


World of Warcraft で炎のハーストストリートとコンパスローズのマウントを解除しよう!

World of Warcraft のハースストーンイベントに集まったプレイヤーたち。

Blizzard Entertainment は常にコラボレーションの達人であり、ハースストーンが10周年を迎える中、World of Warcraft のプレイヤーたちもアクションに参加できます。この期間限定のイベントでは、World of Warcraft のプレイヤーがハーストストーンのユニークなバージョンを体験できます。しかし、それだけではありません!ハースストーンのバトルに参加するだけでなく、コンパスローズのような独占的なマウントを手に入れることができる特別なポータルイベントもあります。Fiery Hearthsteed のような素晴らしい報酬も手に入ります。このガイドでは、このエキサイティングなイベントについてすべてを紹介します。




  • コンパスローズ
  • サージ
  • Collector’s Carryall(36スロットのバッグ)
  • ハースストーンエフェクト:ハースの石
  • 酒場のタバード
  • タバーナーのベルト
  • レノのラッキーハット
  • ハースストーンワイルドカード
  • ランダムなハースストーンカード





World of Warcraft のオーグリマーにおいてハースストーンイベントの位置を示す地図。



World of Warcraft のストームウィンドにおいてハースストーンイベントの位置を示す地図。



World of Warcraft のヴァルドラッケンにおいてハースストーンイベントの位置を示す地図。


Valdrakken, located below the Seat of Aspects and beside the Emerald Enclave, is home to an extraordinary Hearthstone event. It may require a bit of flying to reach the platform, but trust us, it’s a journey worth taking. This city boasts the largest player base, as it is the central hub for the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion.

The Fiery Hearthsteed: A Mount Brimming with Flames

The Hearthstone Login screen with a cake icon that players see to get the Fiery Hearthsteed in World of Warcraft.

The Fiery Heartsteed, a flaming variant of the original Hearthsteed mount, is an absolute must-have. So, how do you get your hands on this scorching steed? It’s simpler than you might think!

To acquire the Hearthsteed, all you need to do is log into Hearthstone. If you’re a new player, ensure you complete the tutorial section to unlock this fiery beauty.

Once in Hearthstone’s main menu, exit the game and return to World of Warcraft. Open your mount journal by pressing Shift + P and keep an eye out for an unwrapped present. It should be the first one on the list, marked as “New.” If, for some reason, you don’t see the present, try restarting World of Warcraft and giving it another shot. Upon my first attempt, both World of Warcraft and Hearthstone were running simultaneously, causing a minor delay in the mount’s appearance.

And fear not, dear adventurers, if you haven’t yet acquired the Hearthsteed, there’s still hope. Simply win at least three games in Hearthstone, and the fiery mount shall be yours to ride into battle.

🎁Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered!🔥

Q: Are the portal events available for both Horde and Alliance players? A: Absolutely! The portal events and all the incredible items within them are accessible to both Horde and Alliance players. So, rally your comrades and leap into the action!

Q: Can I use the Compass Rose mount in other areas of World of Warcraft? A: Indeed! The Compass Rose mount can be your loyal companion throughout the vast realms of Azeroth. Explore, conquer, and let the wind guide your path as you ride in style.

Q: Do I need to be an expert Hearthstone player to participate in the event? A: Not at all! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a curious newcomer, the Hearthstone event welcomes players of all skill levels. So, gather your cards and prepare for an unforgettable adventure!

Q: Are there any other rewards or surprises in store for players during this event? A: While the Compass Rose mount and the Fiery Hearthsteed steal the spotlight, there are numerous other rewards waiting to be discovered. Keep an eye out for unique items and surprises as you dive deeper into the event.

Q: Can I participate in the event if I don’t have the latest expansion of World of Warcraft? A: Absolutely! This limited-time event is accessible to all World of Warcraft players, regardless of the expansions they own. So, join the festivities and experience the thrill firsthand!

Final Thoughts: Share the Adventure!

The limited-time portal event in World of Warcraft is a remarkable opportunity for players to immerse themselves in the magic of Hearthstone and earn exclusive rewards. From battling iconic creatures to obtaining rare mounts like the Compass Rose, there’s something for everyone in this thrilling event.

Remember, patience and persistence are key when chasing your dream mount. Join forces with fellow adventurers, tread carefully through the portals, and let the excitement unfold. And don’t forget to log in to Hearthstone to claim your fiery Hearthsteed – a loyal companion ready to accompany you on countless adventures.

So, adventurers of Azeroth, share this article with your fellow players, and embark on an unforgettable journey together. The limited-time portal event awaits!


  1. World of Warcraft Official Website
  2. Hearthstone Official Website
  3. Blizzard Entertainment Official Facebook Page
  4. How To Get The Compass Rose Mount
  5. Hearthstone Event Locations For Orgrimmar, Stormwind, And Valdrakken
  6. How To Get The Fiery Hearthsteed
