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, Myths & Mortals? Look no further! The new update has replaced the Underground’s weapon stashes with exciting Weapons Bunkers scattered around the island. If you can find them, you’ll be rewarded with powerful gear to help you secure that Victory Royale! In this guide, we’ll reveal all the Weapons Bunker locations and share tips on how to access them. So grab your pickaxe and let’s go!

⚔️ All Fortnite Weapons Bunker locations 📍

Weapons Bunker Locations

Picture this: there are nine Weapons Bunkers arranged in a mysterious ring shape, with Restored Reels at the center. Each one is strategically positioned near named locations, namely Rebel’s Roost, Lavish Lair, Classy Courts, Reckless Railways, Mount Olympus, Fencing Fields, Pleasant Piazza, Grim Gate, and The Underworld. It’s like they’re taunting you, daring you to find them!

Now, don’t expect these Bunkers to be hidden deep underground or camouflaged in secret passages. No, sir! These bad boys sit proudly on small concrete slabs, almost like tiny fortresses. And just to make things interesting, there might be some boxes lying around, adding a touch of mystery and anticipation.

🚪 The Break-In: How do Weapons Bunkers work? 🔓

But hold on! Before you rush in, swinging your pickaxe like a crazed lumberjack, there’s one crucial thing you need to know. The Weapons Bunkers are initially inaccessible and chained up, like a heavily guarded treasure vault. It’s not until the third storm circle closes in that the doors finally burst open, granting you access to the glorious loot inside.

Player entering a Weapons Vault

Once you penetrate the fortress-like doors, you’ll discover an arsenal of weapons to choose from and, if you’re lucky, at least one precious chest waiting to be cracked open. But that’s not all! Epic Games is feeling generous this season, so keep an eye out for stacks of gold bars scattered inside the Bunkers. Whack ’em with your pickaxe, and those shiny nuggets are yours!

📍 Weapons Bunker Locations: Unveiling the Secrets 🔍

Now that you’re armed with knowledge about the inner workings of Weapons Bunkers, it’s time to uncover their precise locations. Follow the guide below, and you’ll be the first one at the treasure troves:

1. Rebel’s Roost Weapons Bunker location 🦟

Rebel’s Roost Weapons Bunker Image: Epic Games via GameTopic

Venture northwest to Rebel’s Roost, and you’ll find the Weapons Bunker patiently waiting for you. It’s south of Rebel’s Roost and west of Lavish Lair, right along the road near a gas station. Keep your eyes peeled!

2. Lavish Lair Weapons Bunker location 💎

Lavish Lair Weapons Bunker Image: Epic Games via GameTopic

For a taste of luxury, head directly east from Lavish Lair, cross the river, and climb the hill. Voila! You’ve reached the Lavish Lair Weapons Bunker, nestled on top, awaiting your arrival.

3. Classy Courts Weapons Bunker location 👑


Classy Courts Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

エレガントな雰囲気を楽しみたいなら、Classy Courtsの南へ進むと良い。鉄道の線路沿いに見張り台を探してみてください ─ そこからちょっと東へ進むとClassy Courts Weapons Bunker があります。まさにクラスの高い場所ですね!

4. Reckless Railways Weapons Bunker の位置 🚂

Reckless Railways Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

乗車完了!Reckless Railways の南方向の線路に沿って進んでください。初めての橋に到着したら、一番上へと上がるとそこにあります ─ Reckless Railways Weapons Bunker、あなたの到着を静かに待っています。

5. Mount Olympus Weapons Bunker の位置 ⛰️

Mount Olympus Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

西に向かい、Mount Olympusへと続くメインロードに従ってください。進んでいくと、Mount Olympus Weapons Bunker にたどり着き、神聖なる戦利品の扉が開かれるでしょう。

6. Fencing Fields Weapons Bunker の位置 🌾

Fencing Fields Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

Fencing Fieldsの南にある風車へと向かってください。その前に立つと、そこに待つFencing Fields Weapons Bunker があなたの勝利へと装備します。

7. Pleasant Piazza Weapons Bunker の位置 🏰

Pleasant Piazza Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

この財宝を発見するためには、Pleasant Piazzaの南西側にある道を横切ってください。忍び寄る敵に気をつけながら、Pleasant Piazza Weapons Bunker の非公開特別な場所へと近づいていきましょう。

8. Grim Gate Weapons Bunker の位置 ☠️

Grim Gate Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

二本の橋がGrim Gateの入り口を守っています。西側の橋へと進んでください、そこにはGrim Gate Weapons Bunker が待っています。戦いに備えて戦利品を手に入れてください!

9. The Underworld Weapons Bunker の位置 😈

The Underworld Weapons Bunker 画像:Epic Games via GameTopic

ワイルドな世界へと足を踏み入れる準備ができましたか?The Undergroundのメイン入り口から南西に進んでください。もう少し進むと、最後の財宝 ─ The Underworld の壮大なWeapons Bunker が発見されるでしょう。

❓ よくある質問

Q: Weapons Bunkers は簡単に見つけられますか?

A: 地中深くに隠されてはいませんが、少しの探究心が必要です。優れた地図と洞察力があれば、探し出すのに役立つでしょう。

Q: 第3の嵐の円が現れる前にWeapons Bunkers に入ることはできますか?


A: Unfortunately, no. The Bunkers remain chained and inaccessible until the third storm circle starts closing in. So keep an eye on the storm and plan your assault accordingly.

Q: Can other players enter the Weapons Bunker while I’m inside?

A: Yes, they can. Be cautious and alert, as you never know who might be lurking in the shadows, ready to ambush you when you least expect it.

Q: Is there a specific order I should visit the Weapons Bunkers in?

A: Not necessarily! Feel free to visit them in any order you like. Each Bunker offers unique loot, so let your instincts guide you.

🌟 壮大な戦利品を共有し、島を制覇しよう! 📸



  1. Fortnite Season 2 Chapter 5: Top 5 Tips for Surviving the Storm
  2. Unlocking the Mysteries of Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2
  3. Epic Games 公式ウェブサイト
  4. フォートナイト サブレディット
  5. フォートナイトインサイダー – Breaking News & Updates
